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Institutional Holders of NNN

There is a long list of 496 institutional holders of NNN within the last two holding periods in our database of 13F filers, so we've sorted through to present to you just the top 50 institutional holders of NNN by largest to smallest position reported in the institutional investor's latest 13F filing. In the institutional-holders-of-NNN table below, the initial column indicates the name of each top institutional holder of NNN, with a link to that fund's top holdings. The next columns indicate the amount of NNN stock held by each of the institutional holders of NNN, followed by the NNN position size held by the institution, and finally the date of the quarterly 13F filing period the holdings data represents for that institution.

HolderAmountPosition Size
($ in 1000's)
 As of
Vanguard Group Inc.26,084,977$1,264,861 09/30/2024
     NNN26,084,977$1,264,861 09/30/2024
BlackRock Inc.21,776,671$1,055,951 09/30/2024
     NNN21,776,671$1,055,951 09/30/2024
BlackRock Inc.21,350,989$909,552 06/30/2024
     NNN21,350,989$909,552 06/30/2024
FMR LLC12,960,688$628,464 09/30/2024
     NNN12,960,688$628,464 09/30/2024
Victory Capital Management Inc.12,284,444$595,673 09/30/2024
     NNN12,284,444$595,673 09/30/2024
State Street Corp11,439,279$554,691 09/30/2024
     NNN11,439,279$554,691 09/30/2024
Principal Financial Group Inc.6,229,081$302,047 09/30/2024
     NNN6,229,081$302,047 09/30/2024
Geode Capital Management LLC3,440,054$166,847 09/30/2024
     NNN3,440,054$166,847 09/30/2024
Massachusetts Financial Services Co. MA3,335,187$161,723 09/30/2024
     NNN3,335,187$161,723 09/30/2024
Centersquare Investment Management LLC2,912,524$141,228 09/30/2024
     NNN2,912,524$141,228 09/30/2024
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP2,766,726$134,156 09/30/2024
     NNN2,766,726$134,156 09/30/2024
Northwood Liquid Management LP2,740,981$132,910 09/30/2024
     NNN2,740,981$132,910 09/30/2024
JPMorgan Chase & Co.2,719,634$131,875 09/30/2024
     NNN2,719,634$131,875 09/30/2024
Charles Schwab Investment Management Inc.2,507,594$121,593 09/30/2024
     NNN2,507,594$121,593 09/30/2024
Federated Hermes Inc.2,291,511$111,115 09/30/2024
     NNN2,291,511$111,115 09/30/2024
Morgan Stanley2,156,487$104,568 09/30/2024
     NNN2,156,487$104,568 09/30/2024
Royal Bank of Canada2,094,083$101,543 09/30/2024
     NNN2,094,083$101,543 09/30/2024
Bank of New York Mellon Corp2,064,977$100,131 09/30/2024
     NNN2,064,977$100,131 09/30/2024
Mondrian Investment Partners LTD1,869,855$90,669 09/30/2024
     NNN1,869,855$90,669 09/30/2024
Long Pond Capital LP1,793,072$86,946 09/30/2024
     NNN1,793,072$86,946 09/30/2024
Prudential Financial Inc.1,573,507$76,299 09/30/2024
     NNN1,573,507$76,299 09/30/2024
Northern Trust Corp1,524,851$73,940 09/30/2024
     NNN1,524,851$73,940 09/30/2024
Vaughan Nelson Investment Management L.P.1,443,975$70,019 09/30/2024
     NNN1,443,975$70,019 09/30/2024
Equity Investment Corp1,435,316$69,598 09/30/2024
     NNN1,435,316$69,598 09/30/2024
Artisan Partners Limited Partnership1,252,213$60,720 09/30/2024
     NNN1,252,213$60,720 09/30/2024
Wells Fargo & Company MN1,238,372$60,049 09/30/2024
     NNN1,238,372$60,049 09/30/2024
Legal & General Group Plc1,238,007$60,031 09/30/2024
     NNN1,238,007$60,031 09/30/2024
UBS Asset Management Americas Inc.1,166,536$56,565 09/30/2024
     NNN1,166,536$56,565 09/30/2024
AQR Capital Management LLC965,391$46,397 09/30/2024
     NNN965,391$46,397 09/30/2024
California Public Employees Retirement System874,776$42,418 09/30/2024
     NNN874,776$42,418 09/30/2024
Price T Rowe Associates Inc. MD873,467$42,355 09/30/2024
     NNN873,467$42,355 09/30/2024
Nuveen Asset Management LLC870,331$42,202 09/30/2024
     NNN870,331$42,202 09/30/2024
Cbre Clarion Securities LLC825,706$40,038 09/30/2024
     NNN825,706$40,038 09/30/2024
Balyasny Asset Management LLC723,772$35,096 09/30/2024
     NNN723,772$35,096 09/30/2024
APG Asset Management US Inc.716,995$34,839 09/30/2024
     NNN716,995$34,839 09/30/2024
ProShare Advisors LLC707,535$34,308 09/30/2024
     NNN707,535$34,308 09/30/2024
Bank of America Corp DE705,402$34,205 09/30/2024
     NNN705,402$34,205 09/30/2024
Voloridge Investment Management LLC668,370$32,409 09/30/2024
     NNN668,370$32,409 09/30/2024
Clearbridge Investments LLC665,514$32,271 09/30/2024
     NNN665,514$32,271 09/30/2024
Snyder Capital Management L P652,081$31,619 09/30/2024
     NNN652,081$31,619 09/30/2024
Invesco Ltd.634,563$30,770 09/30/2024
     NNN634,563$30,770 09/30/2024
Ameriprise Financial Inc.610,535$29,604 09/30/2024
     NNN610,535$29,604 09/30/2024
Goldman Sachs Group Inc.593,618$28,785 09/30/2024
     NNN593,618$28,785 09/30/2024
Hsbc Holdings PLC581,178$28,183 09/30/2024
     NNN581,178$28,183 09/30/2024
AGF Management Ltd.528,498$25,627 09/30/2024
     NNN528,498$25,627 09/30/2024
Rhumbline Advisers524,727$25,444 09/30/2024
     NNN524,727$25,444 09/30/2024
Raymond James & Associates477,469$23,152 09/30/2024
     NNN477,469$23,152 09/30/2024
Standard Life Aberdeen plc456,451$22,133 09/30/2024
     NNN456,451$22,133 09/30/2024
UBS Group AG449,018$21,773 09/30/2024
     NNN449,018$21,773 09/30/2024
Natixis Advisors L.P.379,965$18,424 09/30/2024
     NNN379,965$18,424 09/30/2024

See All: Funds Holding NNN
See Details: Top 10 Hedge Funds Holding NNN
Also See: NNN Insider Buying
Also See: NNN Holdings Changes

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