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Other companies seeing insider buying close in time to when the CTS Insider Buying occurred are:

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CTS insider buying image
The table below summarizes the most recent CTS insider buying information, with links below the price to see the CAGR achieved by each insider on their purchases. As the saying goes on Wall St., there are many possible reasons to sell a stock, but only one reason to buy. Watch the importance of insider buying video for more information about why CTS insider buys are important for investors to follow.
Insider Buy
Alfonso G. Zulueta
Insider Buy
Alfonso G. Zulueta
Insider Buy
Ashish Agrawal
Insider Buy
Dennis Paul Thornton
Senior Vice President

Also See: Institutional Holders of CTS
Also See: SEC filings

CTS Performance Since Insider Purchase
Below we present the annualized performance delivered by CTS stock since 3-13-2020 (the date of the most recent insider purchase). The performance of the investment from the time CTS insider buying occurred is the ultimate test of whether insiders were right about CTS being a good buy.

Growth of $10,000.00
With Dividends Reinvested

Start date: 03/16/2020
End date: 02/14/2025
Start price/share: $19.86
End price/share: $46.23
Starting shares: 503.52
Ending shares: 514.17
Dividends reinvested/share: $0.76
Total return: 137.70%
Average Annual Total Return: 19.24%
Starting investment: $10,000.00
Ending investment: $23,770.48
Years: 4.92
Growth of $10,000.00
Without Dividends Reinvested

Start date: 03/16/2020
End date: 02/14/2025
Start price/share: $19.86
End price/share: $46.23
Dividends collected/share: $0.76
Total return: 136.61%
Average Annual Total Return: 19.13%
Starting investment: $10,000.00
Ending investment: $23,662.77
Years: 4.92

CTS Insider Buying

This Holdings Channel page has presented insider buying activity, covering Directors, officers (such as CEO, CFO, COO, etc.), and >10% owners (who are required to file form 4's with the SEC). Important institutional owners may not fall under these categories, but instead file their holdings quarterly on the latest form 13F filings. While recent CTS insider buying activity is included, there may also be stock sales over this same period (Also See: SEC filings for sales and other details).

Also See: Funds Holding CTS

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