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Funds Holding VET

On this page, we present all of the funds holding VET from our database of 13F filers, detailed in the table below. The first column indicates the name of each of the funds holding VET, with a link to that fund's top holdings. The next columns indicate the amount of VET stock held by each of the funds holding VET, followed by the VET position size held by the fund, and lastly the date of the quarterly filing period the data represents. In total, we count 147 funds holding VET within the last two filing periods in our coverage universe of 13F filers, with the largest position size having been reported by Millennium Management LLC. For more details on the positions held by Millennium Management LLC (or by any of the other funds holding VET), click the fund name in the "Holder" column of the funds-holding-VET table below.

HolderAmountPosition Size
($ in 1000's)
 As of
Millennium Management LLC6,372,219$62,204 09/30/2024
     VET6,372,219$62,204 09/30/2024
Ameriprise Financial Inc.6,223,526$60,804 09/30/2024
     VET6,223,526$60,804 09/30/2024
Vanguard Group Inc.5,979,638$58,361 09/30/2024
     VET5,979,638$58,361 09/30/2024
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP2,961,494$28,933 09/30/2024
     VET2,961,494$28,933 09/30/2024
American Century Companies Inc.2,393,978$23,365 09/30/2024
     VET2,393,978$23,365 09/30/2024
Bank of Nova Scotia2,234,063$21,807 09/30/2024
     VET2,234,063$21,807 09/30/2024
Goldman Sachs Group Inc.1,981,010$19,354 09/30/2024
     VET1,981,010$19,354 09/30/2024
National Bank of Canada FI1,730,388$16,890 09/30/2024
     VET1,730,388$16,890 09/30/2024
Royal Bank of Canada1,696,061$16,570 09/30/2024
     VET1,696,061$16,570 09/30/2024
Bank of America Corp DE1,427,264$13,944 09/30/2024
     VET1,427,264$13,944 09/30/2024
Federation des caisses Desjardins du Quebec1,308,546$12,673 09/30/2024
     VET1,308,546$12,673 09/30/2024
Two Sigma Investments LP1,274,309$12,450 09/30/2024
     VET1,274,309$12,450 09/30/2024
K2 Principal Fund L.P. $11,542 09/30/2024
     511,559$11,542 09/30/2024
Two Sigma Advisers LP1,040,076$10,162 09/30/2024
     VET1,040,076$10,162 09/30/2024
UBS Group AG979,562$9,570 09/30/2024
     VET979,562$9,570 09/30/2024
Morgan Stanley976,495$9,540 09/30/2024
     VET976,495$9,540 09/30/2024
TD Waterhouse Canada Inc.947,726$9,442 09/30/2024
     VET947,726$9,442 09/30/2024
Citadel Advisors LLC $9,081 09/30/2024
     VET701,534$6,854 09/30/2024
     Call474,100$4,632 09/30/2024
     Put246,200$2,405 09/30/2024
Grantham Mayo Van Otterloo & Co. LLC879,601$8,594 09/30/2024
     VET879,601$8,594 09/30/2024
Jupiter Asset Management Ltd.701,539$6,855 09/30/2024
     VET701,539$6,855 09/30/2024
Voloridge Investment Management LLC676,062$6,605 09/30/2024
     VET676,062$6,605 09/30/2024
Alberta Investment Management Corp637,500$6,229 09/30/2024
     VET637,500$6,229 09/30/2024
Charles Schwab Investment Management Inc.620,662$6,064 09/30/2024
     VET620,662$6,064 09/30/2024
Royce & Associates LP614,870$6,001 09/30/2024
     VET614,870$6,001 09/30/2024
Mackenzie Financial Corp603,913$5,894 09/30/2024
     VET603,913$5,894 09/30/2024
The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company 592,839$5,790 09/30/2024
     VET592,839$5,790 09/30/2024
Susquehanna International Group LLP $5,521 09/30/2024
     VET499,644$4,882 09/30/2024
     Call468,800$4,580 09/30/2024
     Put403,400$3,941 09/30/2024
Renaissance Group LLC532,461$5,202 09/30/2024
     VET532,461$5,202 09/30/2024
Bank of Montreal Can531,086$5,108 09/30/2024
     VET531,086$5,108 09/30/2024
TD Asset Management Inc.495,159$4,777 09/30/2024
     VET495,159$4,777 09/30/2024
Man Group plc461,667$4,510 09/30/2024
     VET461,667$4,510 09/30/2024
CoreCommodity Management LLC370,112$3,614 09/30/2024
     VET370,112$3,614 09/30/2024
First Trust Advisors LP350,246$3,422 09/30/2024
     VET350,246$3,422 09/30/2024
Intact Investment Management Inc.348,600$3,403 09/30/2024
     VET348,600$3,403 09/30/2024
Swiss National Bank314,867$3,078 09/30/2024
     VET314,867$3,078 09/30/2024
Trexquant Investment LP304,271$2,973 09/30/2024
     VET304,271$2,973 09/30/2024
Aegis Financial Corp290,000$2,834 09/30/2024
     VET290,000$2,834 09/30/2024
Gluskin Sheff & Assoc Inc.283,894$2,771 09/30/2024
     VET283,894$2,771 09/30/2024
PDT Partners LLC280,562$2,741 09/30/2024
     VET280,562$2,741 09/30/2024
Lincluden Management Ltd.273,928$2,675 09/30/2024
     VET273,928$2,675 09/30/2024
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corp261,728$2,558 09/30/2024
     VET261,728$2,558 09/30/2024
CIBC World Markets Inc. $2,345 12/31/2024
     VET194,790$1,833 12/31/2024
     Call54,400$512 12/31/2024
DRW Securities LLC201,600$1,979 09/30/2024
     VET201,600$1,979 09/30/2024
Public Employees Retirement System of Ohio199,223$1,947 09/30/2024
     VET199,223$1,947 09/30/2024
Group One Trading L.P. $1,932 09/30/2024
     VET176,655$1,726 09/30/2024
     Call126,500$1,236 09/30/2024
     Put105,400$1,030 09/30/2024
CIBC Asset Management Inc197,767$1,931 09/30/2024
     VET197,767$1,931 09/30/2024
Zurcher Kantonalbank Zurich Cantonalbank 190,013$1,857 09/30/2024
     VET190,013$1,857 09/30/2024
Legal & General Group Plc185,579$1,813 09/30/2024
     VET185,579$1,813 09/30/2024
Janney Montgomery Scott LLC191,052$1,796 12/31/2024
     VET191,052$1,796 12/31/2024
Penbrook Management LLC183,400$1,726 12/31/2024
     VET183,400$1,726 12/31/2024
CSS LLC IL $1,700 09/30/2024
     VET163,981$1,602 09/30/2024
     Call10,000$98 09/30/2024
Stratos Wealth Partners LTD.165,751$1,619 09/30/2024
     VET165,751$1,619 09/30/2024
Cobalt Capital Management Inc.165,000$1,612 09/30/2024
     VET165,000$1,612 09/30/2024
BNP Paribas Arbitrage SA159,089$1,554 09/30/2024
     VET159,089$1,554 09/30/2024
Toronto Dominion Bank157,025$1,534 09/30/2024
     VET157,025$1,534 09/30/2024
Boston Partners150,785$1,473 09/30/2024
     VET150,785$1,473 09/30/2024
Allianz Asset Management GmbH150,000$1,466 09/30/2024
     VET150,000$1,466 09/30/2024
Envestnet Asset Management Inc.142,339$1,391 09/30/2024
     VET142,339$1,391 09/30/2024
UBS Asset Management Americas Inc.135,121$1,320 09/30/2024
     VET135,121$1,320 09/30/2024
Quantbot Technologies LP133,467$1,304 09/30/2024
     VET133,467$1,304 09/30/2024
Clear Harbor Asset Management LLC132,379$1,246 12/31/2024
     VET132,379$1,246 12/31/2024
1832 Asset Management L.P.125,130$1,223 09/30/2024
     VET125,130$1,223 09/30/2024
Nuveen Asset Management LLC123,691$1,209 09/30/2024
     VET123,691$1,209 09/30/2024
Invesco Ltd.122,828$1,200 09/30/2024
     VET122,828$1,200 09/30/2024
Simplex Trading LLC $1,152 09/30/2024
     Call187,200$1,828 09/30/2024
     Put78,900$770 09/30/2024
     VET9,671$94 09/30/2024
Graham Capital Wealth Management LLC117,886$1,152 09/30/2024
     VET117,886$1,152 09/30/2024
Canada Pension Plan Investment Board117,728$1,150 09/30/2024
     VET117,728$1,150 09/30/2024
ExodusPoint Capital Management LP113,297$1,107 09/30/2024
     VET113,297$1,107 09/30/2024
Arete Wealth Advisors LLC106,042$1,028 09/30/2024
     VET106,042$1,028 09/30/2024
Colony Group LLC100,500$982 09/30/2024
     VET100,500$982 09/30/2024
Citigroup Inc.90,941$889 09/30/2024
     VET90,941$889 09/30/2024
Scotia Capital Inc.90,473$875 09/30/2024
     VET90,473$875 09/30/2024
Wolverine Trading LLC $868 09/30/2024
     Put131,700$1,267 09/30/2024
     VET118,949$1,144 09/30/2024
     Call103,000$991 09/30/2024
Bessemer Group Inc.85,362$834 09/30/2024
     VET85,362$834 09/30/2024
Vontobel Holding Ltd.83,000$810 09/30/2024
     VET83,000$810 09/30/2024
Albert D Mason Inc.82,114$772 12/31/2024
     VET82,114$772 12/31/2024
Geode Capital Management LLC76,816$753 09/30/2024
     VET76,816$753 09/30/2024
     VET76,758$749 09/30/2024
Mercer Global Advisors Inc. ADV74,380$747 09/30/2024
     VET74,380$747 09/30/2024
Timelo Investment Management Inc.76,400$746 09/30/2024
     VET76,400$746 09/30/2024
Graham Capital Management L.P.68,496$669 09/30/2024
     VET68,496$669 09/30/2024
Jane Street Group LLC $629 09/30/2024
     Call39,100$382 09/30/2024
     VET25,326$247 09/30/2024
XTX Topco Ltd63,238$618 09/30/2024
     VET63,238$618 09/30/2024
ARGA Investment Management LP62,798$613 09/30/2024
     VET62,798$613 09/30/2024
JPMorgan Chase & Co.58,449$571 09/30/2024
     VET58,449$571 09/30/2024
Verition Fund Management LLC56,756$555 09/30/2024
     VET56,756$555 09/30/2024
Point72 Asset Management L.P. $525 09/30/2024
     Call105,800$1,034 09/30/2024
     Put52,100$509 09/30/2024
Barclays PLC44,581$435 09/30/2024
     VET44,581$435 09/30/2024
Russell Investments Group Ltd.43,454$424 09/30/2024
     VET43,454$424 09/30/2024
Schonfeld Strategic Advisors LLC39,500$386 09/30/2024
     VET39,500$386 09/30/2024
GTS Securities LLC $383 09/30/2024
     VET86,863$849 09/30/2024
     Put47,700$466 09/30/2024
Entropy Technologies LP39,109$382 09/30/2024
     VET39,109$382 09/30/2024
Moody Aldrich Partners LLC39,400$371 12/31/2024
     VET39,400$371 12/31/2024
O Shaughnessy Asset Management LLC33,392$344 09/30/2024
     VET33,392$344 09/30/2024
Pathstone Holdings LLC35,000$342 09/30/2024
     VET35,000$342 09/30/2024
Capital Fund Management S.A. $338 09/30/2024
     Call34,600$338 09/30/2024
IMC Chicago LLC $337 09/30/2024
     VET106,263$1,038 09/30/2024
     Put97,600$954 09/30/2024
     Call25,900$253 09/30/2024
Advisor Group Holdings Inc.33,448$327 09/30/2024
     VET33,448$327 09/30/2024
Vident Advisory LLC32,877$321 09/30/2024
     VET32,877$321 09/30/2024
Squarepoint Ops LLC31,522$308 09/30/2024
     VET31,522$308 09/30/2024
BlackRock Inc.31,358$306 09/30/2024
     VET31,358$306 09/30/2024
Fulcrum Equity Management30,808$301 09/30/2024
     VET30,808$301 09/30/2024
Y Intercept Hong Kong Ltd28,321$277 09/30/2024
     VET28,321$277 09/30/2024
Aigen Investment Management LP27,148$265 09/30/2024
     VET27,148$265 09/30/2024
Pictet Asset Management Holding SA26,042$255 09/30/2024
     VET26,042$255 09/30/2024
Value Partners Investments Inc.25,694$251 09/30/2024
     VET25,694$251 09/30/2024
JustInvest LLC23,893$233 09/30/2024
     VET23,893$233 09/30/2024
Alliancebernstein L.P.23,725$232 09/30/2024
     VET23,725$232 09/30/2024
Great West Life Assurance Co. Can21,922$213 09/30/2024
     VET21,922$213 09/30/2024
Ronald Blue Trust Inc.20,382$199 12/31/2024
     VET20,382$199 12/31/2024
Gotham Asset Management LLC15,307$150 09/30/2024
     VET15,307$150 09/30/2024
SG Americas Securities LLC14,659$138 12/31/2024
     VET14,659$138 12/31/2024
Atria Wealth Solutions Inc.12,939$126 09/30/2024
     VET12,939$126 09/30/2024
Net Worth Advisory Group11,801$115 09/30/2024
     VET11,801$115 09/30/2024
Nebula Research & Development LLC11,771$115 09/30/2024
     VET11,771$115 09/30/2024
Mariner LLC11,500$112 09/30/2024
     VET11,500$112 09/30/2024
Deutsche Bank AG11,350$111 09/30/2024
     VET11,350$111 09/30/2024
Campbell & CO Investment Adviser LLC11,033$108 09/30/2024
     VET11,033$108 09/30/2024
Creative Planning10,908$107 09/30/2024
     VET10,908$107 09/30/2024
Franklin Resources Inc.10,191$106 09/30/2024
     VET10,191$106 09/30/2024
Northwest & Ethical Investments L.P.10,551$103 09/30/2024
     VET10,551$103 09/30/2024
Bank of Nova Scotia Trust Co.10,000$98 09/30/2024
     VET10,000$98 09/30/2024
SkyView Investment Advisors LLC10,000$98 09/30/2024
     VET10,000$98 09/30/2024
Shell Asset Management Co.8,892$87 09/30/2024
     VET8,892$87 09/30/2024
Amundi6,335$62 09/30/2024
     VET6,335$62 09/30/2024
State of Wyoming5,216$51 09/30/2024
     VET5,216$51 09/30/2024
Hilltop National Bank5,000$47 12/31/2024
     VET5,000$47 12/31/2024
Foster Dykema Cabot & Partners LLC3,998$39 09/30/2024
     VET3,998$39 09/30/2024
Pinnacle Holdings LLC3,053$30 09/30/2024
     VET3,053$30 09/30/2024
Wells Fargo & Company MN2,542$25 09/30/2024
     VET2,542$25 09/30/2024
EverSource Wealth Advisors LLC2,468$24 09/30/2024
     VET2,468$24 09/30/2024
Tower Research Capital LLC TRC 2,402$23 09/30/2024
     VET2,402$23 09/30/2024
Heck Capital Advisors LLC1,200$11 12/31/2024
     VET1,200$11 12/31/2024
Park Place Capital Corp807$8 12/31/2024
     VET807$8 12/31/2024
Pacifica Partners Inc.733$7 12/31/2024
     VET733$7 12/31/2024
Hexagon Capital Partners LLC565$6 09/30/2024
     VET565$6 09/30/2024
Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Co.433$4 09/30/2024
     VET433$4 09/30/2024
Larson Financial Group LLC356$3 09/30/2024
     VET356$3 09/30/2024
US Bancorp DE200$2 09/30/2024
     VET200$2 09/30/2024
The PNC Financial Services Group Inc.57$1 09/30/2024
     VET57$1 09/30/2024
Farther Finance Advisors LLC142$1 09/30/2024
     VET142$1 09/30/2024
FMR LLC1$0 09/30/2024
     VET1$0 09/30/2024
Proequities Inc. $0 09/30/2024
     Put0$0 09/30/2024
     VET0$0 09/30/2024
     Call0$0 09/30/2024
Rhumbline Advisers50$0 09/30/2024
     VET50$0 09/30/2024
Coppell Advisory Solutions LLC19$0 09/30/2024
     VET19$0 09/30/2024
Main Street Group LTD25$0 09/30/2024
     VET25$0 09/30/2024
D. E. Shaw & Co. Inc. $-162 09/30/2024
     Put16,600$162 09/30/2024
SIG North Trading ULC121,200$-529 09/30/2024
     Put382,200$3,734 09/30/2024
     VET206,894$2,021 09/30/2024
     Call121,200$1,184 09/30/2024

See Summary: Institutional Holders of VET
See Details: Top 10 Hedge Funds Holding VET
Also See: VET Holdings Changes

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