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Institutional Holders of FRT

There is a long list of 498 institutional holders of FRT within the last two holding periods in our database of 13F filers, so we've sorted through to present to you just the top 50 institutional holders of FRT by largest to smallest position reported in the institutional investor's latest 13F filing. In the institutional-holders-of-FRT table below, the initial column indicates the name of each top institutional holder of FRT, with a link to that fund's top holdings. The next columns indicate the amount of FRT stock held by each of the institutional holders of FRT, followed by the FRT position size held by the institution, and finally the date of the quarterly 13F filing period the holdings data represents for that institution.

HolderAmountPosition Size
($ in 1000's)
 As of
Vanguard Group Inc.12,822,390$1,474,190 09/30/2024
     FRT12,822,390$1,474,190 09/30/2024
BlackRock Inc.8,412,891$967,230 09/30/2024
     FRT8,412,891$967,230 09/30/2024
State Street Corp6,112,938$702,804 09/30/2024
     FRT6,112,938$702,804 09/30/2024
JPMorgan Chase & Co.4,885,992$561,743 09/30/2024
     FRT4,885,992$561,743 09/30/2024
Resolution Capital Ltd3,133,889$360,303 09/30/2024
     FRT3,133,889$360,303 09/30/2024
Invesco Ltd.2,160,185$248,356 09/30/2024
     FRT2,160,185$248,356 09/30/2024
Massachusetts Financial Services Co. MA1,960,315$225,377 09/30/2024
     FRT1,960,315$225,377 09/30/2024
Geode Capital Management LLC1,956,097$224,565 09/30/2024
     FRT1,956,097$224,565 09/30/2024
ProShare Advisors LLC1,673,826$192,440 09/30/2024
     FRT1,673,826$192,440 09/30/2024
Deutsche Bank AG1,378,906$158,533 09/30/2024
     FRT1,378,906$158,533 09/30/2024
Charles Schwab Investment Management Inc.1,247,915$143,473 09/30/2024
     FRT1,247,915$143,473 09/30/2024
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP1,136,865$130,704 09/30/2024
     FRT1,136,865$130,704 09/30/2024
Morgan Stanley1,024,656$117,805 09/30/2024
     FRT1,024,656$117,805 09/30/2024
Northwood Liquid Management LP1,006,614$115,730 09/30/2024
     FRT1,006,614$115,730 09/30/2024
Westwood Holdings Group Inc.944,763$108,619 09/30/2024
     FRT944,763$108,619 09/30/2024
Wells Fargo & Company MN867,657$99,754 09/30/2024
     FRT867,657$99,754 09/30/2024
Clark Capital Management Group Inc.803,543$92,383 09/30/2024
     FRT803,543$92,383 09/30/2024
Cbre Clarion Securities LLC751,274$86,374 09/30/2024
     FRT751,274$86,374 09/30/2024
Legal & General Group Plc730,851$84,026 09/30/2024
     FRT730,851$84,026 09/30/2024
Northern Trust Corp712,222$81,884 09/30/2024
     FRT712,222$81,884 09/30/2024
Bank of New York Mellon Corp641,121$73,710 09/30/2024
     FRT641,121$73,710 09/30/2024
Janus Henderson Group PLC611,086$70,251 09/30/2024
     FRT611,086$70,251 09/30/2024
Russell Investments Group Ltd.609,691$70,086 09/30/2024
     FRT609,691$70,086 09/30/2024
UBS Asset Management Americas Inc.604,890$69,544 09/30/2024
     FRT604,890$69,544 09/30/2024
FMR LLC572,809$65,856 09/30/2024
     FRT572,809$65,856 09/30/2024
Royal Bank of Canada463,563$53,297 09/30/2024
     FRT463,563$53,297 09/30/2024
CBOE Vest Financial LLC454,327$52,234 09/30/2024
     FRT454,327$52,234 09/30/2024
Goldman Sachs Group Inc.437,640$50,315 09/30/2024
     FRT437,640$50,315 09/30/2024
Nomura Asset Management Co. Ltd.426,281$49,010 09/30/2024
     FRT426,281$49,010 09/30/2024
Nuveen Asset Management LLC420,094$48,298 09/30/2024
     FRT420,094$48,298 09/30/2024
Sei Investments Co.400,418$46,036 09/30/2024
     FRT400,418$46,036 09/30/2024
Strs Ohio390,581$44,905 09/30/2024
     FRT390,581$44,905 09/30/2024
Qube Research & Technologies Ltd388,151$44,626 09/30/2024
     FRT388,151$44,626 09/30/2024
Adage Capital Partners GP L.L.C.320,900$36,894 09/30/2024
     FRT320,900$36,894 09/30/2024
Price T Rowe Associates Inc. MD314,819$36,196 09/30/2024
     FRT314,819$36,196 09/30/2024
Hsbc Holdings PLC309,291$35,541 09/30/2024
     FRT309,291$35,541 09/30/2024
Millennium Management LLC $35,444 09/30/2024
     FRT298,987$34,375 09/30/2024
     Call9,300$1,069 09/30/2024
UBS Group AG300,870$34,591 09/30/2024
     FRT300,870$34,591 09/30/2024
Victory Capital Management Inc.295,203$33,939 09/30/2024
     FRT295,203$33,939 09/30/2024
Voloridge Investment Management LLC293,944$33,795 09/30/2024
     FRT293,944$33,795 09/30/2024
Renaissance Technologies LLC277,400$31,893 09/30/2024
     FRT277,400$31,893 09/30/2024
Arrowstreet Capital Limited Partnership271,163$31,176 09/30/2024
     FRT271,163$31,176 09/30/2024
Macquarie Group Ltd.257,167$29,567 09/30/2024
     FRT257,167$29,567 09/30/2024
Citigroup Inc.240,048$27,598 09/30/2024
     FRT240,048$27,598 09/30/2024
Bank of America Corp DE239,332$27,516 09/30/2024
     FRT239,332$27,516 09/30/2024
Jane Street Group LLC $27,001 09/30/2024
     Call117,500$13,509 09/30/2024
     FRT117,356$13,492 09/30/2024
Wellington Management Group LLP230,910$26,548 09/30/2024
     FRT230,910$26,548 09/30/2024
Neuberger Berman Group LLC229,243$26,106 09/30/2024
     FRT229,243$26,106 09/30/2024
RWC Asset Management LLP209,547$24,092 09/30/2024
     FRT209,547$24,092 09/30/2024
Mizuho Markets Americas LLC196,946$22,643 09/30/2024
     FRT196,946$22,643 09/30/2024

See All: Funds Holding FRT
See Details: Top 10 Hedge Funds Holding FRT
Also See: FRT Insider Buying
Also See: FRT Holdings Changes
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