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Funds Holding IFF

On this page, we present all of the funds holding IFF from our database of 13F filers, detailed in the table below. The first column indicates the name of each of the funds holding IFF, with a link to that fund's top holdings. The next columns indicate the amount of IFF stock held by each of the funds holding IFF, followed by the IFF position size held by the fund, and lastly the date of the quarterly filing period the data represents. In total, we count 768 funds holding IFF within the last two filing periods in our coverage universe of 13F filers, with the largest position size having been reported by Vanguard Group Inc.. For more details on the positions held by Vanguard Group Inc. (or by any of the other funds holding IFF), click the fund name in the "Holder" column of the funds-holding-IFF table below.

HolderAmountPosition Size
($ in 1000's)
 As of
Vanguard Group Inc.30,053,814$3,153,547 09/30/2024
     IFF30,053,814$3,153,547 09/30/2024
Dodge & Cox28,082,382$2,946,684 09/30/2024
     IFF28,082,382$2,946,684 09/30/2024
Winder Pte. Ltd.25,356,381$2,660,645 09/30/2024
     IFF25,356,381$2,660,645 09/30/2024
BlackRock Inc.21,730,333$2,280,164 09/30/2024
     IFF21,730,333$2,280,164 09/30/2024
State Street Corp10,467,517$1,102,363 09/30/2024
     IFF10,467,517$1,102,363 09/30/2024
DZ BANK AG Deutsche Zentral Genossenschafts Bank Frankfurt am Main $650,677 09/30/2024
     IFF5,004,874$525,161 09/30/2024
     Call1,200,200$125,516 09/30/2024
Geode Capital Management LLC6,008,830$628,341 09/30/2024
     IFF6,008,830$628,341 09/30/2024
Massachusetts Financial Services Co. MA4,653,732$488,316 09/30/2024
     IFF4,653,732$488,316 09/30/2024
Nordea Investment Management AB5,489,741$464,926 12/31/2024
     IFF5,489,741$464,926 12/31/2024
First Pacific Advisors LP4,006,782$420,432 09/30/2024
     IFF4,006,782$420,432 09/30/2024
Van ECK Associates Corp4,000,621$415,865 09/30/2024
     IFF4,000,621$415,865 09/30/2024
State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co.3,821,419$400,981 09/30/2024
     IFF3,821,419$400,981 09/30/2024
Icahn Carl C3,750,000$393,488 09/30/2024
     IFF3,750,000$393,488 09/30/2024
UBS Asset Management Americas Inc.3,250,721$341,098 09/30/2024
     IFF3,250,721$341,098 09/30/2024
Millennium Management LLC2,941,517$308,653 09/30/2024
     IFF2,941,517$308,653 09/30/2024
Northern Trust Corp2,841,493$298,158 09/30/2024
     IFF2,841,493$298,158 09/30/2024
Morgan Stanley2,349,289$246,511 09/30/2024
     IFF2,349,289$246,511 09/30/2024
Invesco Ltd.2,162,062$226,865 09/30/2024
     IFF2,162,062$226,865 09/30/2024
Legal & General Group Plc1,970,181$206,730 09/30/2024
     IFF1,970,181$206,730 09/30/2024
Bank of New York Mellon Corp1,861,945$195,374 09/30/2024
     IFF1,861,945$195,374 09/30/2024
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP1,774,114$186,162 09/30/2024
     IFF1,774,114$186,162 09/30/2024
Continental Grain Co.1,689,130$177,240 09/30/2024
     IFF1,689,130$177,240 09/30/2024
Barclays PLC $174,192 09/30/2024
     IFF1,030,961$108,181 09/30/2024
     Call629,100$66,011 09/30/2024
Pictet Asset Management Holding SA1,503,262$157,737 09/30/2024
     IFF1,503,262$157,737 09/30/2024
Charles Schwab Investment Management Inc.1,498,815$157,271 09/30/2024
     IFF1,498,815$157,271 09/30/2024
Bank of America Corp DE1,414,752$148,450 09/30/2024
     IFF1,414,752$148,450 09/30/2024
Fort Washington Investment Advisors Inc. OH1,362,776$142,996 09/30/2024
     IFF1,362,776$142,996 09/30/2024
Price T Rowe Associates Inc. MD1,292,782$135,652 09/30/2024
     IFF1,292,782$135,652 09/30/2024
UBS Group AG1,266,565$132,901 09/30/2024
     IFF1,266,565$132,901 09/30/2024
Goldman Sachs Group Inc.1,259,496$132,159 09/30/2024
     IFF1,259,496$132,159 09/30/2024
JPMorgan Chase & Co. $128,704 09/30/2024
     IFF1,222,074$128,232 09/30/2024
     Call5,100$535 09/30/2024
     Put600$63 09/30/2024
Citadel Advisors LLC $114,149 09/30/2024
     IFF1,198,357$125,744 09/30/2024
     Put374,600$39,307 09/30/2024
     Call264,100$27,712 09/30/2024
Phoenix Holdings Ltd.872,484$91,792 09/30/2024
     IFF872,484$91,792 09/30/2024
Nuveen Asset Management LLC857,427$90,014 09/30/2024
     IFF857,427$90,014 09/30/2024
Deutsche Bank AG774,948$81,315 09/30/2024
     IFF774,948$81,315 09/30/2024
Swiss National Bank757,899$79,526 09/30/2024
     IFF757,899$79,526 09/30/2024
Capital Research Global Investors753,785$79,095 09/30/2024
     IFF753,785$79,095 09/30/2024
Robeco Institutional Asset Management B.V.708,081$74,299 09/30/2024
     IFF708,081$74,299 09/30/2024
Douglas Lane & Associates LLC862,095$72,890 12/31/2024
     IFF862,095$72,890 12/31/2024
Amundi661,625$67,803 09/30/2024
     IFF661,625$67,803 09/30/2024
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings Inc.615,006$64,533 09/30/2024
     IFF615,006$64,533 09/30/2024
Albar Capital Ltd589,741$61,882 09/30/2024
     IFF589,741$61,882 09/30/2024
Balyasny Asset Management LLC548,970$57,603 09/30/2024
     IFF548,970$57,603 09/30/2024
Ilex Capital Partners UK LLP543,192$56,997 09/30/2024
     IFF543,192$56,997 09/30/2024
Alliancebernstein L.P.520,966$54,665 09/30/2024
     IFF520,966$54,665 09/30/2024
LTS One Management LP515,000$54,039 09/30/2024
     IFF515,000$54,039 09/30/2024
Renaissance Technologies LLC506,700$53,168 09/30/2024
     IFF506,700$53,168 09/30/2024
Mitsubishi UFJ Kokusai Asset Management Co. Ltd.503,112$52,792 09/30/2024
     IFF503,112$52,792 09/30/2024
FMR LLC502,924$52,772 09/30/2024
     IFF502,924$52,772 09/30/2024
Staley Capital Advisers Inc.493,680$51,802 09/30/2024
     IFF493,680$51,802 09/30/2024
Rhumbline Advisers480,121$50,379 09/30/2024
     IFF480,121$50,379 09/30/2024
Principal Financial Group Inc.470,676$49,388 09/30/2024
     IFF470,676$49,388 09/30/2024
California Public Employees Retirement System453,331$47,568 09/30/2024
     IFF453,331$47,568 09/30/2024
Varenne Capital Partners450,655$47,287 09/30/2024
     IFF450,655$47,287 09/30/2024
Hsbc Holdings PLC445,166$46,666 09/30/2024
     IFF445,166$46,666 09/30/2024
California State Teachers Retirement System437,674$45,925 09/30/2024
     IFF437,674$45,925 09/30/2024
Susquehanna International Group LLP $45,778 09/30/2024
     Call363,300$38,121 09/30/2024
     IFF161,979$16,996 09/30/2024
     Put89,000$9,339 09/30/2024
Ensign Peak Advisors Inc401,321$42,111 09/30/2024
     IFF401,321$42,111 09/30/2024
Pictet & Cie Europe SA398,360$41,800 09/30/2024
     IFF398,360$41,800 09/30/2024
Prudential Financial Inc.398,196$41,783 09/30/2024
     IFF398,196$41,783 09/30/2024
Korea Investment CORP386,015$40,505 09/30/2024
     IFF386,015$40,505 09/30/2024
Caden Capital Partners LP378,042$39,668 09/30/2024
     IFF378,042$39,668 09/30/2024
National Pension Service371,859$39,019 09/30/2024
     IFF371,859$39,019 09/30/2024
Wells Fargo & Company MN371,146$38,944 09/30/2024
     IFF371,146$38,944 09/30/2024
DNB Asset Management AS369,206$38,741 09/30/2024
     IFF369,206$38,741 09/30/2024
ExodusPoint Capital Management LP367,353$38,546 09/30/2024
     IFF367,353$38,546 09/30/2024
BNP Paribas Arbitrage SA364,577$38,255 09/30/2024
     IFF364,577$38,255 09/30/2024
Great Lakes Advisors LLC348,515$36,570 09/30/2024
     IFF348,515$36,570 09/30/2024
FIL Ltd322,608$33,851 09/30/2024
     IFF322,608$33,851 09/30/2024
Standard Life Aberdeen plc323,241$33,727 09/30/2024
     IFF323,241$33,727 09/30/2024
Eubel Brady & Suttman Asset Management Inc.312,104$32,749 09/30/2024
     IFF312,104$32,749 09/30/2024
Deprince Race & Zollo Inc.307,772$32,295 09/30/2024
     IFF307,772$32,295 09/30/2024
Point72 Asset Management L.P.298,165$31,286 09/30/2024
     IFF298,165$31,286 09/30/2024
Royal Bank of Canada292,103$30,651 09/30/2024
     IFF292,103$30,651 09/30/2024
Qube Research & Technologies Ltd284,307$29,832 09/30/2024
     IFF284,307$29,832 09/30/2024
CI Private Wealth LLC274,100$28,761 09/30/2024
     IFF274,100$28,761 09/30/2024
State Board of Administration of Florida Retirement System268,939$28,220 09/30/2024
     IFF268,939$28,220 09/30/2024
Clearfield Capital Management LP267,400$28,058 09/30/2024
     IFF267,400$28,058 09/30/2024
ZWJ Investment Counsel Inc.259,792$27,260 09/30/2024
     IFF259,792$27,260 09/30/2024
Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.253,880$26,640 09/30/2024
     IFF253,880$26,640 09/30/2024
Jane Street Group LLC $26,623 09/30/2024
     IFF152,319$15,983 09/30/2024
     Call101,400$10,640 09/30/2024
Adage Capital Partners GP L.L.C.241,000$25,288 09/30/2024
     IFF241,000$25,288 09/30/2024
Alps Advisors Inc.232,629$24,410 09/30/2024
     IFF232,629$24,410 09/30/2024
Envestnet Asset Management Inc.231,515$24,293 09/30/2024
     IFF231,515$24,293 09/30/2024
Great West Life Assurance Co. Can224,784$23,621 09/30/2024
     IFF224,784$23,621 09/30/2024
New York State Teachers Retirement System222,755$23,374 09/30/2024
     IFF222,755$23,374 09/30/2024
Trillium Asset Management LLC215,701$22,634 09/30/2024
     IFF215,701$22,634 09/30/2024
Smith Group Asset Management LLC213,466$22,399 09/30/2024
     IFF213,466$22,399 09/30/2024
Bank of Montreal Can211,155$22,197 09/30/2024
     IFF211,155$22,197 09/30/2024
Clifford Swan Investment Counsel LLC210,672$22,106 09/30/2024
     IFF210,672$22,106 09/30/2024
Citigroup Inc.207,528$21,776 09/30/2024
     IFF207,528$21,776 09/30/2024
Trexquant Investment LP200,728$21,062 09/30/2024
     IFF200,728$21,062 09/30/2024
Alyeska Investment Group L.P.199,430$20,926 09/30/2024
     IFF199,430$20,926 09/30/2024
Redwood Grove Capital LLC198,682$20,848 09/30/2024
     IFF198,682$20,848 09/30/2024
Sasco Capital Inc. CT194,910$20,452 09/30/2024
     IFF194,910$20,452 09/30/2024
Wilkins Investment Counsel Inc.194,908$20,452 09/30/2024
     IFF194,908$20,452 09/30/2024
Walleye Trading LLC $20,345 09/30/2024
     IFF182,399$19,139 09/30/2024
     Call53,400$5,603 09/30/2024
     Put41,900$4,397 09/30/2024
Zurich Insurance Group Ltd FI188,821$19,813 09/30/2024
     IFF188,821$19,813 09/30/2024
Aviva PLC182,537$19,154 09/30/2024
     IFF182,537$19,154 09/30/2024
State of Wisconsin Investment Board182,088$19,106 09/30/2024
     IFF182,088$19,106 09/30/2024
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corp180,564$18,947 09/30/2024
     IFF180,564$18,947 09/30/2024
Man Group plc178,354$18,715 09/30/2024
     IFF178,354$18,715 09/30/2024
Intrinsic Edge Capital Management LLC175,478$18,413 09/30/2024
     IFF175,478$18,413 09/30/2024
Swedbank AB175,326$18,397 09/30/2024
     IFF175,326$18,397 09/30/2024
New York State Common Retirement Fund170,022$17,840 09/30/2024
     IFF170,022$17,840 09/30/2024
Natixis Advisors L.P.169,226$17,757 09/30/2024
     IFF169,226$17,757 09/30/2024
Sei Investments Co.164,792$17,289 09/30/2024
     IFF164,792$17,289 09/30/2024
Worldquant Millennium Advisors LLC161,370$16,933 09/30/2024
     IFF161,370$16,933 09/30/2024
Barrow Hanley Mewhinney & Strauss LLC159,322$16,718 09/30/2024
     IFF159,322$16,718 09/30/2024
St. James Investment Company LLC158,998$16,684 09/30/2024
     IFF158,998$16,684 09/30/2024
National Bank of Canada FI156,318$16,402 09/30/2024
     IFF156,318$16,402 09/30/2024
The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company 150,993$15,844 09/30/2024
     IFF150,993$15,844 09/30/2024
AQR Capital Management LLC150,151$15,755 09/30/2024
     IFF150,151$15,755 09/30/2024
Ameriprise Financial Inc.149,084$15,647 09/30/2024
     IFF149,084$15,647 09/30/2024
Fjarde AP Fonden Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund147,027$15,428 09/30/2024
     IFF147,027$15,428 09/30/2024
Wolverine Trading LLC $15,375 09/30/2024
     Call156,600$16,462 09/30/2024
     Put30,900$3,248 09/30/2024
     IFF20,561$2,161 09/30/2024
Zurcher Kantonalbank Zurich Cantonalbank 146,017$15,322 09/30/2024
     IFF146,017$15,322 09/30/2024
Point72 Europe London LLP145,912$15,311 09/30/2024
     IFF145,912$15,311 09/30/2024
Chevy Chase Trust Holdings Inc.137,473$14,425 09/30/2024
     IFF137,473$14,425 09/30/2024
Bank of Nova Scotia136,376$14,309 09/30/2024
     IFF136,376$14,309 09/30/2024
Woodline Partners LP134,444$14,107 09/30/2024
     IFF134,444$14,107 09/30/2024
Davidson Investment Advisors133,774$14,037 09/30/2024
     IFF133,774$14,037 09/30/2024
Schroder Investment Management Group129,170$13,578 09/30/2024
     IFF129,170$13,578 09/30/2024
Yelin Lapidot Holdings Management Ltd.128,722$13,507 09/30/2024
     IFF128,722$13,507 09/30/2024
ING Groep NV126,792$13,304 09/30/2024
     IFF126,792$13,304 09/30/2024
Handelsbanken Fonder AB126,754$13,300 09/30/2024
     IFF126,754$13,300 09/30/2024
Toronto Dominion Bank126,257$13,248 09/30/2024
     IFF126,257$13,248 09/30/2024
State of Tennessee Treasury Department122,028$12,804 09/30/2024
     IFF122,028$12,804 09/30/2024
Natixis121,998$12,801 09/30/2024
     IFF121,998$12,801 09/30/2024
Campbell Newman Asset Management Inc.145,606$12,311 12/31/2024
     IFF145,606$12,311 12/31/2024
Verition Fund Management LLC116,794$12,255 09/30/2024
     IFF116,794$12,255 09/30/2024
Clearbridge Investments LLC115,225$12,091 09/30/2024
     IFF115,225$12,091 09/30/2024
Treasurer of the State of North Carolina114,947$12,061 09/30/2024
     IFF114,947$12,061 09/30/2024
Victory Capital Management Inc.113,019$11,859 09/30/2024
     IFF113,019$11,859 09/30/2024
Cantor Fitzgerald Investment Adviser L.P.107,657$11,296 09/30/2024
     IFF107,657$11,296 09/30/2024
Royal London Asset Management Ltd.105,245$11,043 09/30/2024
     IFF105,245$11,043 09/30/2024
Gamco Investors INC. ET AL104,466$10,962 09/30/2024
     IFF104,466$10,962 09/30/2024
BI Asset Management Fondsmaeglerselskab A S104,182$10,932 09/30/2024
     IFF104,182$10,932 09/30/2024
Connor Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd.104,132$10,927 09/30/2024
     IFF104,132$10,927 09/30/2024
Compagnie Lombard Odier SCmA102,773$10,784 09/30/2024
     IFF102,773$10,784 09/30/2024
AMF Pensionsforsakring AB102,597$10,778 09/30/2024
     IFF102,597$10,778 09/30/2024
Alberta Investment Management Corp102,600$10,766 09/30/2024
     IFF102,600$10,766 09/30/2024
Schonfeld Strategic Advisors LLC102,304$10,735 09/30/2024
     IFF102,304$10,735 09/30/2024
Folger Nolan Fleming Douglas Capital Management Inc.125,620$10,621 12/31/2024
     IFF125,620$10,621 12/31/2024
Leeward Investments LLC MA100,665$10,563 09/30/2024
     IFF100,665$10,563 09/30/2024
Centre Asset Management LLC124,729$10,546 12/31/2024
     IFF124,729$10,546 12/31/2024
Hillman Capital Management Inc.100,326$10,527 09/30/2024
     IFF100,326$10,527 09/30/2024
Covea Finance123,090$10,407 12/31/2024
     IFF123,090$10,407 12/31/2024
Robecosam AG99,042$10,392 09/30/2024
     IFF99,042$10,392 09/30/2024
Mn Services Vermogensbeheer B.V.97,851$10,268 09/30/2024
     IFF97,851$10,268 09/30/2024
Asset Management One Co. Ltd.97,274$10,207 09/30/2024
     IFF97,274$10,207 09/30/2024
TD Asset Management Inc.96,451$10,139 09/30/2024
     IFF96,451$10,139 09/30/2024
ICICI Prudential Asset Management Co Ltd96,486$10,124 09/30/2024
     IFF96,486$10,124 09/30/2024
Stifel Financial Corp96,023$10,076 09/30/2024
     IFF96,023$10,076 09/30/2024
Marshall Wace LLP94,716$9,939 09/30/2024
     IFF94,716$9,939 09/30/2024
State of New Jersey Common Pension Fund D93,497$9,811 09/30/2024
     IFF93,497$9,811 09/30/2024
Public Employees Retirement System of Ohio92,907$9,749 09/30/2024
     IFF92,907$9,749 09/30/2024
Raymond James & Associates92,909$9,749 09/30/2024
     IFF92,909$9,749 09/30/2024
Russell Investments Group Ltd.87,875$9,224 09/30/2024
     IFF87,875$9,224 09/30/2024
Teachers Retirement System of The State of Kentucky86,910$9,119 09/30/2024
     IFF86,910$9,119 09/30/2024
Credit Agricole S A84,394$8,855 09/30/2024
     IFF84,394$8,855 09/30/2024
Dnca Finance84,315$8,847 09/30/2024
     IFF84,315$8,847 09/30/2024
Macquarie Group Ltd.83,673$8,780 09/30/2024
     IFF83,673$8,780 09/30/2024
Kornitzer Capital Management Inc. KS83,466$8,758 09/30/2024
     IFF83,466$8,758 09/30/2024
Olstein Capital Management L.P.81,000$8,499 09/30/2024
     IFF81,000$8,499 09/30/2024
Voya Investment Management LLC79,023$8,292 09/30/2024
     IFF79,023$8,292 09/30/2024
Simplex Trading LLC $8,125 09/30/2024
     Call109,600$11,500 09/30/2024
     Put74,500$7,817 09/30/2024
     IFF42,341$4,442 09/30/2024
Cubist Systematic Strategies LLC77,213$8,102 09/30/2024
     IFF77,213$8,102 09/30/2024
Nomura Asset Management Co. Ltd.76,872$8,066 09/30/2024
     IFF76,872$8,066 09/30/2024
Quantbot Technologies LP75,713$7,945 09/30/2024
     IFF75,713$7,945 09/30/2024
Wealth Enhancement Advisory Services LLC93,227$7,882 12/31/2024
     IFF93,227$7,882 12/31/2024
BNP PARIBAS ASSET MANAGEMENT Holding S.A.75,069$7,877 09/30/2024
     IFF75,069$7,877 09/30/2024
Quantinno Capital Management LP74,861$7,855 09/30/2024
     IFF74,861$7,855 09/30/2024
Mirova74,521$7,819 09/30/2024
     IFF74,521$7,819 09/30/2024
Arizona State Retirement System73,157$7,676 09/30/2024
     IFF73,157$7,676 09/30/2024
Private Management Group Inc.70,174$7,363 09/30/2024
     IFF70,174$7,363 09/30/2024
State of Michigan Retirement System69,615$7,305 09/30/2024
     IFF69,615$7,305 09/30/2024
USS Investment Management Ltd68,129$7,148 09/30/2024
     IFF68,129$7,148 09/30/2024
Adams Diversified Equity Fund Inc.67,700$7,104 09/30/2024
     IFF67,700$7,104 09/30/2024
MetLife Investment Management LLC66,474$6,975 09/30/2024
     IFF66,474$6,975 09/30/2024
Adams Natural Resources Fund Inc.65,606$6,884 09/30/2024
     IFF65,606$6,884 09/30/2024
DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale63,744$6,679 09/30/2024
     IFF63,744$6,679 09/30/2024
Corebridge Financial Inc.63,478$6,661 09/30/2024
     IFF63,478$6,661 09/30/2024
F M Investments LLC61,547$6,433 09/30/2024
     IFF61,547$6,433 09/30/2024
Pinebridge Investments L.P.59,490$6,242 09/30/2024
     IFF59,490$6,242 09/30/2024
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB publ 58,037$6,090 09/30/2024
     IFF58,037$6,090 09/30/2024
M&T Bank Corp57,830$6,068 09/30/2024
     IFF57,830$6,068 09/30/2024
Comerica Bank56,247$5,902 09/30/2024
     IFF56,247$5,902 09/30/2024
Retirement Systems of Alabama55,969$5,873 09/30/2024
     IFF55,969$5,873 09/30/2024
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Public School Empls Retrmt SYS55,655$5,840 09/30/2024
     IFF55,655$5,840 09/30/2024
Impax Asset Management Group plc55,194$5,792 09/30/2024
     IFF55,194$5,792 09/30/2024
IFM Investors Pty Ltd54,931$5,764 09/30/2024
     IFF54,931$5,764 09/30/2024
EdgePoint Investment Group Inc.54,295$5,697 09/30/2024
     IFF54,295$5,697 09/30/2024
Baird Financial Group Inc.53,876$5,653 09/30/2024
     IFF53,876$5,653 09/30/2024
Tudor Investment Corp Et Al53,188$5,581 09/30/2024
     IFF53,188$5,581 09/30/2024
Davy Global Fund Management Ltd53,182$5,580 09/30/2024
     IFF53,182$5,580 09/30/2024
La Banque Postale Asset Management SA52,702$5,530 09/30/2024
     IFF52,702$5,530 09/30/2024
Forsta AP Fonden52,400$5,498 09/30/2024
     IFF52,400$5,498 09/30/2024
Amalgamated Bank51,894$5,445 09/30/2024
     IFF51,894$5,445 09/30/2024
S.E.E.D. Planning Group LLC63,104$5,335 12/31/2024
     IFF63,104$5,335 12/31/2024
Gabelli Funds LLC50,100$5,257 09/30/2024
     IFF50,100$5,257 09/30/2024
Daiwa Securities Group Inc.49,800$5,225 09/30/2024
     IFF49,800$5,225 09/30/2024
Brandes Investment Partners LP49,287$5,172 09/30/2024
     IFF49,287$5,172 09/30/2024
Polar Asset Management Partners Inc.48,400$5,079 09/30/2024
     IFF48,400$5,079 09/30/2024
Exane Asset Management48,374$5,076 09/30/2024
     IFF48,374$5,076 09/30/2024
Kempner Capital Management Inc.47,416$4,975 09/30/2024
     IFF47,416$4,975 09/30/2024
American Century Companies Inc.47,343$4,968 09/30/2024
     IFF47,343$4,968 09/30/2024
Ethic Inc.46,808$4,912 09/30/2024
     IFF46,808$4,912 09/30/2024
APG Asset Management N.V.46,783$4,909 09/30/2024
     IFF46,783$4,909 09/30/2024
Dean Investment Associates LLC46,275$4,856 09/30/2024
     IFF46,275$4,856 09/30/2024
Wesleyan Assurance Society45,627$4,787 09/30/2024
     IFF45,627$4,787 09/30/2024
Xponance Inc.45,588$4,784 09/30/2024
     IFF45,588$4,784 09/30/2024
Czech National Bank55,437$4,687 12/31/2024
     IFF55,437$4,687 12/31/2024
IMC Chicago LLC $4,659 09/30/2024
     Call66,700$6,999 09/30/2024
     Put22,300$2,340 09/30/2024
Twin Tree Management LP43,996$4,616 09/30/2024
     IFF43,996$4,616 09/30/2024
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.A.43,402$4,554 09/30/2024
     IFF43,402$4,554 09/30/2024
     IFF42,599$4,470 09/30/2024
Utah Retirement Systems42,295$4,438 09/30/2024
     IFF42,295$4,438 09/30/2024
Franklin Resources Inc.42,178$4,435 09/30/2024
     IFF42,178$4,435 09/30/2024
ProShare Advisors LLC41,686$4,374 09/30/2024
     IFF41,686$4,374 09/30/2024
Federation des caisses Desjardins du Quebec41,295$4,333 09/30/2024
     IFF41,295$4,333 09/30/2024
Arlington Partners LLC40,759$4,277 09/30/2024
     IFF40,759$4,277 09/30/2024
Tredje AP fonden39,786$4,175 09/30/2024
     IFF39,786$4,175 09/30/2024
Garland Capital Management Inc.39,005$4,093 09/30/2024
     IFF39,005$4,093 09/30/2024
Glenmede Trust Co. NA38,985$4,091 09/30/2024
     IFF38,985$4,091 09/30/2024
PEAK6 Investments LLC $4,085 09/30/2024
     IFF64,926$6,813 09/30/2024
     Put40,000$4,197 09/30/2024
     Call14,000$1,469 09/30/2024
New York Life Investment Management LLC38,823$4,074 09/30/2024
     IFF38,823$4,074 09/30/2024
The PNC Financial Services Group Inc.38,705$4,061 09/30/2024
     IFF38,705$4,061 09/30/2024
Strs Ohio37,927$3,980 09/30/2024
     IFF37,927$3,980 09/30/2024
Allspring Global Investments Holdings LLC37,910$3,978 09/30/2024
     IFF37,910$3,978 09/30/2024
Stone Run Capital LLC37,896$3,976 09/30/2024
     IFF37,896$3,976 09/30/2024
LPL Financial LLC37,592$3,945 09/30/2024
     IFF37,592$3,945 09/30/2024
CIBC Asset Management Inc37,233$3,907 09/30/2024
     IFF37,233$3,907 09/30/2024
Exencial Wealth Advisors LLC37,030$3,886 09/30/2024
     IFF37,030$3,886 09/30/2024
Bay Colony Advisory Group Inc d b a Bay Colony Advisors36,200$3,798 09/30/2024
     IFF36,200$3,798 09/30/2024
Commonwealth Equity Services LLC36,088$3,787 09/30/2024
     IFF36,088$3,787 09/30/2024
Lighthouse Investment Partners LLC36,000$3,777 09/30/2024
     IFF36,000$3,777 09/30/2024
Hanson & Doremus Investment Management35,394$3,714 09/30/2024
     IFF35,394$3,714 09/30/2024
Brown Advisory Inc.35,200$3,694 09/30/2024
     IFF35,200$3,694 09/30/2024
Cibc World Markets Corp34,712$3,642 09/30/2024
     IFF34,712$3,642 09/30/2024
Engineers Gate Manager LP34,537$3,624 09/30/2024
     IFF34,537$3,624 09/30/2024
Intech Investment Management LLC34,375$3,607 09/30/2024
     IFF34,375$3,607 09/30/2024
Mirabella Financial Services LLP33,540$3,519 09/30/2024
     IFF33,540$3,519 09/30/2024
Yousif Capital Management LLC32,408$3,401 09/30/2024
     IFF32,408$3,401 09/30/2024
Channing Global Advisors LLC32,017$3,360 09/30/2024
     IFF32,017$3,360 09/30/2024
Bayesian Capital Management LP31,961$3,354 09/30/2024
     IFF31,961$3,354 09/30/2024
Janus Henderson Group PLC31,892$3,346 09/30/2024
     IFF31,892$3,346 09/30/2024
Mutual of America Capital Management LLC31,479$3,303 09/30/2024
     IFF31,479$3,303 09/30/2024
Cresset Asset Management LLC30,847$3,248 09/30/2024
     IFF30,847$3,248 09/30/2024
Nissay Asset Management Corp Japan ADV30,655$3,217 09/30/2024
     IFF30,655$3,217 09/30/2024
MML Investors Services LLC30,087$3,157 09/30/2024
     IFF30,087$3,157 09/30/2024
State of Alaska Department of Revenue29,711$3,117 09/30/2024
     IFF29,711$3,117 09/30/2024
First Trust Advisors LP29,459$3,091 09/30/2024
     IFF29,459$3,091 09/30/2024
Cetera Investment Advisers29,294$3,074 09/30/2024
     IFF29,294$3,074 09/30/2024
Quest Partners LLC29,170$3,061 09/30/2024
     IFF29,170$3,061 09/30/2024
Albion Financial Group UT29,011$3,044 09/30/2024
     IFF29,011$3,044 09/30/2024
Y Intercept Hong Kong Ltd28,491$2,990 09/30/2024
     IFF28,491$2,990 09/30/2024
Sumitomo Mitsui DS Asset Management Company Ltd28,461$2,986 09/30/2024
     IFF28,461$2,986 09/30/2024
Financial Counselors Inc.28,010$2,939 09/30/2024
     IFF28,010$2,939 09/30/2024
Neuberger Berman Group LLC27,849$2,922 09/30/2024
     IFF27,849$2,922 09/30/2024
Raymond James Financial Services Advisors Inc.27,819$2,919 09/30/2024
     IFF27,819$2,919 09/30/2024
Pathway Financial Advisers LLC27,016$2,835 09/30/2024
     IFF27,016$2,835 09/30/2024
Pathstone Holdings LLC26,924$2,829 09/30/2024
     IFF26,924$2,829 09/30/2024
Public Employees Retirement Association of Colorado26,509$2,782 09/30/2024
     IFF26,509$2,782 09/30/2024
Allianz Asset Management GmbH25,838$2,711 09/30/2024
     IFF25,838$2,711 09/30/2024
Pacer Advisors Inc.25,444$2,670 09/30/2024
     IFF25,444$2,670 09/30/2024
Colonial Trust Advisors25,271$2,652 09/30/2024
     IFF25,271$2,652 09/30/2024
Magnetar Financial LLC24,962$2,619 09/30/2024
     IFF24,962$2,619 09/30/2024
Creative Planning24,746$2,597 09/30/2024
     IFF24,746$2,597 09/30/2024
US Bancorp DE24,606$2,582 09/30/2024
     IFF24,606$2,582 09/30/2024
MIRAE ASSET GLOBAL ETFS HOLDINGS Ltd.24,311$2,551 09/30/2024
     IFF24,311$2,551 09/30/2024
Mariner LLC23,842$2,502 09/30/2024
     IFF23,842$2,502 09/30/2024
Nisa Investment Advisors LLC23,503$2,476 09/30/2024
     IFF23,503$2,476 09/30/2024
Qsemble Capital Management LP23,009$2,414 09/30/2024
     IFF23,009$2,414 09/30/2024
Everett Harris & Co. CA22,705$2,382 09/30/2024
     IFF22,705$2,382 09/30/2024
Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Co22,682$2,380 09/30/2024
     IFF22,682$2,380 09/30/2024
Soros Fund Management LLC22,581$2,369 09/30/2024
     IFF22,581$2,369 09/30/2024
UniSuper Management Pty Ltd22,085$2,317 09/30/2024
     IFF22,085$2,317 09/30/2024
First Hawaiian Bank27,330$2,311 12/31/2024
     IFF27,330$2,311 12/31/2024
Avanza Fonder AB27,315$2,309 12/31/2024
     IFF27,315$2,309 12/31/2024
Advisor Group Holdings Inc.21,898$2,299 09/30/2024
     IFF21,898$2,299 09/30/2024
Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund21,899$2,298 09/30/2024
     IFF21,899$2,298 09/30/2024
Janney Montgomery Scott LLC21,840$2,292 09/30/2024
     IFF21,840$2,292 09/30/2024
Candriam Luxembourg S.C.A.21,803$2,288 09/30/2024
     IFF21,803$2,288 09/30/2024
GTS Securities LLC $2,287 09/30/2024
     Call29,200$3,064 09/30/2024
     Put12,400$1,301 09/30/2024
     IFF4,998$524 09/30/2024
MEAG MUNICH ERGO Kapitalanlagegesellschaft mbH21,619$2,268 09/30/2024
     IFF21,619$2,268 09/30/2024
Mirae Asset Global Investments Co. Ltd.21,580$2,268 09/30/2024
     IFF21,580$2,268 09/30/2024
KBC Group NV21,484$2,254 09/30/2024
     IFF21,484$2,254 09/30/2024
Fruth Investment Management21,426$2,248 09/30/2024
     IFF21,426$2,248 09/30/2024
AGF Management Ltd.21,267$2,232 09/30/2024
     IFF21,267$2,232 09/30/2024
Orca Investment Management LLC21,266$2,231 09/30/2024
     IFF21,266$2,231 09/30/2024
Mackenzie Financial Corp21,219$2,227 09/30/2024
     IFF21,219$2,227 09/30/2024
Acadian Asset Management LLC21,199$2,222 09/30/2024
     IFF21,199$2,222 09/30/2024
Strengthening Families & Communities LLC21,066$2,210 09/30/2024
     IFF21,066$2,210 09/30/2024
Ontario Teachers Pension Plan Board20,641$2,166 09/30/2024
     IFF20,641$2,166 09/30/2024
Point72 DIFC Ltd20,482$2,149 09/30/2024
     IFF20,482$2,149 09/30/2024
Gotham Asset Management LLC20,179$2,117 09/30/2024
     IFF20,179$2,117 09/30/2024
Gulf International Bank UK Ltd20,171$2,116 09/30/2024
     IFF20,171$2,116 09/30/2024
UBS Oconnor LLC20,000$2,099 09/30/2024
     IFF20,000$2,099 09/30/2024
Dean Capital Management19,885$2,087 09/30/2024
     IFF19,885$2,087 09/30/2024
Truist Financial Corp19,779$2,075 09/30/2024
     IFF19,779$2,075 09/30/2024
Rafferty Asset Management LLC19,734$2,071 09/30/2024
     IFF19,734$2,071 09/30/2024
Ballentine Partners LLC19,549$2,051 09/30/2024
     IFF19,549$2,051 09/30/2024
Levin Easterly Partners LLC19,430$2,039 09/30/2024
     IFF19,430$2,039 09/30/2024
Jarislowsky Fraser Ltd19,400$2,036 09/30/2024
     IFF19,400$2,036 09/30/2024
Ossiam19,195$2,014 09/30/2024
     IFF19,195$2,014 09/30/2024
Brevan Howard Capital Management LP19,089$2,003 09/30/2024
     IFF19,089$2,003 09/30/2024
Charter Trust Co.23,377$1,977 12/31/2024
     IFF23,377$1,977 12/31/2024
Cerity Partners LLC18,820$1,975 09/30/2024
     IFF18,820$1,975 09/30/2024
JustInvest LLC18,727$1,965 09/30/2024
     IFF18,727$1,965 09/30/2024
D. E. Shaw & Co. Inc.18,623$1,954 09/30/2024
     IFF18,623$1,954 09/30/2024
Prelude Capital Management LLC18,582$1,950 09/30/2024
     IFF18,582$1,950 09/30/2024
InTrack Investment Management Inc23,139$1,936 12/31/2024
     IFF23,139$1,936 12/31/2024
Envestnet Portfolio Solutions Inc.18,317$1,922 09/30/2024
     IFF18,317$1,922 09/30/2024
Kentucky Retirement Systems17,811$1,869 09/30/2024
     IFF17,811$1,869 09/30/2024
Hudson Bay Capital Management LP17,438$1,830 09/30/2024
     IFF17,438$1,830 09/30/2024
Barings LLC17,104$1,795 09/30/2024
     IFF17,104$1,795 09/30/2024
Vinva Investment Management Ltd17,023$1,789 09/30/2024
     IFF17,023$1,789 09/30/2024
Group One Trading L.P. $1,780 09/30/2024
     Call9,500$997 09/30/2024
     IFF8,461$888 09/30/2024
     Put1,000$105 09/30/2024
Sciencast Management LP16,724$1,755 09/30/2024
     IFF16,724$1,755 09/30/2024
Mizuho Securities USA LLC16,578$1,740 09/30/2024
     IFF16,578$1,740 09/30/2024
B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co. Holding AG16,580$1,740 09/30/2024
     IFF16,580$1,740 09/30/2024
B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co. AG16,580$1,740 09/30/2024
     IFF16,580$1,740 09/30/2024
Aristotle Atlantic Partners LLC16,466$1,728 09/30/2024
     IFF16,466$1,728 09/30/2024
SG Americas Securities LLC16,227$1,703 09/30/2024
     IFF16,227$1,703 09/30/2024
Lombard Odier Asset Management Switzerland SA16,114$1,691 09/30/2024
     IFF16,114$1,691 09/30/2024
Hartford Investment Management Co.16,074$1,687 09/30/2024
     IFF16,074$1,687 09/30/2024
Callahan Advisors LLC16,055$1,685 09/30/2024
     IFF16,055$1,685 09/30/2024
Marco Investment Management LLC16,025$1,682 09/30/2024
     IFF16,025$1,682 09/30/2024
Concentric Capital Strategies LP15,885$1,667 09/30/2024
     IFF15,885$1,667 09/30/2024
Colonial Trust Co SC15,868$1,665 09/30/2024
     IFF15,868$1,665 09/30/2024
Captrust Financial Advisors15,822$1,660 09/30/2024
     IFF15,822$1,660 09/30/2024
Achmea Investment Management B.V.15,661$1,643 09/30/2024
     IFF15,661$1,643 09/30/2024
RSM US Wealth Management LLC15,673$1,622 09/30/2024
     IFF15,673$1,622 09/30/2024
Greenwich Wealth Management LLC15,274$1,603 09/30/2024
     IFF15,274$1,603 09/30/2024
Seven Eight Capital LP14,849$1,558 09/30/2024
     IFF14,849$1,558 09/30/2024
Andra AP fonden14,716$1,544 09/30/2024
     IFF14,716$1,544 09/30/2024
Wetherby Asset Management Inc.14,634$1,536 09/30/2024
     IFF14,634$1,536 09/30/2024
Squarepoint Ops LLC14,628$1,535 09/30/2024
     IFF14,628$1,535 09/30/2024
Maryland State Retirement & Pension System14,606$1,533 09/30/2024
     IFF14,606$1,533 09/30/2024
AXQ Capital LP14,572$1,529 09/30/2024
     IFF14,572$1,529 09/30/2024
Koss Olinger Consulting LLC14,517$1,523 09/30/2024
     IFF14,517$1,523 09/30/2024
Louisiana State Employees Retirement System14,400$1,511 09/30/2024
     IFF14,400$1,511 09/30/2024
Quintet Private Bank Europe S.A.14,378$1,509 09/30/2024
     IFF14,378$1,509 09/30/2024
Twinbeech Capital LP14,112$1,481 09/30/2024
     IFF14,112$1,481 09/30/2024
Securian Asset Management Inc14,100$1,480 09/30/2024
     IFF14,100$1,480 09/30/2024
Great Valley Advisor Group Inc.14,103$1,480 09/30/2024
     IFF14,103$1,480 09/30/2024
Locust Wood Capital Advisers LLC14,000$1,469 09/30/2024
     IFF14,000$1,469 09/30/2024
Fifth Third Bancorp13,904$1,459 09/30/2024
     IFF13,904$1,459 09/30/2024
Tevis Investment Management13,835$1,457 09/30/2024
     IFF13,835$1,457 09/30/2024
Greenleaf Trust13,671$1,434 09/30/2024
     IFF13,671$1,434 09/30/2024
HRT Financial LP13,277$1,393 09/30/2024
     IFF13,277$1,393 09/30/2024
O Shaughnessy Asset Management LLC13,233$1,391 09/30/2024
     IFF13,233$1,391 09/30/2024
Wealthfront Advisers LLC13,194$1,384 09/30/2024
     IFF13,194$1,384 09/30/2024
Guggenheim Capital LLC13,093$1,374 09/30/2024
     IFF13,093$1,374 09/30/2024
Scott & Selber Inc.13,030$1,367 09/30/2024
     IFF13,030$1,367 09/30/2024
Jupiter Wealth Management LLC13,000$1,364 09/30/2024
     IFF13,000$1,364 09/30/2024
Premier Path Wealth Partners LLC15,759$1,332 12/31/2024
     IFF15,759$1,332 12/31/2024
Kinneret Advisory LLC12,641$1,331 09/30/2024
     IFF12,641$1,331 09/30/2024
CAPROCK Group Inc.12,613$1,328 09/30/2024
     IFF12,613$1,328 09/30/2024
Ieq Capital LLC12,488$1,310 09/30/2024
     IFF12,488$1,310 09/30/2024
New Mexico Educational Retirement Board12,477$1,309 09/30/2024
     IFF12,477$1,309 09/30/2024
South Dakota Investment Council12,406$1,302 09/30/2024
     IFF12,406$1,302 09/30/2024
Crossmark Global Holdings Inc.12,367$1,297 09/30/2024
     IFF12,367$1,297 09/30/2024
ISAM Funds UK Ltd12,322$1,293 09/30/2024
     IFF12,322$1,293 09/30/2024
Paloma Partners Management Co $1,279 09/30/2024
     Call11,700$1,228 09/30/2024
     IFF485$51 09/30/2024
Machina Capital S.A.S.12,130$1,273 09/30/2024
     IFF12,130$1,273 09/30/2024
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans12,102$1,270 09/30/2024
     IFF12,102$1,270 09/30/2024
Kovitz Investment Group Partners LLC12,093$1,269 09/30/2024
     IFF12,093$1,269 09/30/2024
Panagora Asset Management Inc.11,871$1,246 09/30/2024
     IFF11,871$1,246 09/30/2024
Assetmark Inc.11,839$1,242 09/30/2024
     IFF11,839$1,242 09/30/2024
Tectonic Advisors LLC11,616$1,219 09/30/2024
     IFF11,616$1,219 09/30/2024
Norinchukin Bank The11,569$1,214 09/30/2024
     IFF11,569$1,214 09/30/2024
Metis Global Partners LLC11,437$1,200 09/30/2024
     IFF11,437$1,200 09/30/2024
HighTower Advisors LLC11,415$1,189 09/30/2024
     IFF11,415$1,189 09/30/2024
Maverick Capital Ltd.11,242$1,180 09/30/2024
     IFF11,242$1,180 09/30/2024
Fosun International Ltd11,215$1,177 09/30/2024
     IFF11,215$1,177 09/30/2024
Public Sector Pension Investment Board11,194$1,175 09/30/2024
     IFF11,194$1,175 09/30/2024
Segall Bryant & Hamill LLC10,985$1,153 09/30/2024
     IFF10,985$1,153 09/30/2024
Cutler Capital Management LLC10,881$1,142 09/30/2024
     IFF10,881$1,142 09/30/2024
Atria Wealth Solutions Inc.10,745$1,132 09/30/2024
     IFF10,745$1,132 09/30/2024
Oppenheimer & Co. Inc.10,760$1,129 09/30/2024
     IFF10,760$1,129 09/30/2024
United Capital Financial Advisers LLC10,763$1,129 09/30/2024
     IFF10,763$1,129 09/30/2024
Private Advisor Group LLC10,520$1,104 09/30/2024
     IFF10,520$1,104 09/30/2024
Tower Research Capital LLC TRC 10,384$1,090 09/30/2024
     IFF10,384$1,090 09/30/2024
Sterling Capital Management LLC10,118$1,062 09/30/2024
     IFF10,118$1,062 09/30/2024
E. Ohman J or Asset Management AB10,034$1,053 09/30/2024
     IFF10,034$1,053 09/30/2024
J. Safra Sarasin Holding AG10,023$1,052 09/30/2024
     IFF10,023$1,052 09/30/2024
Assenagon Asset Management S.A.12,327$1,042 12/31/2024
     IFF12,327$1,042 12/31/2024
Benjamin Edwards Inc.9,471$994 09/30/2024
     IFF9,471$994 09/30/2024
Cambridge Investment Research Advisors Inc.9,357$982 09/30/2024
     IFF9,357$982 09/30/2024
Camelot Portfolios LLC9,187$964 09/30/2024
     IFF9,187$964 09/30/2024
Kimelman & Baird LLC9,014$946 09/30/2024
     IFF9,014$946 09/30/2024
Lido Advisors LLC8,922$936 09/30/2024
     IFF8,922$936 09/30/2024
OMERS ADMINISTRATION Corp8,892$933 09/30/2024
     IFF8,892$933 09/30/2024
Toroso Investments LLC8,809$924 09/30/2024
     IFF8,809$924 09/30/2024
NEOS Investment Management LLC8,701$913 09/30/2024
     IFF8,701$913 09/30/2024
Graham Capital Management L.P.8,692$912 09/30/2024
     IFF8,692$912 09/30/2024
Central Pacific Bank Trust Division10,600$896 12/31/2024
     IFF10,600$896 12/31/2024
Tokio Marine Asset Management Co. Ltd.8,427$884 09/30/2024
     IFF8,427$884 09/30/2024
Investment Management Corp of Ontario8,414$883 09/30/2024
     IFF8,414$883 09/30/2024
Bleakley Financial Group LLC8,334$875 09/30/2024
     IFF8,334$875 09/30/2024
Cullen Frost Bankers Inc.8,245$865 09/30/2024
     IFF8,245$865 09/30/2024
Northwestern Mutual Investment Management Company LLC8,103$850 09/30/2024
     IFF8,103$850 09/30/2024
Cacti Asset Management LLC10,000$840 12/31/2024
     IFF10,000$840 12/31/2024
Quadcap Wealth Management LLC7,932$832 09/30/2024
     IFF7,932$832 09/30/2024
Keybank National Association OH7,923$831 09/30/2024
     IFF7,923$831 09/30/2024
D.A. Davidson & CO.7,894$828 09/30/2024
     IFF7,894$828 09/30/2024
Blair William & Co. IL7,852$824 09/30/2024
     IFF7,852$824 09/30/2024
Epoch Investment Partners Inc.7,772$816 09/30/2024
     IFF7,772$816 09/30/2024
Empirical Finance LLC7,679$806 09/30/2024
     IFF7,679$806 09/30/2024
Kentucky Retirement Systems Insurance Trust Fund7,569$794 09/30/2024
     IFF7,569$794 09/30/2024
Alpha DNA Investment Management LLC7,535$791 09/30/2024
     IFF7,535$791 09/30/2024
Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Co.7,511$788 09/30/2024
     IFF7,511$788 09/30/2024
Mercer Global Advisors Inc. ADV7,584$784 09/30/2024
     IFF7,584$784 09/30/2024
Mount Yale Investment Advisors LLC7,337$770 09/30/2024
     IFF7,337$770 09/30/2024
CHICAGO TRUST Co NA9,048$765 12/31/2024
     IFF9,048$765 12/31/2024
Profund Advisors LLC7,196$755 09/30/2024
     IFF7,196$755 09/30/2024
Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund7,118$747 09/30/2024
     IFF7,118$747 09/30/2024
Kingswood Wealth Advisors LLC7,079$743 09/30/2024
     IFF7,079$743 09/30/2024
GM Advisory Group Inc.7,032$738 09/30/2024
     IFF7,032$738 09/30/2024
Tocqueville Asset Management L.P.6,950$729 09/30/2024
     IFF6,950$729 09/30/2024
Boothbay Fund Management LLC6,950$729 09/30/2024
     IFF6,950$729 09/30/2024
V Square Quantitative Management LLC6,897$724 09/30/2024
     IFF6,897$724 09/30/2024
1620 Investment Advisors Inc.6,694$702 09/30/2024
     IFF6,694$702 09/30/2024
DAVENPORT & Co LLC6,683$701 09/30/2024
     IFF6,683$701 09/30/2024
Sanctuary Advisors LLC6,621$695 09/30/2024
     IFF6,621$695 09/30/2024
Steward Partners Investment Advisory LLC6,576$690 09/30/2024
     IFF6,576$690 09/30/2024
Beacon Financial Group6,545$687 09/30/2024
     IFF6,545$687 09/30/2024
CWM LLC6,540$686 09/30/2024
     IFF6,540$686 09/30/2024
Prime Capital Investment Advisors LLC6,529$685 09/30/2024
     IFF6,529$685 09/30/2024
Pflug Koory LLC6,527$685 09/30/2024
     IFF6,527$685 09/30/2024
GAMMA Investing LLC8,028$679 12/31/2024
     IFF8,028$679 12/31/2024
Evercore Wealth Management LLC6,390$671 09/30/2024
     IFF6,390$671 09/30/2024
Fullcircle Wealth LLC6,539$668 09/30/2024
     IFF6,539$668 09/30/2024
Hedges Asset Management LLC6,300$661 09/30/2024
     IFF6,300$661 09/30/2024
Fox Run Management L.L.C.6,240$655 09/30/2024
     IFF6,240$655 09/30/2024
Diligent Investors LLC6,229$654 09/30/2024
     IFF6,229$654 09/30/2024
Wahed Invest LLC6,209$652 09/30/2024
     IFF6,209$652 09/30/2024
Haverford Trust Co.6,184$649 09/30/2024
     IFF6,184$649 09/30/2024
Oak Thistle LLC7,643$646 12/31/2024
     IFF7,643$646 12/31/2024
Veriti Management LLC6,110$641 09/30/2024
     IFF6,110$641 09/30/2024
ARGA Investment Management LP6,068$637 09/30/2024
     IFF6,068$637 09/30/2024
Federated Hermes Inc.6,035$633 09/30/2024
     IFF6,035$633 09/30/2024
Erste Asset Management GmbH6,000$631 09/30/2024
     IFF6,000$631 09/30/2024
Ellevest Inc.5,899$619 09/30/2024
     IFF5,899$619 09/30/2024
HF Advisory Group LLC7,282$616 12/31/2024
     IFF7,282$616 12/31/2024
Anchor Investment Management LLC5,852$614 09/30/2024
     IFF5,852$614 09/30/2024
Peoples Bank KS7,242$612 12/31/2024
     IFF7,242$612 12/31/2024
First Eagle Investment Management LLC5,719$600 09/30/2024
     IFF5,719$600 09/30/2024
Integrated Advisors Network LLC5,720$600 09/30/2024
     IFF5,720$600 09/30/2024
Occudo Quantitative Strategies LP5,549$582 09/30/2024
     IFF5,549$582 09/30/2024
Dynamic Technology Lab Private Ltd5,488$576 09/30/2024
     IFF5,488$576 09/30/2024
Raymond James Trust N.A.5,403$567 09/30/2024
     IFF5,403$567 09/30/2024
Apollon Wealth Management LLC5,397$566 09/30/2024
     IFF5,397$566 09/30/2024
44 Wealth Management LLC5,424$564 09/30/2024
     IFF5,424$564 09/30/2024
Sherbrooke Park Advisers LLC5,340$560 09/30/2024
     IFF5,340$560 09/30/2024
Wiley BROS. Aintree Capital LLC5,342$555 09/30/2024
     IFF5,342$555 09/30/2024
Pinnacle Associates Ltd.5,286$555 09/30/2024
     IFF5,286$555 09/30/2024
XTX Topco Ltd5,267$553 09/30/2024
     IFF5,267$553 09/30/2024
Johnson Investment Counsel Inc.5,205$546 09/30/2024
     IFF5,205$546 09/30/2024
HB Wealth Management LLC6,230$527 12/31/2024
     IFF6,230$527 12/31/2024
Two Sigma Securities LLC $525 09/30/2024
     Call5,000$525 09/30/2024
Vestcor Inc4,991$524 09/30/2024
     IFF4,991$524 09/30/2024
Kestra Private Wealth Services LLC4,961$521 09/30/2024
     IFF4,961$521 09/30/2024
Williams Jones Wealth Management LLC.4,967$521 09/30/2024
     IFF4,967$521 09/30/2024
Cary Street Partners Investment Advisory LLC4,958$520 09/30/2024
     IFF4,958$520 09/30/2024
Bard Financial Services Inc.6,125$518 12/31/2024
     IFF6,125$518 12/31/2024
Financial Advisory Corp UT ADV6,065$513 12/31/2024
     IFF6,065$513 12/31/2024
Teza Capital Management LLC4,869$511 09/30/2024
     IFF4,869$511 09/30/2024
Northeast Investment Management4,700$493 09/30/2024
     IFF4,700$493 09/30/2024
FineMark National Bank & Trust4,696$493 09/30/2024
     IFF4,696$493 09/30/2024
Principle Wealth Partners LLC4,702$493 09/30/2024
     IFF4,702$493 09/30/2024
Jump Financial LLC4,701$493 09/30/2024
     IFF4,701$493 09/30/2024
Brandywine Oak Private Wealth LLC4,691$492 09/30/2024
     IFF4,691$492 09/30/2024
Ostrum Asset Management4,678$491 09/30/2024
     IFF4,678$491 09/30/2024
Signaturefd LLC4,608$484 09/30/2024
     IFF4,608$484 09/30/2024
TD Private Client Wealth LLC4,609$484 09/30/2024
     IFF4,609$484 09/30/2024
Waddell & Associates LLC4,526$475 09/30/2024
     IFF4,526$475 09/30/2024
Thompson Siegel & Walmsley LLC4,519$474 09/30/2024
     IFF4,519$474 09/30/2024
Weik Capital Management4,515$474 09/30/2024
     IFF4,515$474 09/30/2024
Meiji Yasuda Asset Management Co Ltd.4,519$474 09/30/2024
     IFF4,519$474 09/30/2024
Shell Asset Management Co.4,497$472 09/30/2024
     IFF4,497$472 09/30/2024
Prudential PLC4,488$471 09/30/2024
     IFF4,488$471 09/30/2024
Spears Abacus Advisors LLC4,449$467 09/30/2024
     IFF4,449$467 09/30/2024
Vontobel Holding Ltd.4,414$463 09/30/2024
     IFF4,414$463 09/30/2024
Crumly & Associates Inc.4,399$462 09/30/2024
     IFF4,399$462 09/30/2024
QRG Capital Management Inc.4,389$461 09/30/2024
     IFF4,389$461 09/30/2024
Garner Asset Management Corp4,265$448 09/30/2024
     COM4,265$448 09/30/2024
Coldstream Capital Management Inc.4,314$447 09/30/2024
     IFF4,314$447 09/30/2024
BKM Wealth Management LLC4,236$444 09/30/2024
     IFF4,236$444 09/30/2024
Everence Capital Management Inc.5,152$436 12/31/2024
     IFF5,152$436 12/31/2024
Park Avenue Securities LLC5,118$433 12/31/2024
     IFF5,118$433 12/31/2024
Empowered Funds LLC4,130$433 09/30/2024
     IFF4,130$433 09/30/2024
Huntington National Bank4,095$430 09/30/2024
     IFF4,095$430 09/30/2024
RNC Capital Management LLC4,061$426 09/30/2024
     IFF4,061$426 09/30/2024
Salem Investment Counselors Inc.4,958$421 12/31/2024
     IFF4,958$421 12/31/2024
Commerce Bank3,989$419 09/30/2024
     IFF3,989$419 09/30/2024
Eqis Capital Management Inc.3,965$416 09/30/2024
     IFF3,965$416 09/30/2024
Westpac Banking Corp3,955$415 09/30/2024
     IFF3,955$415 09/30/2024
CIBC Private Wealth Group LLC3,944$414 09/30/2024
     IFF3,944$414 09/30/2024
Ancora Advisors LLC3,949$414 09/30/2024
     IFF3,949$414 09/30/2024
Atria Investments LLC3,934$413 09/30/2024
     IFF3,934$413 09/30/2024
Vident Advisory LLC3,927$412 09/30/2024
     IFF3,927$412 09/30/2024
Addison Capital Co3,875$407 09/30/2024
     IFF3,875$407 09/30/2024
BRYN MAWR TRUST Co3,866$406 09/30/2024
     IFF3,866$406 09/30/2024
Delta Asset Management LLC TN3,850$404 09/30/2024
     IFF3,850$404 09/30/2024
Schechter Investment Advisors LLC3,822$401 09/30/2024
     IFF3,822$401 09/30/2024
Gifford Fong Associates3,707$389 09/30/2024
     IFF3,707$389 09/30/2024
Athena Investment Management3,693$388 09/30/2024
     IFF3,693$388 09/30/2024
White Pine Capital LLC3,683$386 09/30/2024
     IFF3,683$386 09/30/2024
Personal CFO Solutions LLC3,650$383 09/30/2024
     IFF3,650$383 09/30/2024
Auxier Asset Management3,556$373 09/30/2024
     IFF3,556$373 09/30/2024
Crestline Management LP3,533$371 09/30/2024
     IFF3,533$371 09/30/2024
Spire Wealth Management3,517$369 09/30/2024
     IFF3,517$369 09/30/2024
Algert Global LLC3,500$367 09/30/2024
     IFF3,500$367 09/30/2024
CIBC World Markets Inc.3,490$366 09/30/2024
     IFF3,490$366 09/30/2024
Horizon Investments LLC3,469$364 09/30/2024
     IFF3,469$364 09/30/2024
MAI Capital Management3,397$356 09/30/2024
     IFF3,397$356 09/30/2024
Ronald Blue Trust Inc.3,329$349 09/30/2024
     IFF3,329$349 09/30/2024
Centiva Capital LP3,320$348 09/30/2024
     IFF3,320$348 09/30/2024
Bessemer Group Inc.3,296$345 09/30/2024
     IFF3,296$345 09/30/2024
Pictet North America Advisors SA3,275$344 09/30/2024
     IFF3,275$344 09/30/2024
Advisory Services Network LLC3,251$341 09/30/2024
     IFF3,251$341 09/30/2024
Larson Financial Group LLC3,232$339 09/30/2024
     IFF3,232$339 09/30/2024
Searle & CO.3,202$336 09/30/2024
     IFF3,202$336 09/30/2024
Everhart Financial Group Inc.3,154$331 09/30/2024
     IFF3,154$331 09/30/2024
Fiduciary Trust Co.3,149$330 09/30/2024
     IFF3,149$330 09/30/2024
Argent Financial Group Inc.3,135$329 09/30/2024
     IFF3,135$329 09/30/2024
Summit Trail Advisors LLC3,085$325 09/30/2024
     IFF3,085$325 09/30/2024
Sawyer & Company Inc3,807$322 12/31/2024
     IFF3,807$322 12/31/2024
Salvus Wealth Management LLC3,813$322 12/31/2024
     IFF3,813$322 12/31/2024
Morningstar Investment Services LLC3,062$322 09/30/2024
     IFF3,062$322 09/30/2024
Arete Wealth Advisors LLC3,061$321 09/30/2024
     IFF3,061$321 09/30/2024
MBB Public Markets I LLC3,060$321 09/30/2024
     IFF3,060$321 09/30/2024
Horizon Kinetics Asset Management LLC3,050$320 09/30/2024
     IFF3,050$320 09/30/2024
Dorsey & Whitney Trust CO LLC3,051$320 09/30/2024
     IFF3,051$320 09/30/2024
Wellington Management Group LLP3,020$317 09/30/2024
     IFF3,020$317 09/30/2024
Stratos Wealth Partners LTD.3,000$315 09/30/2024
     IFF3,000$315 09/30/2024
GeoWealth Management LLC2,960$311 09/30/2024
     IFF2,960$311 09/30/2024
Radnor Capital Management LLC3,595$304 12/31/2024
     IFF3,595$304 12/31/2024
Jefferies Financial Group Inc.2,887$303 09/30/2024
     IFF2,887$303 09/30/2024
Headinvest LLC2,830$297 09/30/2024
     IFF2,830$297 09/30/2024
Cohen Capital Management Inc.2,794$293 09/30/2024
     IFF2,794$293 09/30/2024
Siemens Fonds Invest GmbH2,767$291 09/30/2024
     IFF2,767$291 09/30/2024
Scotia Capital Inc.2,743$288 09/30/2024
     IFF2,743$288 09/30/2024
Ameritas Investment Partners Inc.2,687$282 09/30/2024
     IFF2,687$282 09/30/2024
Argent Trust Co2,681$281 09/30/2024
     IFF2,681$281 09/30/2024
Wedmont Private Capital3,414$278 12/31/2024
     IFF3,414$278 12/31/2024
Frank Rimerman Advisors LLC2,646$278 09/30/2024
     IFF2,646$278 09/30/2024
NJ State Employees Deferred Compensation Plan2,640$277 09/30/2024
     IFF2,640$277 09/30/2024
LMR Partners LLP2,641$277 09/30/2024
     IFF2,641$277 09/30/2024
Cigna Investments Inc. New2,633$276 09/30/2024
     IFF2,633$276 09/30/2024
Jones Financial Companies Lllp2,629$276 09/30/2024
     IFF2,629$276 09/30/2024
We Are One Seven LLC2,621$275 09/30/2024
     IFF2,621$275 09/30/2024
Bahl & Gaynor Inc.2,600$273 09/30/2024
     IFF2,600$273 09/30/2024
Studio Investment Management LLC2,560$270 09/30/2024
     IFF2,560$270 09/30/2024
Borer Denton & Associates Inc.2,575$270 09/30/2024
     IFF2,575$270 09/30/2024
Banque Pictet & Cie SA2,550$268 09/30/2024
     IFF2,550$268 09/30/2024
Fairfield Bush & CO.2,536$266 09/30/2024
     IFF2,536$266 09/30/2024
First Manhattan Co.2,494$263 09/30/2024
     IFF2,494$263 09/30/2024
Valeo Financial Advisors LLC2,458$258 09/30/2024
     IFF2,458$258 09/30/2024
Forum Financial Management LP2,461$258 09/30/2024
     IFF2,461$258 09/30/2024
Sumitomo Life Insurance Co.2,452$257 09/30/2024
     IFF2,452$257 09/30/2024
First City Capital Management Inc.2,975$252 12/31/2024
     IFF2,975$252 12/31/2024
Marietta Investment Partners LLC2,400$252 09/30/2024
     IFF2,400$252 09/30/2024
Trust Investment Advisors2,401$252 09/30/2024
     IFF2,401$252 09/30/2024
Clearstead Advisors LLC2,395$251 09/30/2024
     IFF2,395$251 09/30/2024
Rodgers Brothers Inc.2,394$251 09/30/2024
     IFF2,394$251 09/30/2024
Townsquare Capital LLC2,380$250 09/30/2024
     IFF2,380$250 09/30/2024
Perigon Wealth Management LLC2,344$246 09/30/2024
     IFF2,344$246 09/30/2024
Parallel Advisors LLC2,341$246 09/30/2024
     IFF2,341$246 09/30/2024
GYL Financial Synergies LLC2,343$246 09/30/2024
     IFF2,343$246 09/30/2024
Dark Forest Capital Management LP2,323$244 09/30/2024
     IFF2,323$244 09/30/2024
Aaron Wealth Advisors2,851$241 12/31/2024
     IFF2,851$241 12/31/2024
Novare Capital Management LLC2,247$236 09/30/2024
     IFF2,247$236 09/30/2024
McMahon Financial Advisors LLC2,200$231 09/30/2024
     IFF2,200$231 09/30/2024
KCM Investment Advisors LLC2,175$228 09/30/2024
     IFF2,175$228 09/30/2024
Sequoia Financial Advisors LLC2,154$226 09/30/2024
     IFF2,154$226 09/30/2024
Dai Ichi Life Insurance Company Ltd2,153$226 09/30/2024
     IFF2,153$226 09/30/2024
Bowen Hanes & Co. Inc.2,139$224 09/30/2024
     IFF2,139$224 09/30/2024
J.W. Cole Advisors Inc.2,133$224 09/30/2024
     IFF2,133$224 09/30/2024
Westhampton Capital LLC2,127$223 09/30/2024
     IFF2,127$223 09/30/2024
Snowden Capital Advisors LLC2,107$222 09/30/2024
     IFF2,107$222 09/30/2024
Penserra Capital Management LLC2,114$221 09/30/2024
     IFF2,114$221 09/30/2024
Stonegate Investment Group LLC2,091$219 09/30/2024
     IFF2,091$219 09/30/2024
Axxcess Wealth Management LLC2,050$215 09/30/2024
     IFF2,050$215 09/30/2024
Lindbrook Capital LLC2,009$211 09/30/2024
     IFF2,009$211 09/30/2024
SageView Advisory Group LLC2,014$211 09/30/2024
     IFF2,014$211 09/30/2024
Oxford Asset Management LLP1,999$210 09/30/2024
     IFF1,999$210 09/30/2024
Chilton Capital Management LLC1,991$209 09/30/2024
     IFF1,991$209 09/30/2024
Main Street Financial Solutions LLC1,970$207 09/30/2024
     IFF1,970$207 09/30/2024
Optas LLC1,968$207 09/30/2024
     IFF1,968$207 09/30/2024
Quadrant Capital Group LLC1,941$204 09/30/2024
     IFF1,941$204 09/30/2024
Reynders McVeigh Capital Management LLC1,920$201 09/30/2024
     IFF1,920$201 09/30/2024
Cutler Investment Counsel LLC1,900$200 09/30/2024
     IFF1,900$200 09/30/2024
Meeder Advisory Services Inc.1,909$200 09/30/2024
     IFF1,909$200 09/30/2024
Close Asset Management Ltd1,900$199 09/30/2024
     IFF1,900$199 09/30/2024
Livforsakringsbolaget Skandia Omsesidigt1,844$194 09/30/2024
     IFF1,844$194 09/30/2024
Wintrust Investments LLC1,622$170 09/30/2024
     IFF1,622$170 09/30/2024
Catalyst Funds Management Pty Ltd1,600$168 09/30/2024
     IFF1,600$168 09/30/2024
Solstein Capital LLC1,570$165 09/30/2024
     IFF1,570$165 09/30/2024
Cyrus J. Lawrence LLC1,550$162 09/30/2024
     IFF1,550$162 09/30/2024
Brown Lisle Cummings Inc.1,533$161 09/30/2024
     IFF1,533$161 09/30/2024
Rothschild Investment LLC1,504$158 09/30/2024
     IFF1,504$158 09/30/2024
Geneos Wealth Management Inc.1,497$157 09/30/2024
     IFF1,497$157 09/30/2024
NBC Securities Inc.1,444$151 09/30/2024
     IFF1,444$151 09/30/2024
LRI Investments LLC1,422$149 09/30/2024
     IFF1,422$149 09/30/2024
Sunbelt Securities Inc.1,323$139 09/30/2024
     IFF1,323$139 09/30/2024
GWM Advisors LLC1,240$130 09/30/2024
     IFF1,240$130 09/30/2024
Logan Capital Management Inc.1,188$125 09/30/2024
     IFF1,188$125 09/30/2024
SRS Capital Advisors Inc.1,185$124 09/30/2024
     IFF1,185$124 09/30/2024
UMB Bank N A MO1,458$123 12/31/2024
     IFF1,458$123 12/31/2024
Parkside Financial Bank & Trust1,150$121 09/30/2024
     IFF1,150$121 09/30/2024
Point72 Asia Singapore Pte. Ltd.1,154$121 09/30/2024
     IFF1,154$121 09/30/2024
Farther Finance Advisors LLC1,155$121 09/30/2024
     IFF1,155$121 09/30/2024
Sentry Investment Management LLC1,096$115 09/30/2024
     IFF1,096$115 09/30/2024
CKW Financial Group1,100$113 09/30/2024
     IFF1,100$113 09/30/2024
Venturi Wealth Management LLC989$104 09/30/2024
     IFF989$104 09/30/2024
Smartleaf Asset Management LLC979$103 09/30/2024
     IFF979$103 09/30/2024
Whittier Trust Co. of Nevada Inc.894$94 09/30/2024
     IFF894$94 09/30/2024
Estabrook Capital Management897$94 09/30/2024
     IFF897$94 09/30/2024
Global Trust Asset Management LLC865$91 09/30/2024
     IFF865$91 09/30/2024
CI Investments Inc.850$89 09/30/2024
     IFF850$89 09/30/2024
Private Trust Co. NA850$89 09/30/2024
     IFF850$89 09/30/2024
Versant Capital Management Inc1,041$88 12/31/2024
     IFF1,041$88 12/31/2024
Bfsg LLC810$85 09/30/2024
     IFF810$85 09/30/2024
Cromwell Holdings LLC783$82 09/30/2024
     IFF783$82 09/30/2024
Manchester Capital Management LLC772$81 09/30/2024
     IFF772$81 09/30/2024
Exchange Traded Concepts LLC774$81 09/30/2024
     IFF774$81 09/30/2024
United Community Bank775$81 09/30/2024
     IFF775$81 09/30/2024
CENTRAL TRUST Co766$80 09/30/2024
     IFF766$80 09/30/2024
Baldwin Brothers Inc. MA758$80 09/30/2024
     IFF758$80 09/30/2024
GHP Investment Advisors Inc.699$73 09/30/2024
     IFF699$73 09/30/2024
Skopos Labs Inc.835$71 12/31/2024
     IFF835$71 12/31/2024
Whittier Trust Co.657$69 09/30/2024
     IFF657$69 09/30/2024
Roble Belko & Company Inc800$68 12/31/2024
     IFF800$68 12/31/2024
Allworth Financial LP649$68 09/30/2024
     IFF649$68 09/30/2024
Catalyst Capital Advisors LLC637$67 09/30/2024
     IFF637$67 09/30/2024
Sachetta LLC642$67 09/30/2024
     IFF642$67 09/30/2024
Massmutual Trust Co. FSB ADV785$66 12/31/2024
     IFF785$66 12/31/2024
Capital Analysts LLC607$64 09/30/2024
     IFF607$64 09/30/2024
Mather Group LLC.597$63 09/30/2024
     IFF597$63 09/30/2024
North Star Investment Management Corp.594$62 09/30/2024
     IFF594$62 09/30/2024
Proequities Inc. $59 09/30/2024
     IFF557$59 09/30/2024
     Put0$0 09/30/2024
     Call0$0 09/30/2024
GPS Wealth Strategies Group LLC502$53 09/30/2024
     IFF502$53 09/30/2024
Hall Laurie J Trustee609$51 12/31/2024
     IFF609$51 12/31/2024
Arrow Financial Corp484$51 09/30/2024
     IFF484$51 09/30/2024
MCF Advisors LLC489$51 09/30/2024
     IFF489$51 09/30/2024
Deseret Mutual Benefit Administrators478$50 09/30/2024
     IFF478$50 09/30/2024
Principal Securities Inc.467$49 09/30/2024
     IFF467$49 09/30/2024
Thompson Investment Management Inc.463$49 09/30/2024
     IFF463$49 09/30/2024
EverSource Wealth Advisors LLC471$49 09/30/2024
     IFF471$49 09/30/2024
Ashton Thomas Securities LLC461$48 09/30/2024
     IFF461$48 09/30/2024
Global Retirement Partners LLC442$46 09/30/2024
     IFF442$46 09/30/2024
Oakworth Capital Inc.418$44 09/30/2024
     IFF418$44 09/30/2024
Future Financial Wealth Managment LLC500$42 12/31/2024
     IFF500$42 12/31/2024
Point72 Hong Kong Ltd400$42 09/30/2024
     IFF400$42 09/30/2024
First Personal Financial Services403$42 09/30/2024
     IFF403$42 09/30/2024
Quent Capital LLC371$39 09/30/2024
     IFF371$39 09/30/2024
Clean Yield Group453$38 12/31/2024
     IFF453$38 12/31/2024
Bank & Trust Co447$38 12/31/2024
     IFF447$38 12/31/2024
Eastern Bank440$37 12/31/2024
     IFF440$37 12/31/2024
Arlington Trust Co LLC355$37 09/30/2024
     IFF355$37 09/30/2024
Evermay Wealth Management LLC330$35 09/30/2024
     IFF330$35 09/30/2024
Riverview Trust Co325$34 09/30/2024
     IFF325$34 09/30/2024
Blue Bell Private Wealth Management LLC311$33 09/30/2024
     IFF311$33 09/30/2024
Field & Main Bank300$31 09/30/2024
     IFF300$31 09/30/2024
MV Capital Management Inc.299$31 09/30/2024
     IFF299$31 09/30/2024
Hemington Wealth Management310$30 09/30/2024
     IFF310$30 09/30/2024
FinTrust Capital Advisors LLC281$29 09/30/2024
     IFF281$29 09/30/2024
AlphaMark Advisors LLC255$27 09/30/2024
     IFF255$27 09/30/2024
Northwest Investment Counselors LLC261$27 09/30/2024
     IFF261$27 09/30/2024
South State CORP.250$26 09/30/2024
     IFF250$26 09/30/2024
First Horizon Advisors Inc.239$25 09/30/2024
     IFF239$25 09/30/2024
Private Wealth Management Group LLC225$24 09/30/2024
     IFF225$24 09/30/2024
Castleview Partners LLC222$23 09/30/2024
     IFF222$23 09/30/2024
Dunhill Financial LLC215$23 09/30/2024
     IFF215$23 09/30/2024
Global X Japan Co. Ltd.196$21 09/30/2024
     IFF196$21 09/30/2024
EnRich Financial Partners LLC189$20 09/30/2024
     IFF189$20 09/30/2024
GW&K Investment Management LLC167$18 09/30/2024
     IFF167$18 09/30/2024
Westside Investment Management Inc.158$17 09/30/2024
     IFF158$17 09/30/2024
Meeder Asset Management Inc.155$16 09/30/2024
     IFF155$16 09/30/2024
Harbour Investments Inc.154$16 09/30/2024
     IFF154$16 09/30/2024
Groupama Asset Managment15,466$16 09/30/2024
     IFF15,466$16 09/30/2024
Farmers & Merchants Investments Inc.152$16 09/30/2024
     IFF152$16 09/30/2024
Capital Advisors Ltd. LLC145$15 09/30/2024
     IFF145$15 09/30/2024
Zions Bancorporation N.A.141$15 09/30/2024
     IFF141$15 09/30/2024
Covestor Ltd140$15 09/30/2024
     IFF140$15 09/30/2024
Financial Network Wealth Advisors LLC142$15 09/30/2024
     IFF142$15 09/30/2024
CVA Family Office LLC165$14 12/31/2024
     IFF165$14 12/31/2024
Tidemark LLC130$14 09/30/2024
     IFF130$14 09/30/2024
M&R Capital Management Inc.122$13 09/30/2024
     IFF122$13 09/30/2024
Asset Dedication LLC123$13 09/30/2024
     IFF123$13 09/30/2024
Bray Capital Advisors122$13 09/30/2024
     IFF122$13 09/30/2024
Iron Horse Wealth Management LLC122$13 09/30/2024
     IFF122$13 09/30/2024
Raleigh Capital Management Inc.115$12 09/30/2024
     IFF115$12 09/30/2024
Creative Financial Designs Inc. ADV104$11 09/30/2024
     IFF104$11 09/30/2024
Crewe Advisors LLC105$11 09/30/2024
     IFF105$11 09/30/2024
Trust Co. of Vermont122$10 12/31/2024
     IFF122$10 12/31/2024
Oarsman Capital Inc.100$10 09/30/2024
     IFF100$10 09/30/2024
Sittner & Nelson LLC100$10 09/30/2024
     IFF100$10 09/30/2024
Red Tortoise LLC100$10 09/30/2024
     IFF100$10 09/30/2024
TD Waterhouse Canada Inc.100$10 09/30/2024
     IFF100$10 09/30/2024
Financial Perspectives Inc100$10 09/30/2024
     IFF100$10 09/30/2024
Macroview Investment Management LLC85$9 09/30/2024
     IFF85$9 09/30/2024
Harbor Investment Advisory LLC91$8 12/31/2024
     IFF91$8 12/31/2024
BOKF NA81$8 09/30/2024
     IFF81$8 09/30/2024
Sound Income Strategies LLC72$8 09/30/2024
     IFF72$8 09/30/2024
Annis Gardner Whiting Capital Advisors LLC75$8 09/30/2024
     IFF75$8 09/30/2024
Bruce G. Allen Investments LLC87$7 12/31/2024
     IFF87$7 12/31/2024
Financial Gravity Companies Inc.65$7 09/30/2024
     IFF65$7 09/30/2024
JFS Wealth Advisors LLC69$7 09/30/2024
     IFF69$7 09/30/2024
Coppell Advisory Solutions LLC66$7 09/30/2024
     IFF66$7 09/30/2024
Capital Performance Advisors LLP66$7 09/30/2024
     IFF66$7 09/30/2024
Beaird Harris Wealth Management LLC60$6 09/30/2024
     IFF60$6 09/30/2024
Horizon Bancorp Inc. IN64$5 12/31/2024
     IFF64$5 12/31/2024
Winch Advisory Services LLC60$5 12/31/2024
     IFF60$5 12/31/2024
NBT Bank N A NY50$5 09/30/2024
     IFF50$5 09/30/2024
DT Investment Partners LLC46$5 09/30/2024
     IFF46$5 09/30/2024
Abound Wealth Management43$4 12/31/2024
     IFF43$4 12/31/2024
Fortitude Family Office LLC47$4 12/31/2024
     IFF47$4 12/31/2024
Signature Resources Capital Management LLC34$4 09/30/2024
     IFF34$4 09/30/2024
AdvisorNet Financial Inc35$3 12/31/2024
     IFF35$3 12/31/2024
Operose Advisors LLC30$3 09/30/2024
     IFF30$3 09/30/2024
Trifecta Capital Advisors LLC30$3 09/30/2024
     IFF30$3 09/30/2024
Rakuten Securities Inc.26$3 09/30/2024
     IFF26$3 09/30/2024
Voisard Asset Management Group Inc.31$3 09/30/2024
     IFF31$3 09/30/2024
Fairman Group LLC26$3 09/30/2024
     IFF26$3 09/30/2024
Grove Bank & Trust25$2 12/31/2024
     IFF25$2 12/31/2024
Kayne Anderson Rudnick Investment Management LLC15$2 09/30/2024
     IFF15$2 09/30/2024
Boyd Watterson Asset Management LLC OH15$2 09/30/2024
     IFF15$2 09/30/2024
Reston Wealth Management LLC20$2 09/30/2024
     IFF20$2 09/30/2024
Avion Wealth15$2 09/30/2024
     IFF15$2 09/30/2024
Key Financial Inc15$2 09/30/2024
     IFF15$2 09/30/2024
Cornerstone Planning Group LLC15$2 09/30/2024
     IFF15$2 09/30/2024
Hexagon Capital Partners LLC15$2 09/30/2024
     IFF15$2 09/30/2024
Continuum Advisory LLC19$2 09/30/2024
     IFF19$2 09/30/2024
SJS Investment Consulting Inc.22$2 09/30/2024
     IFF22$2 09/30/2024
Cape Investment Advisory Inc.22$2 09/30/2024
     IFF22$2 09/30/2024
DiNuzzo Private Wealth Inc.15$2 09/30/2024
     IFF15$2 09/30/2024
Jamison Private Wealth Management Inc.22$2 09/30/2024
     IFF22$2 09/30/2024
Bartlett & CO. Wealth Management LLC23$2 09/30/2024
     IFF23$2 09/30/2024
WR Wealth Planners LLC19$2 09/30/2024
     IFF19$2 09/30/2024
Financial Management Professionals Inc.11$1 12/31/2024
     IFF11$1 12/31/2024
HM Payson & Co.6$1 09/30/2024
     IFF6$1 09/30/2024
Transamerica Financial Advisors Inc.12$1 09/30/2024
     IFF12$1 09/30/2024
Nelson Van Denburg & Campbell Wealth Management Group LLC12$1 09/30/2024
     IFF12$1 09/30/2024
Prestige Wealth Management Group LLC12$1 09/30/2024
     IFF12$1 09/30/2024
Core Alternative Capital8$1 09/30/2024
     IFF8$1 09/30/2024
Hoey Investments Inc.10$1 09/30/2024
     IFF10$1 09/30/2024
Carolinas Wealth Consulting LLC12$1 09/30/2024
     IFF12$1 09/30/2024
TFC Financial Management8$1 09/30/2024
     IFF8$1 09/30/2024
SOA Wealth Advisors LLC.10$1 09/30/2024
     IFF10$1 09/30/2024
Bell Investment Advisors Inc13$1 09/30/2024
     IFF13$1 09/30/2024
Claris Advisors LLC MO6$1 09/30/2024
     IFF6$1 09/30/2024
True Wealth Design LLC7$1 09/30/2024
     IFF7$1 09/30/2024
West Paces Advisors Inc.6$1 09/30/2024
     IFF6$1 09/30/2024
Fairscale Capital LLC13$1 09/30/2024
     IFF13$1 09/30/2024
Laurel Wealth Advisors LLC4$0 12/31/2024
     IFF4$0 12/31/2024
PSI Advisors LLC1$0 12/31/2024
     IFF1$0 12/31/2024
ORG Partners LLC5$0 12/31/2024
     IFF5$0 12/31/2024
Global Financial Private Client LLC5$0 12/31/2024
     IFF5$0 12/31/2024
West Branch Capital LLC1$0 09/30/2024
     IFF1$0 09/30/2024
CoreCap Advisors LLC2$0 09/30/2024
     IFF2$0 09/30/2024
Capstone Investment Advisors LLC $-43 09/30/2024
     Put11,300$1,186 09/30/2024
     Call9,100$955 09/30/2024
     IFF1,792$188 09/30/2024
Walleye Capital LLC $-267 09/30/2024
     Put33,800$3,547 09/30/2024
     Call21,700$2,277 09/30/2024
     IFF9,558$1,003 09/30/2024
Maven Securities LTD $-357 09/30/2024
     Put3,400$357 09/30/2024
Capital Fund Management S.A.20,100$-8,384 09/30/2024
     Put100,000$10,493 09/30/2024
     Call20,100$2,109 09/30/2024

See Summary: Institutional Holders of IFF
See Details: Top 10 Hedge Funds Holding IFF
Also See: IFF Insider Buying
Also See: IFF Holdings Changes
Analysts Forecast: International Flavors and Fragrances Price Target

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