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Institutional Holders of BBIN

There is a long list of 97 institutional holders of BBIN within the last two holding periods in our database of 13F filers, so we've sorted through to present to you just the top 50 institutional holders of BBIN by largest to smallest position reported in the institutional investor's latest 13F filing. In the institutional-holders-of-BBIN table below, the initial column indicates the name of each top institutional holder of BBIN, with a link to that fund's top holdings. The next columns indicate the amount of BBIN stock held by each of the institutional holders of BBIN, followed by the BBIN position size held by the institution, and finally the date of the quarterly 13F filing period the holdings data represents for that institution.

HolderAmountPosition Size
($ in 1000's)
 As of
JPMorgan Chase & Co.56,008,388$3,529,089 09/30/2024
     BBIN56,008,388$3,529,089 09/30/2024
Morgan Stanley1,604,999$101,131 09/30/2024
     BBIN1,604,999$101,131 09/30/2024
Integrated Wealth Concepts LLC1,147,546$72,307 09/30/2024
     BBIN1,147,546$72,307 09/30/2024
Jane Street Group LLC1,122,411$70,723 09/30/2024
     BBIN1,122,411$70,723 09/30/2024
Bank of America Corp DE1,105,181$69,637 09/30/2024
     BBIN1,105,181$69,637 09/30/2024
Janney Montgomery Scott LLC657,381$41,422 09/30/2024
     BBIN657,381$41,422 09/30/2024
Vestmark Advisory Solutions Inc.636,770$40,123 09/30/2024
     BBIN636,770$40,123 09/30/2024
Assetmark Inc.432,755$27,268 09/30/2024
     BBIN432,755$27,268 09/30/2024
LPL Financial LLC404,573$25,492 09/30/2024
     BBIN404,573$25,492 09/30/2024
Envestnet Asset Management Inc.402,080$25,335 09/30/2024
     BBIN402,080$25,335 09/30/2024
Bank of Montreal Can336,180$21,243 09/30/2024
     BBIN336,180$21,243 09/30/2024
Daymark Wealth Partners LLC306,168$19,292 09/30/2024
     BBIN306,168$19,292 09/30/2024
Perigon Wealth Management LLC292,996$18,462 09/30/2024
     BBIN292,996$18,462 09/30/2024
Pallas Capital Advisors LLC292,783$17,608 09/30/2024
     BBIN292,783$17,608 09/30/2024
Aptus Capital Advisors LLC217,435$13,701 09/30/2024
     BBIN217,435$13,701 09/30/2024
WNY Asset Management LLC145,202$9,149 09/30/2024
     BBIN145,202$9,149 09/30/2024
Raymond James Financial Services Advisors Inc.113,131$7,128 09/30/2024
     BBIN113,131$7,128 09/30/2024
MN Wealth Advisors LLC112,108$7,064 09/30/2024
     BBIN112,108$7,064 09/30/2024
OLD Mission Capital LLC104,420$6,580 09/30/2024
     BBIN104,420$6,580 09/30/2024
Cetera Investment Advisers103,858$6,544 09/30/2024
     BBIN103,858$6,544 09/30/2024
Cambridge Investment Research Advisors Inc.101,700$6,408 09/30/2024
     BBIN101,700$6,408 09/30/2024
MML Investors Services LLC90,065$5,675 09/30/2024
     BBIN90,065$5,675 09/30/2024
Jacobi Capital Management LLC59,158$3,728 09/30/2024
     BBIN59,158$3,728 09/30/2024
Goldman Sachs Group Inc.58,198$3,667 09/30/2024
     BBIN58,198$3,667 09/30/2024
Rothschild Investment LLC56,736$3,575 09/30/2024
     BBIN56,736$3,575 09/30/2024
Pensionmark Financial Group LLC51,803$3,264 09/30/2024
     BBIN51,803$3,264 09/30/2024
Park Avenue Securities LLC50,295$3,169 09/30/2024
     BBIN50,295$3,169 09/30/2024
Advisor Group Holdings Inc.48,661$3,068 09/30/2024
     BBIN48,661$3,068 09/30/2024
Merriman Wealth Management LLC38,936$2,453 09/30/2024
     BBIN38,936$2,453 09/30/2024
Change Path LLC38,810$2,445 09/30/2024
     BBIN38,810$2,445 09/30/2024
Horizon Family Wealth Inc.37,549$2,366 09/30/2024
     BBIN37,549$2,366 09/30/2024
Massmutual Trust Co. FSB ADV30,621$1,929 09/30/2024
     BBIN30,621$1,929 09/30/2024
Geneos Wealth Management Inc.27,856$1,755 09/30/2024
     BBIN27,856$1,755 09/30/2024
3Chopt Investment Partners LLC26,474$1,668 09/30/2024
     BBIN26,474$1,668 09/30/2024
CWM LLC24,957$1,573 09/30/2024
     BBIN24,957$1,573 09/30/2024
Royal Bank of Canada23,050$1,453 09/30/2024
     BBIN23,050$1,453 09/30/2024
Private Advisor Group LLC21,442$1,351 09/30/2024
     BBIN21,442$1,351 09/30/2024
Ascent Group LLC19,486$1,228 09/30/2024
     BBIN19,486$1,228 09/30/2024
Emerald Advisors LLC19,857$1,224 09/30/2024
     BBIN19,857$1,224 09/30/2024
Relative Value Partners Group LLC19,862$1,173 06/30/2024
     BBIN19,862$1,173 06/30/2024
Envestnet Portfolio Solutions Inc.14,969$943 09/30/2024
     BBIN14,969$943 09/30/2024
Lake Street Financial LLC14,804$933 09/30/2024
     BBIN14,804$933 09/30/2024
Insight Advisors LLC PA14,545$916 09/30/2024
     BBIN14,545$916 09/30/2024
Sanctuary Advisors LLC15,638$912 09/30/2024
     BBIN15,638$912 09/30/2024
Wayfinding Financial LLC14,329$902 09/30/2024
     BBIN14,329$902 09/30/2024
Farther Finance Advisors LLC14,165$893 09/30/2024
     BBIN14,165$893 09/30/2024
HBW Advisory Services LLC12,442$784 09/30/2024
     BBIN12,442$784 09/30/2024
Flagship Harbor Advisors LLC11,606$731 09/30/2024
     BBIN11,606$731 09/30/2024
TFB Advisors LLC10,848$684 09/30/2024
     BBIN10,848$684 09/30/2024
Commonwealth Equity Services LLC9,366$590 09/30/2024
     BBIN9,366$590 09/30/2024

See All: Funds Holding BBIN
See Details: Top 10 Hedge Funds Holding BBIN
Also See: BBIN Holdings Changes

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