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Institutional Holders of JPSE

There is a long list of 95 institutional holders of JPSE within the last two holding periods in our database of 13F filers, so we've sorted through to present to you just the top 50 institutional holders of JPSE by largest to smallest position reported in the institutional investor's latest 13F filing. In the institutional-holders-of-JPSE table below, the initial column indicates the name of each top institutional holder of JPSE, with a link to that fund's top holdings. The next columns indicate the amount of JPSE stock held by each of the institutional holders of JPSE, followed by the JPSE position size held by the institution, and finally the date of the quarterly 13F filing period the holdings data represents for that institution.

HolderAmountPosition Size
($ in 1000's)
 As of
Koss Olinger Consulting LLC1,211,892$58,207 09/30/2024
     JPSE1,211,892$58,207 09/30/2024
Raymond James Financial Services Advisors Inc.780,718$37,498 09/30/2024
     JPSE780,718$37,498 09/30/2024
Raymond James & Associates564,297$27,103 09/30/2024
     JPSE564,297$27,103 09/30/2024
LPL Financial LLC553,045$26,563 09/30/2024
     JPSE553,045$26,563 09/30/2024
Bank of America Corp DE485,046$23,297 09/30/2024
     JPSE485,046$23,297 09/30/2024
Royal Bank of Canada480,392$23,073 09/30/2024
     JPSE480,392$23,073 09/30/2024
Teamwork Financial Advisors LLC333,125$16,000 09/30/2024
     JPSE333,125$16,000 09/30/2024
Morgan Stanley258,484$12,415 09/30/2024
     JPSE258,484$12,415 09/30/2024
Capital Advisors Wealth Management LLC241,626$11,605 09/30/2024
     JPSE241,626$11,605 09/30/2024
Goldstein Advisors LLC220,057$10,569 09/30/2024
     JPSE220,057$10,569 09/30/2024
Stifel Financial Corp190,829$9,166 09/30/2024
     JPSE190,829$9,166 09/30/2024
Gerber Kawasaki Wealth & Investment Management177,764$8,538 09/30/2024
     JPSE177,764$8,538 09/30/2024
Appleton Partners Inc. MA177,701$8,535 09/30/2024
     JPSE177,701$8,535 09/30/2024
Tocqueville Asset Management L.P.166,857$8,014 09/30/2024
     JPSE166,857$8,014 09/30/2024
Hartford Financial Management Inc.161,943$7,778 09/30/2024
     JPSE161,943$7,778 09/30/2024
Ameriprise Financial Inc.155,743$7,482 09/30/2024
     JPSE155,743$7,482 09/30/2024
Financial Advocates Investment Management154,909$7,440 09/30/2024
     JPSE154,909$7,440 09/30/2024
Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Co.142,704$6,854 09/30/2024
     JPSE142,704$6,854 09/30/2024
Envestnet Asset Management Inc.138,633$6,659 09/30/2024
     JPSE138,633$6,659 09/30/2024
Sprinkle Financial Consultants LLC99,387$4,774 09/30/2024
     JPSE99,387$4,774 09/30/2024
DAVENPORT & Co LLC92,515$4,443 09/30/2024
     JPSE92,515$4,443 09/30/2024
Advisor Group Holdings Inc.84,673$4,067 09/30/2024
     JPSE84,673$4,067 09/30/2024
First Pacific Financial81,279$3,904 09/30/2024
     JPSE81,279$3,904 09/30/2024
Integrated Wealth Concepts LLC65,140$3,129 09/30/2024
     JPSE65,140$3,129 09/30/2024
Kingsview Wealth Management LLC52,973$2,544 09/30/2024
     JPSE52,973$2,544 09/30/2024
Commonwealth Equity Services LLC47,282$2,271 09/30/2024
     JPSE47,282$2,271 09/30/2024
Cetera Investment Advisers46,423$2,230 09/30/2024
     JPSE46,423$2,230 09/30/2024
Jones Financial Companies Lllp43,326$2,080 09/30/2024
     JPSE43,326$2,080 09/30/2024
Paul Damon & Associates Inc.42,084$2,021 09/30/2024
     JPSE42,084$2,021 09/30/2024
MML Investors Services LLC29,488$1,416 09/30/2024
     JPSE29,488$1,416 09/30/2024
GWM Advisors LLC27,856$1,338 09/30/2024
     JPSE27,856$1,338 09/30/2024
Cambridge Investment Research Advisors Inc.26,910$1,292 09/30/2024
     JPSE26,910$1,292 09/30/2024
KWB Wealth26,460$1,271 09/30/2024
     JPSE26,460$1,271 09/30/2024
Mercer Global Advisors Inc. ADV26,201$1,247 09/30/2024
     JPSE26,201$1,247 09/30/2024
LexAurum Advisors LLC25,904$1,244 09/30/2024
     JPSE25,904$1,244 09/30/2024
Fifth Third Securities Inc.24,923$1,197 09/30/2024
     JPSE24,923$1,197 09/30/2024
Zega Financial LLC24,896$1,196 09/30/2024
     JPSE24,896$1,196 09/30/2024
Oak Harbor Wealth Partners LLC22,854$1,098 09/30/2024
     JPSE22,854$1,098 09/30/2024
Schmidt P J Investment Management Inc.21,965$1,055 09/30/2024
     JPSE21,965$1,055 09/30/2024
Susquehanna International Group LLP21,451$1,030 09/30/2024
     JPSE21,451$1,030 09/30/2024
Cornerstone Wealth Management LLC21,418$1,029 09/30/2024
     JPSE21,418$1,029 09/30/2024
Atria Wealth Solutions Inc.20,643$991 09/30/2024
     JPSE20,643$991 09/30/2024
LWM Advisory Services LLC20,271$974 09/30/2024
     JPSE20,271$974 09/30/2024
GTS Securities LLC19,144$919 09/30/2024
     JPSE19,144$919 09/30/2024
JPMorgan Chase & Co.17,580$844 09/30/2024
     JPSE17,580$844 09/30/2024
Thoroughbred Financial Services LLC16,997$816 09/30/2024
     JPSE16,997$816 09/30/2024
Gallacher Capital Management LLC16,965$815 09/30/2024
     JPSE16,965$815 09/30/2024
Interactive Financial Advisors16,629$799 09/30/2024
     JPSE16,629$799 09/30/2024
Stratos Wealth Partners LTD.15,779$758 09/30/2024
     JPSE15,779$758 09/30/2024
Redwood Financial Network Corp14,865$714 09/30/2024
     JPSE14,865$714 09/30/2024

See All: Funds Holding JPSE
See Details: Top 10 Hedge Funds Holding JPSE
Also See: JPSE Holdings Changes

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