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Institutional Holders of CUBI

There is a long list of 225 institutional holders of CUBI within the last two holding periods in our database of 13F filers, so we've sorted through to present to you just the top 50 institutional holders of CUBI by largest to smallest position reported in the institutional investor's latest 13F filing. In the institutional-holders-of-CUBI table below, the initial column indicates the name of each top institutional holder of CUBI, with a link to that fund's top holdings. The next columns indicate the amount of CUBI stock held by each of the institutional holders of CUBI, followed by the CUBI position size held by the institution, and finally the date of the quarterly 13F filing period the holdings data represents for that institution.

HolderAmountPosition Size
($ in 1000's)
 As of
BlackRock Inc.4,576,399$219,576 06/30/2024
     CUBI4,576,399$219,576 06/30/2024
Wellington Management Group LLP3,222,906$154,635 06/30/2024
     CUBI3,222,906$154,635 06/30/2024
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP2,242,121$107,575 06/30/2024
     CUBI2,242,121$107,575 06/30/2024
Vanguard Group Inc.2,219,118$106,473 06/30/2024
     CUBI2,219,118$106,473 06/30/2024
State Street Corp1,611,994$77,343 06/30/2024
     CUBI1,611,994$77,343 06/30/2024
American Century Companies Inc.686,825$32,954 06/30/2024
     CUBI686,825$32,954 06/30/2024
Geode Capital Management LLC669,189$32,114 06/30/2024
     CUBI669,189$32,114 06/30/2024
Hood River Capital Management LLC549,063$26,344 06/30/2024
     CUBI549,063$26,344 06/30/2024
Morgan Stanley533,403$25,593 06/30/2024
     CUBI533,403$25,593 06/30/2024
Nuveen Asset Management LLC520,951$24,995 06/30/2024
     CUBI520,951$24,995 06/30/2024
Charles Schwab Investment Management Inc.497,469$23,869 06/30/2024
     CUBI497,469$23,869 06/30/2024
Philadelphia Financial Management of San Francisco LLC491,241$23,570 06/30/2024
     CUBI491,241$23,570 06/30/2024
Driehaus Capital Management LLC468,456$22,477 06/30/2024
     CUBI468,456$22,477 06/30/2024
JPMorgan Chase & Co.444,540$21,329 06/30/2024
     CUBI444,540$21,329 06/30/2024
Aristotle Capital Boston LLC396,803$19,039 06/30/2024
     CUBI396,803$19,039 06/30/2024
Invesco Ltd.334,490$16,049 06/30/2024
     CUBI334,490$16,049 06/30/2024
LSV Asset Management323,800$15,536 06/30/2024
     CUBI323,800$15,536 06/30/2024
Northern Trust Corp309,674$14,858 06/30/2024
     CUBI309,674$14,858 06/30/2024
Royce & Associates LP287,575$13,798 06/30/2024
     CUBI287,575$13,798 06/30/2024
Access Investment Management LLC281,425$13,503 06/30/2024
     CUBI281,425$13,503 06/30/2024
Great Lakes Advisors LLC275,913$13,238 06/30/2024
     CUBI275,913$13,238 06/30/2024
Bank of New York Mellon Corp261,907$12,566 06/30/2024
     CUBI261,907$12,566 06/30/2024
Assenagon Asset Management S.A.253,954$12,185 06/30/2024
     CUBI253,954$12,185 06/30/2024
Jacobs Levy Equity Management Inc.253,665$12,171 06/30/2024
     CUBI253,665$12,171 06/30/2024
Goldman Sachs Group Inc.245,996$11,803 06/30/2024
     CUBI245,996$11,803 06/30/2024
Tieton Capital Management LLC236,953$11,369 06/30/2024
     CUBI236,953$11,369 06/30/2024
Allspring Global Investments Holdings LLC229,281$11,001 06/30/2024
     CUBI229,281$11,001 06/30/2024
Ameriprise Financial Inc.187,828$9,012 06/30/2024
     CUBI187,828$9,012 06/30/2024
Toroso Investments LLC186,193$8,934 06/30/2024
     CUBI186,193$8,934 06/30/2024
Prudential Financial Inc.181,898$8,727 06/30/2024
     CUBI181,898$8,727 06/30/2024
Principal Financial Group Inc.175,540$8,422 06/30/2024
     CUBI175,540$8,422 06/30/2024
Citadel Advisors LLC $8,215 06/30/2024
     CUBI169,920$8,153 06/30/2024
     Call3,300$158 06/30/2024
     Put2,000$96 06/30/2024
Peregrine Capital Management LLC160,279$7,690 06/30/2024
     CUBI160,279$7,690 06/30/2024
Kennedy Capital Management Inc.151,686$7,278 06/30/2024
     CUBI151,686$7,278 06/30/2024
D. E. Shaw & Co. Inc.142,374$6,831 06/30/2024
     CUBI142,374$6,831 06/30/2024
Federated Hermes Inc.140,698$6,751 06/30/2024
     CUBI140,698$6,751 06/30/2024
Sei Investments Co.132,048$6,336 06/30/2024
     CUBI132,048$6,336 06/30/2024
Bank of America Corp DE128,782$6,179 06/30/2024
     CUBI128,782$6,179 06/30/2024
Deutsche Bank AG127,038$6,095 06/30/2024
     CUBI127,038$6,095 06/30/2024
Crawford Fund Management LLC122,024$5,855 06/30/2024
     CUBI122,024$5,855 06/30/2024
Gator Capital Management LLC113,100$5,427 06/30/2024
     CUBI113,100$5,427 06/30/2024
Squarepoint Ops LLC $5,216 06/30/2024
     CUBI83,697$4,016 06/30/2024
     Call25,000$1,200 06/30/2024
Voloridge Investment Management LLC108,437$5,203 06/30/2024
     CUBI108,437$5,203 06/30/2024
Qube Research & Technologies Ltd105,358$5,055 06/30/2024
     CUBI105,358$5,055 06/30/2024
South Dakota Investment Council104,180$4,999 06/30/2024
     CUBI104,180$4,999 06/30/2024
Alliancebernstein L.P.100,717$4,832 06/30/2024
     CUBI100,717$4,832 06/30/2024
Bridgeway Capital Management Inc.100,159$4,806 06/30/2024
     CUBI100,159$4,806 06/30/2024
Rafferty Asset Management LLC99,777$4,787 06/30/2024
     CUBI99,777$4,787 06/30/2024
Citigroup Inc.92,435$4,435 06/30/2024
     CUBI92,435$4,435 06/30/2024
Rhumbline Advisers87,248$4,186 06/30/2024
     CUBI87,248$4,186 06/30/2024

See All: Funds Holding CUBI
See Details: Top 10 Hedge Funds Holding CUBI
Also See: CUBI Insider Buying
Also See: CUBI Holdings Changes

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