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Funds Holding SVRA

On this page, we present all of the funds holding SVRA from our database of 13F filers, detailed in the table below. The first column indicates the name of each of the funds holding SVRA, with a link to that fund's top holdings. The next columns indicate the amount of SVRA stock held by each of the funds holding SVRA, followed by the SVRA position size held by the fund, and lastly the date of the quarterly filing period the data represents. In total, we count 125 funds holding SVRA within the last two filing periods in our coverage universe of 13F filers, with the largest position size having been reported by NEA Management Company LLC. For more details on the positions held by NEA Management Company LLC (or by any of the other funds holding SVRA), click the fund name in the "Holder" column of the funds-holding-SVRA table below.

HolderAmountPosition Size
($ in 1000's)
 As of
NEA Management Company LLC24,471,264$103,758 09/30/2024
     SVRA24,471,264$103,758 09/30/2024
Bain Capital Life Sciences Investors LLC14,565,457$61,758 09/30/2024
     SVRA14,565,457$61,758 09/30/2024
TCG Crossover Management LLC12,362,205$52,416 09/30/2024
     SVRA12,362,205$52,416 09/30/2024
BlackRock Inc.9,399,087$39,852 09/30/2024
     SVRA9,399,087$39,852 09/30/2024
Wellington Management Group LLP8,624,012$36,566 09/30/2024
     SVRA8,624,012$36,566 09/30/2024
Frazier Life Sciences Management L.P.8,157,385$34,587 09/30/2024
     SVRA8,157,385$34,587 09/30/2024
Vestal Point Capital LP8,090,000$34,302 09/30/2024
     SVRA8,090,000$34,302 09/30/2024
Vanguard Group Inc.7,944,011$33,683 09/30/2024
     SVRA7,944,011$33,683 09/30/2024
Adage Capital Partners GP L.L.C.6,753,701$28,636 09/30/2024
     SVRA6,753,701$28,636 09/30/2024
Jennison Associates LLC6,732,776$28,547 09/30/2024
     SVRA6,732,776$28,547 09/30/2024
Deerfield Management Company L.P. Series C6,465,777$27,415 09/30/2024
     SVRA6,465,777$27,415 09/30/2024
Sofinnova Investments Inc.5,662,550$24,009 09/30/2024
     SVRA5,662,550$24,009 09/30/2024
Nantahala Capital Management LLC5,180,951$21,967 09/30/2024
     SVRA5,180,951$21,967 09/30/2024
Farallon Capital Management LLC4,560,000$19,334 09/30/2024
     SVRA4,560,000$19,334 09/30/2024
State Street Corp4,138,276$17,546 09/30/2024
     SVRA4,138,276$17,546 09/30/2024
ExodusPoint Capital Management LP2,794,476$11,849 09/30/2024
     SVRA2,794,476$11,849 09/30/2024
Geode Capital Management LLC2,726,850$11,564 09/30/2024
     SVRA2,726,850$11,564 09/30/2024
Woodline Partners LP2,305,195$9,774 09/30/2024
     SVRA2,305,195$9,774 09/30/2024
Altium Capital Management LP1,575,000$6,678 09/30/2024
     SVRA1,575,000$6,678 09/30/2024
FMR LLC1,083,893$4,596 09/30/2024
     SVRA1,083,893$4,596 09/30/2024
AXA S.A.1,051,432$4,458 09/30/2024
     SVRA1,051,432$4,458 09/30/2024
Northern Trust Corp987,790$4,188 09/30/2024
     SVRA987,790$4,188 09/30/2024
Charles Schwab Investment Management Inc.911,617$3,865 09/30/2024
     SVRA911,617$3,865 09/30/2024
Deutsche Bank AG874,541$3,708 09/30/2024
     SVRA874,541$3,708 09/30/2024
ADAR1 Capital Management LLC742,634$3,149 09/30/2024
     SVRA742,634$3,149 09/30/2024
Ghost Tree Capital LLC725,000$3,074 09/30/2024
     SVRA725,000$3,074 09/30/2024
Affinity Asset Advisors LLC700,000$2,968 09/30/2024
     SVRA700,000$2,968 09/30/2024
Goldman Sachs Group Inc.696,807$2,954 09/30/2024
     SVRA696,807$2,954 09/30/2024
Connor Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd.690,609$2,928 09/30/2024
     SVRA690,609$2,928 09/30/2024
Prudential Financial Inc.677,475$2,872 09/30/2024
     SVRA677,475$2,872 09/30/2024
Two Sigma Investments LP657,849$2,789 09/30/2024
     SVRA657,849$2,789 09/30/2024
Sphera Funds Management LTD.563,107$2,388 09/30/2024
     SVRA563,107$2,388 09/30/2024
Morgan Stanley471,355$1,999 09/30/2024
     SVRA471,355$1,999 09/30/2024
Nuveen Asset Management LLC415,545$1,762 09/30/2024
     SVRA415,545$1,762 09/30/2024
Bridger Management LLC376,800$1,598 09/30/2024
     SVRA376,800$1,598 09/30/2024
Schonfeld Strategic Advisors LLC373,080$1,582 09/30/2024
     SVRA373,080$1,582 09/30/2024
Citadel Advisors LLC $1,462 09/30/2024
     SVRA316,189$1,341 09/30/2024
     Call40,700$173 09/30/2024
     Put12,300$52 09/30/2024
Two Sigma Advisers LP289,915$1,229 09/30/2024
     SVRA289,915$1,229 09/30/2024
Bank of America Corp DE283,242$1,201 09/30/2024
     SVRA283,242$1,201 09/30/2024
Millennium Management LLC280,664$1,190 09/30/2024
     SVRA280,664$1,190 09/30/2024
Janus Henderson Group PLC245,800$1,041 09/30/2024
     SVRA245,800$1,041 09/30/2024
ClariVest Asset Management LLC256,479$1,034 09/30/2024
     SVRA256,479$1,034 09/30/2024
Bank of New York Mellon Corp235,760$1,000 09/30/2024
     SVRA235,760$1,000 09/30/2024
Barclays PLC231,005$979 09/30/2024
     SVRA231,005$979 09/30/2024
Superstring Capital Management LP200,000$848 09/30/2024
     SVRA200,000$848 09/30/2024
Swiss National Bank190,800$809 09/30/2024
     SVRA190,800$809 09/30/2024
UBS Group AG170,079$721 09/30/2024
     SVRA170,079$721 09/30/2024
Rafferty Asset Management LLC168,125$713 09/30/2024
     SVRA168,125$713 09/30/2024
Victory Capital Management Inc.140,010$594 09/30/2024
     SVRA140,010$594 09/30/2024
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP138,211$586 09/30/2024
     SVRA138,211$586 09/30/2024
Teachers Retirement System of The State of Kentucky132,425$561 09/30/2024
     SVRA132,425$561 09/30/2024
Rhumbline Advisers132,384$561 09/30/2024
     SVRA132,384$561 09/30/2024
Alps Advisors Inc.128,501$545 09/30/2024
     SVRA128,501$545 09/30/2024
UBS Asset Management Americas Inc.125,815$533 09/30/2024
     SVRA125,815$533 09/30/2024
Algert Global LLC123,968$526 09/30/2024
     SVRA123,968$526 09/30/2024
Oppenheimer & Co. Inc.115,604$490 09/30/2024
     SVRA115,604$490 09/30/2024
Verition Fund Management LLC114,495$485 09/30/2024
     SVRA114,495$485 09/30/2024
Legal & General Group Plc108,190$459 09/30/2024
     SVRA108,190$459 09/30/2024
Alliancebernstein L.P.100,770$427 09/30/2024
     SVRA100,770$427 09/30/2024
California State Teachers Retirement System94,567$401 09/30/2024
     SVRA94,567$401 09/30/2024
Occudo Quantitative Strategies LP92,521$392 09/30/2024
     SVRA92,521$392 09/30/2024
Citigroup Inc.86,330$366 09/30/2024
     SVRA86,330$366 09/30/2024
Voya Investment Management LLC83,451$354 09/30/2024
     SVRA83,451$354 09/30/2024
MIRAE ASSET GLOBAL ETFS HOLDINGS Ltd.69,788$296 09/30/2024
     SVRA69,788$296 09/30/2024
JPMorgan Chase & Co.69,490$295 09/30/2024
     SVRA69,490$295 09/30/2024
MetLife Investment Management LLC66,907$284 09/30/2024
     SVRA66,907$284 09/30/2024
Jane Street Group LLC64,919$275 09/30/2024
     SVRA64,919$275 09/30/2024
Corebridge Financial Inc.61,697$262 09/30/2024
     SVRA61,697$262 09/30/2024
Cubist Systematic Strategies LLC53,895$229 09/30/2024
     SVRA53,895$229 09/30/2024
Susquehanna International Group LLP $200 09/30/2024
     SVRA37,509$159 09/30/2024
     Call26,900$114 09/30/2024
     Put17,100$73 09/30/2024
Invesco Ltd.46,958$199 09/30/2024
     SVRA46,958$199 09/30/2024
The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company 44,956$191 09/30/2024
     SVRA44,956$191 09/30/2024
Zurcher Kantonalbank Zurich Cantonalbank 44,008$187 09/30/2024
     SVRA44,008$187 09/30/2024
Squarepoint Ops LLC44,095$187 09/30/2024
     SVRA44,095$187 09/30/2024
Wells Fargo & Company MN41,491$176 09/30/2024
     SVRA41,491$176 09/30/2024
Intech Investment Management LLC41,017$174 09/30/2024
     SVRA41,017$174 09/30/2024
EntryPoint Capital LLC40,963$174 09/30/2024
     SVRA40,963$174 09/30/2024
Price T Rowe Associates Inc. MD38,432$163 09/30/2024
     SVRA38,432$163 09/30/2024
UBS Oconnor LLC38,482$163 09/30/2024
     SVRA38,482$163 09/30/2024
SG Americas Securities LLC51,589$158 12/31/2024
     SVRA51,589$158 12/31/2024
LMR Partners LLP36,800$156 09/30/2024
     SVRA36,800$156 09/30/2024
Profund Advisors LLC34,215$145 09/30/2024
     SVRA34,215$145 09/30/2024
ProShare Advisors LLC31,531$134 09/30/2024
     SVRA31,531$134 09/30/2024
China Universal Asset Management Co. Ltd.31,658$134 09/30/2024
     SVRA31,658$134 09/30/2024
Group One Trading L.P. $121 09/30/2024
     Call23,500$100 09/30/2024
     SVRA8,686$37 09/30/2024
     Put3,800$16 09/30/2024
Arizona State Retirement System28,406$120 09/30/2024
     SVRA28,406$120 09/30/2024
Sivia Capital Partners LLC38,000$117 12/31/2024
     SVRA38,000$117 12/31/2024
State Board of Administration of Florida Retirement System25,780$109 09/30/2024
     SVRA25,780$109 09/30/2024
BNP Paribas Arbitrage SA25,693$109 09/30/2024
     SVRA25,693$109 09/30/2024
Farther Finance Advisors LLC25,782$109 09/30/2024
     SVRA25,782$109 09/30/2024
Kovitz Investment Group Partners LLC25,214$107 09/30/2024
     SVRA25,214$107 09/30/2024
Teacher Retirement System of Texas24,743$105 09/30/2024
     SVRA24,743$105 09/30/2024
Virtus ETF Advisers LLC22,701$96 09/30/2024
     SVRA22,701$96 09/30/2024
Brown Advisory Inc.20,854$88 09/30/2024
     SVRA20,854$88 09/30/2024
D. E. Shaw & Co. Inc.17,013$72 09/30/2024
     SVRA17,013$72 09/30/2024
Virtu Financial LLC15,853$67 09/30/2024
     SVRA15,853$67 09/30/2024
AJOVista LLC15,611$66 09/30/2024
     SVRA15,611$66 09/30/2024
New York State Common Retirement Fund13,855$59 09/30/2024
     SVRA13,855$59 09/30/2024
RSM US Wealth Management LLC14,658$58 09/30/2024
     SVRA14,658$58 09/30/2024
Royal Bank of Canada12,441$53 09/30/2024
     SVRA12,441$53 09/30/2024
Mariner LLC12,157$52 09/30/2024
     SVRA12,157$52 09/30/2024
Ameritas Investment Partners Inc.11,689$50 09/30/2024
     SVRA11,689$50 09/30/2024
E Fund Management Co. Ltd.10,802$46 09/30/2024
     SVRA10,802$46 09/30/2024
Principal Financial Group Inc.10,188$43 09/30/2024
     SVRA10,188$43 09/30/2024
Acadian Asset Management LLC9,610$40 09/30/2024
     SVRA9,610$40 09/30/2024
Great West Life Assurance Co. Can7,047$30 09/30/2024
     SVRA7,047$30 09/30/2024
Strs Ohio5,900$25 09/30/2024
     SVRA5,900$25 09/30/2024
Mirae Asset Global Investments Co. Ltd.5,953$25 09/30/2024
     SVRA5,953$25 09/30/2024
Tower Research Capital LLC TRC 3,281$14 09/30/2024
     SVRA3,281$14 09/30/2024
Amalgamated Bank3,087$13 09/30/2024
     SVRA3,087$13 09/30/2024
Meeder Asset Management Inc.2,119$9 09/30/2024
     SVRA2,119$9 09/30/2024
Allworth Financial LP2,046$9 09/30/2024
     SVRA2,046$9 09/30/2024
Truvestments Capital LLC1,712$7 09/30/2024
     SVRA1,712$7 09/30/2024
Daiwa Securities Group Inc.553$2 09/30/2024
     SVRA553$2 09/30/2024
Sterling Capital Management LLC141$1 09/30/2024
     SVRA141$1 09/30/2024
Quadrant Capital Group LLC155$1 09/30/2024
     SVRA155$1 09/30/2024
Parallel Advisors LLC193$1 09/30/2024
     SVRA193$1 09/30/2024
Nisa Investment Advisors LLC13$0 12/31/2024
     SVRA13$0 12/31/2024
US Bancorp DE114$0 09/30/2024
     SVRA114$0 09/30/2024
Rothschild Investment LLC60$0 09/30/2024
     SVRA60$0 09/30/2024
The PNC Financial Services Group Inc.62$0 09/30/2024
     SVRA62$0 09/30/2024
Proequities Inc. $0 09/30/2024
     Put0$0 09/30/2024
     Call0$0 09/30/2024
     SVRA0$0 09/30/2024
Federated Hermes Inc.3$0 09/30/2024
     SVRA3$0 09/30/2024
CWM LLC55$0 09/30/2024
     SVRA55$0 09/30/2024
Cornerstone Planning Group LLC1$0 09/30/2024
     SVRA1$0 09/30/2024
Halpern Financial Inc.2$0 09/30/2024
     SVRA2$0 09/30/2024

See Summary: Institutional Holders of SVRA
See Details: Top 10 Hedge Funds Holding SVRA
Also See: SVRA Insider Buying
Also See: SVRA Holdings Changes

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