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Funds Holding FBT

On this page, we present all of the funds holding FBT from our database of 13F filers, detailed in the table below. The first column indicates the name of each of the funds holding FBT, with a link to that fund's top holdings. The next columns indicate the amount of FBT stock held by each of the funds holding FBT, followed by the FBT position size held by the fund, and lastly the date of the quarterly filing period the data represents. In total, we count 252 funds holding FBT within the last two filing periods in our coverage universe of 13F filers, with the largest position size having been reported by Morgan Stanley. For more details on the positions held by Morgan Stanley (or by any of the other funds holding FBT), click the fund name in the "Holder" column of the funds-holding-FBT table below.

HolderAmountPosition Size
($ in 1000's)
 As of
Morgan Stanley430,854$74,077 09/30/2024
     FBT430,854$74,077 09/30/2024
Bank of America Corp DE204,821$35,215 09/30/2024
     FBT204,821$35,215 09/30/2024
UBS Group AG198,805$34,181 09/30/2024
     FBT198,805$34,181 09/30/2024
Wells Fargo & Company MN190,182$32,698 09/30/2024
     FBT190,182$32,698 09/30/2024
LPL Financial LLC177,118$30,452 09/30/2024
     FBT177,118$30,452 09/30/2024
Royal Bank of Canada158,402$27,235 09/30/2024
     FBT158,402$27,235 09/30/2024
Berger Financial Group Inc152,303$26,185 09/30/2024
     FBT152,303$26,185 09/30/2024
Envestnet Asset Management Inc.108,677$18,685 09/30/2024
     FBT108,677$18,685 09/30/2024
Raymond James Financial Services Advisors Inc.86,853$14,933 09/30/2024
     FBT86,853$14,933 09/30/2024
Raymond James & Associates77,934$13,399 09/30/2024
     FBT77,934$13,399 09/30/2024
D.A. Davidson & CO.60,339$10,374 09/30/2024
     FBT60,339$10,374 09/30/2024
Csenge Advisory Group50,747$8,739 09/30/2024
     FBT50,747$8,739 09/30/2024
Ameritas Advisory Services LLC48,969$8,419 09/30/2024
     FBT48,969$8,419 09/30/2024
Commonwealth Equity Services LLC45,832$7,880 09/30/2024
     FBT45,832$7,880 09/30/2024
Truist Financial Corp44,842$7,710 09/30/2024
     FBT44,842$7,710 09/30/2024
Advisor Group Holdings Inc.44,393$7,633 09/30/2024
     FBT44,393$7,633 09/30/2024
Janney Montgomery Scott LLC43,156$7,420 09/30/2024
     FBT43,156$7,420 09/30/2024
Susquehanna International Group LLP $7,350 09/30/2024
     Call22,800$3,920 09/30/2024
     FBT19,948$3,430 09/30/2024
Congress Wealth Management LLC DE 42,219$7,259 09/30/2024
     FBT42,219$7,259 09/30/2024
Stifel Financial Corp34,377$5,910 09/30/2024
     FBT34,377$5,910 09/30/2024
Hartford Financial Management Inc.32,436$5,577 09/30/2024
     FBT32,436$5,577 09/30/2024
Yarbrough Capital LLC31,160$5,357 09/30/2024
     FBT31,160$5,357 09/30/2024
TD Waterhouse Canada Inc.30,734$5,283 09/30/2024
     FBT30,734$5,283 09/30/2024
Integrated Wealth Concepts LLC30,590$5,259 09/30/2024
     FBT30,590$5,259 09/30/2024
McGuire Investment Group LLC30,114$5,178 09/30/2024
     FBT30,114$5,178 09/30/2024
Ameriprise Financial Inc.29,527$5,076 09/30/2024
     FBT29,527$5,076 09/30/2024
Goldman Sachs Group Inc.28,523$4,904 09/30/2024
     FBT28,523$4,904 09/30/2024
Assetmark Inc.28,452$4,892 09/30/2024
     FBT28,452$4,892 09/30/2024
Independent Advisor Alliance26,952$4,634 09/30/2024
     FBT26,952$4,634 09/30/2024
RPG Investment Advisory LLC26,375$4,535 09/30/2024
     FBT26,375$4,535 09/30/2024
Garden State Investment Advisory Services LLC26,137$4,494 09/30/2024
     FBT26,137$4,494 09/30/2024
SFI Advisors LLC25,471$4,379 09/30/2024
     FBT25,471$4,379 09/30/2024
Cambridge Investment Research Advisors Inc.24,925$4,285 09/30/2024
     FBT24,925$4,285 09/30/2024
Empirical Asset Management LLC22,502$3,869 09/30/2024
     FBT22,502$3,869 09/30/2024
Benjamin Edwards Inc.21,201$3,645 09/30/2024
     FBT21,201$3,645 09/30/2024
Grant GrossMendelsohn LLC20,897$3,593 09/30/2024
     FBT20,897$3,593 09/30/2024
Citadel Advisors LLC $3,480 09/30/2024
     FBT17,541$3,016 09/30/2024
     Call2,700$464 09/30/2024
Citigroup Inc.19,062$3,277 09/30/2024
     FBT19,062$3,277 09/30/2024
Navellier & Associates Inc17,159$2,950 09/30/2024
     FBT17,159$2,950 09/30/2024
Two Sigma Investments LP16,700$2,871 09/30/2024
     FBT16,700$2,871 09/30/2024
HighTower Advisors LLC16,360$2,817 09/30/2024
     FBT16,360$2,817 09/30/2024
JPMorgan Chase & Co.15,945$2,741 09/30/2024
     FBT15,945$2,741 09/30/2024
AE Wealth Management LLC13,755$2,365 09/30/2024
     FBT13,755$2,365 09/30/2024
Richard P Slaughter Associates Inc13,559$2,254 12/31/2024
     FBT13,559$2,254 12/31/2024
GWM Advisors LLC13,022$2,239 09/30/2024
     FBT13,022$2,239 09/30/2024
Brown Advisory Inc.11,600$1,994 09/30/2024
     FBT11,600$1,994 09/30/2024
Ancora Advisors LLC10,677$1,836 09/30/2024
     FBT10,677$1,836 09/30/2024
Juncture Wealth Strategies LLC10,541$1,812 09/30/2024
     FBT10,541$1,812 09/30/2024
Kestra Advisory Services LLC10,522$1,809 09/30/2024
     FBT10,522$1,809 09/30/2024
Prospera Financial Services Inc10,251$1,762 09/30/2024
     FBT10,251$1,762 09/30/2024
Atria Wealth Solutions Inc.10,171$1,749 09/30/2024
     FBT10,171$1,749 09/30/2024
Coppell Advisory Solutions LLC10,213$1,746 09/30/2024
     FBT10,213$1,746 09/30/2024
Quantum Private Wealth LLC9,755$1,677 09/30/2024
     FBT9,755$1,677 09/30/2024
Moors & Cabot Inc.9,703$1,668 09/30/2024
     FBT9,703$1,668 09/30/2024
Quad Cities Investment Group LLC9,701$1,612 12/31/2024
     FBT9,701$1,612 12/31/2024
Private Advisor Group LLC9,373$1,612 09/30/2024
     FBT9,373$1,612 09/30/2024
Texas Yale Capital Corp.9,300$1,599 09/30/2024
     FBT9,300$1,599 09/30/2024
Pacific Sun Financial Corp9,102$1,565 09/30/2024
     FBT9,102$1,565 09/30/2024
Bank of New York Mellon Corp8,905$1,531 09/30/2024
     FBT8,905$1,531 09/30/2024
Kestra Private Wealth Services LLC8,844$1,521 09/30/2024
     FBT8,844$1,521 09/30/2024
RPS Advisory Solutions LLC8,833$1,519 09/30/2024
     FBT8,833$1,519 09/30/2024
Clear Harbor Asset Management LLC8,708$1,497 09/30/2024
     FBT8,708$1,497 09/30/2024
TAP Consulting LLC8,553$1,471 09/30/2024
     FBT8,553$1,471 09/30/2024
McKinley Carter Wealth Services Inc.8,317$1,430 09/30/2024
     FBT8,317$1,430 09/30/2024
Dale Q Rice Investment Management Ltd8,371$1,391 12/31/2024
     FBT8,371$1,391 12/31/2024
Warren Averett Asset Management LLC7,941$1,365 09/30/2024
     FBT7,941$1,365 09/30/2024
First Trust Advisors LP7,886$1,356 09/30/2024
     FBT7,886$1,356 09/30/2024
MAI Capital Management7,411$1,274 09/30/2024
     FBT7,411$1,274 09/30/2024
Pinnacle Associates Ltd.7,749$1,225 09/30/2024
     FBT7,749$1,225 09/30/2024
Baird Financial Group Inc.6,990$1,202 09/30/2024
     FBT6,990$1,202 09/30/2024
Harbour Investments Inc.6,602$1,135 09/30/2024
     FBT6,602$1,135 09/30/2024
Beacon Pointe Advisors LLC6,147$1,057 09/30/2024
     FBT6,147$1,057 09/30/2024
Oppenheimer & Co. Inc.6,125$1,053 09/30/2024
     FBT6,125$1,053 09/30/2024
Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Co.6,127$1,053 09/30/2024
     FBT6,127$1,053 09/30/2024
SignalPoint Asset Management LLC6,066$1,037 09/30/2024
     FBT6,066$1,037 09/30/2024
Stablepoint Partners LLC5,832$1,003 09/30/2024
     FBT5,832$1,003 09/30/2024
Bedell Frazier Investment Counseling LLC5,812$999 09/30/2024
     FBT5,812$999 09/30/2024
CWM LLC5,801$997 09/30/2024
     FBT5,801$997 09/30/2024
Envestnet Portfolio Solutions Inc.5,647$971 09/30/2024
     FBT5,647$971 09/30/2024
NewEdge Wealth LLC5,606$964 09/30/2024
     FBT5,606$964 09/30/2024
Orion Portfolio Solutions LLC5,307$912 09/30/2024
     FBT5,307$912 09/30/2024
Daymark Wealth Partners LLC5,165$888 09/30/2024
     FBT5,165$888 09/30/2024
Adviser Investments LLC5,067$871 09/30/2024
     FBT5,067$871 09/30/2024
Mutual Advisors LLC5,104$858 09/30/2024
     FBT5,104$858 09/30/2024
Wiley BROS. Aintree Capital LLC4,905$843 09/30/2024
     FBT4,905$843 09/30/2024
Clear Creek Financial Management LLC4,862$836 09/30/2024
     FBT4,862$836 09/30/2024
CI Private Wealth LLC4,727$813 09/30/2024
     FBT4,727$813 09/30/2024
GoalVest Advisory LLC4,707$809 09/30/2024
     FBT4,707$809 09/30/2024
Gentry Private Wealth LLC4,707$809 09/30/2024
     FBT4,707$809 09/30/2024
Davis Investment Partners LLC4,700$805 12/31/2024
     FBT4,700$805 12/31/2024
Iams Wealth Management LLC4,646$799 09/30/2024
     FBT4,646$799 09/30/2024
Maia Wealth LLC4,725$795 09/30/2024
     FBT4,725$795 09/30/2024
Lake Street Financial LLC4,346$747 09/30/2024
     FBT4,346$747 09/30/2024
1ST Source Bank4,336$745 09/30/2024
     FBT4,336$745 09/30/2024
Cerity Partners LLC4,206$723 09/30/2024
     FBT4,206$723 09/30/2024
Two Sigma Advisers LP4,200$722 09/30/2024
     FBT4,200$722 09/30/2024
WealthShield Partners LLC4,172$717 09/30/2024
     FBT4,172$717 09/30/2024
Avantax Advisory Services Inc.4,032$693 09/30/2024
     FBT4,032$693 09/30/2024
Signature Securities Group Corporation3,953$680 09/30/2024
     FBT3,953$680 09/30/2024
MML Investors Services LLC3,888$669 09/30/2024
     FBT3,888$669 09/30/2024
Park Avenue Securities LLC3,918$651 12/31/2024
     FBT3,918$651 12/31/2024
Financial Enhancement Group LLC3,697$636 09/30/2024
     FBT3,697$636 09/30/2024
Clarus Wealth Advisors3,627$632 12/31/2024
     FBT3,627$632 12/31/2024
SRS Capital Advisors Inc.3,645$627 09/30/2024
     FBT3,645$627 09/30/2024
First Heartland Consultants Inc.3,573$614 09/30/2024
     FBT3,573$614 09/30/2024
Meridian Wealth Management LLC3,498$601 09/30/2024
     FBT3,498$601 09/30/2024
Pine Valley Investments Ltd Liability Co3,483$599 09/30/2024
     FBT3,483$599 09/30/2024
Jones Financial Companies Lllp3,379$578 09/30/2024
     FBT3,379$578 09/30/2024
Koshinski Asset Management Inc.3,351$576 09/30/2024
     FBT3,351$576 09/30/2024
Creative Planning3,278$564 09/30/2024
     FBT3,278$564 09/30/2024
Oder Investment Management LLC3,252$559 09/30/2024
     FBT3,252$559 09/30/2024
Robertson Stephens Wealth Management LLC3,224$554 09/30/2024
     FBT3,224$554 09/30/2024
Comerica Bank3,213$552 09/30/2024
     FBT3,213$552 09/30/2024
WMG Financial Advisors LLC3,119$536 09/30/2024
     FBT3,119$536 09/30/2024
Steward Partners Investment Advisory LLC2,983$513 09/30/2024
     FBT2,983$513 09/30/2024
Apollon Wealth Management LLC2,853$491 09/30/2024
     FBT2,853$491 09/30/2024
Wealth Effects LLC2,845$489 09/30/2024
     FBT2,845$489 09/30/2024
BlackRock Inc.2,815$484 09/30/2024
     FBT2,815$484 09/30/2024
Level Four Advisory Services LLC2,768$471 09/30/2024
     FBT2,768$471 09/30/2024
United Advisor Group LLC2,631$452 09/30/2024
     FBT2,631$452 09/30/2024
Campbell Wealth Management2,617$450 09/30/2024
     FBT2,617$450 09/30/2024
Resources Investment Advisors LLC.2,463$423 09/30/2024
     FBT2,463$423 09/30/2024
Diversified LLC2,410$414 09/30/2024
     FBT2,410$414 09/30/2024
Diversified Enterprises LLC2,410$414 09/30/2024
     FBT2,410$414 09/30/2024
Summit Financial LLC2,393$411 09/30/2024
     FBT2,393$411 09/30/2024
Belpointe Asset Management LLC2,353$405 09/30/2024
     FBT2,353$405 09/30/2024
NBC Securities Inc.2,271$390 09/30/2024
     FBT2,271$390 09/30/2024
Tritonpoint Wealth LLC2,280$390 09/30/2024
     FBT2,280$390 09/30/2024
Equitable Holdings Inc.2,253$387 09/30/2024
     FBT2,253$387 09/30/2024
Stephens Inc. AR2,226$383 09/30/2024
     FBT2,226$383 09/30/2024
Twin Peaks Wealth Advisors LLC2,204$379 09/30/2024
     FBT2,204$379 09/30/2024
Cozad Asset Management Inc.2,160$371 09/30/2024
     FBT2,160$371 09/30/2024
Pensionmark Financial Group LLC2,117$364 09/30/2024
     FBT2,117$364 09/30/2024
Moneta Group Investment Advisors LLC2,109$363 09/30/2024
     FBT2,109$363 09/30/2024
GPS Wealth Strategies Group LLC2,111$363 09/30/2024
     FBT2,111$363 09/30/2024
American Financial Advisors LLC2,058$354 09/30/2024
     FBT2,058$354 09/30/2024
Wealth Enhancement Advisory Services LLC2,022$348 12/31/2024
     FBT2,022$348 12/31/2024
Savant Capital LLC1,969$339 09/30/2024
     FBT1,969$339 09/30/2024
RWM Asset Management LLC1,938$333 09/30/2024
     FBT1,938$333 09/30/2024
Stratos Wealth Partners LTD.1,909$328 09/30/2024
     FBT1,909$328 09/30/2024
RDA Financial Network1,829$314 09/30/2024
     FBT1,829$314 09/30/2024
GeoWealth Management LLC1,798$309 09/30/2024
     FBT1,798$309 09/30/2024
Icapital Wealth LLC1,800$309 09/30/2024
     FBT1,800$309 09/30/2024
WBI Investments1,738$299 09/30/2024
     FBT1,738$299 09/30/2024
Oxbow Advisors LLC1,735$298 09/30/2024
     FBT1,735$298 09/30/2024
Brass Tax Wealth Management Inc.1,712$294 09/30/2024
     FBT1,712$294 09/30/2024
Captrust Financial Advisors1,679$289 09/30/2024
     FBT1,679$289 09/30/2024
Snowden Capital Advisors LLC1,643$282 09/30/2024
     FBT1,643$282 09/30/2024
Family Asset Management LLC1,625$279 09/30/2024
     FBT1,625$279 09/30/2024
Strategic Blueprint LLC1,594$274 09/30/2024
     FBT1,594$274 09/30/2024
Financial Advocates Investment Management1,572$270 09/30/2024
     FBT1,572$270 09/30/2024
Shepherd Financial Partners LLC1,566$269 09/30/2024
     FBT1,566$269 09/30/2024
EdgeRock Capital LLC1,564$269 09/30/2024
     FBT1,564$269 09/30/2024
Cornell Pochily Investment Advisors Inc.1,561$268 09/30/2024
     FBT1,561$268 09/30/2024
Stratos Wealth Advisors LLC1,522$262 09/30/2024
     FBT1,522$262 09/30/2024
Novak & Powell Financial Services Inc.1,512$260 09/30/2024
     FBT1,512$260 09/30/2024
Gladstone Institutional Advisory LLC1,474$253 09/30/2024
     FBT1,474$253 09/30/2024
Kovack Advisors Inc.1,455$250 09/30/2024
     FBT1,455$250 09/30/2024
WealthCare Investment Partners LLC1,471$249 09/30/2024
     FBT1,471$249 09/30/2024
TFG Advisers LLC1,405$242 09/30/2024
     FBT1,405$242 09/30/2024
MGB Wealth Management LLC1,409$242 09/30/2024
     FBT1,409$242 09/30/2024
Two Sigma Securities LLC1,403$241 09/30/2024
     FBT1,403$241 09/30/2024
Jacobi Capital Management LLC1,402$241 09/30/2024
     FBT1,402$241 09/30/2024
Bank of Montreal Can1,405$240 09/30/2024
     FBT1,405$240 09/30/2024
Resolute Wealth Strategies LLC1,345$231 09/30/2024
     FBT1,345$231 09/30/2024
HF Advisory Group LLC1,328$228 09/30/2024
     FBT1,328$228 09/30/2024
Black Point Wealth Management1,323$227 09/30/2024
     FBT1,323$227 09/30/2024
PFG Advisors1,278$220 09/30/2024
     FBT1,278$220 09/30/2024
IHT Wealth Management LLC1,251$215 09/30/2024
     FBT1,251$215 09/30/2024
Global Retirement Partners LLC1,252$215 09/30/2024
     FBT1,252$215 09/30/2024
Walker Asset Management LLC1,226$211 09/30/2024
     FBT1,226$211 09/30/2024
Main Street Financial Solutions LLC1,219$210 09/30/2024
     FBT1,219$210 09/30/2024
Wharton Business Group LLC1,200$206 09/30/2024
     FBT1,200$206 09/30/2024
Synovus Financial Corp1,183$203 09/30/2024
     FBT1,183$203 09/30/2024
Clearstead Advisors LLC1,179$203 09/30/2024
     FBT1,179$203 09/30/2024
J.W. Cole Advisors Inc.1,183$203 09/30/2024
     FBT1,183$203 09/30/2024
Vident Advisory LLC1,172$202 09/30/2024
     FBT1,172$202 09/30/2024
Western Wealth Management LLC1,177$202 09/30/2024
     FBT1,177$202 09/30/2024
Ronald Blue Trust Inc.1,172$202 09/30/2024
     FBT1,172$202 09/30/2024
Dominguez Wealth Management Solutions Inc.1,168$201 09/30/2024
     FBT1,168$201 09/30/2024
Thurston Springer Miller Herd & Titak Inc.1,203$200 12/31/2024
     FBT1,203$200 12/31/2024
TD Capital Management LLC1,147$197 09/30/2024
     FBT1,147$197 09/30/2024
FMR LLC993$171 09/30/2024
     FBT993$171 09/30/2024
The PNC Financial Services Group Inc.984$169 09/30/2024
     FBT984$169 09/30/2024
Barrett & Company Inc.960$165 09/30/2024
     FBT960$165 09/30/2024
Householder Group Estate & Retirement Specialist LLC934$160 09/30/2024
     FBT934$160 09/30/2024
Harbor Investment Advisory LLC665$114 09/30/2024
     FBT665$114 09/30/2024
Principal Securities Inc.624$107 09/30/2024
     FBT624$107 09/30/2024
Bessemer Group Inc.600$103 09/30/2024
     FBT600$103 09/30/2024
CIBC Private Wealth Group LLC500$86 09/30/2024
     FBT500$86 09/30/2024
Geneos Wealth Management Inc.435$75 09/30/2024
     FBT435$75 09/30/2024
Clear Point Advisors Inc.395$68 09/30/2024
     FBT395$68 09/30/2024
Creative Financial Designs Inc. ADV376$65 09/30/2024
     FBT376$65 09/30/2024
Capital Investment Advisory Services LLC372$64 09/30/2024
     FBT372$64 09/30/2024
CoreCap Advisors LLC354$61 09/30/2024
     FBT354$61 09/30/2024
Blair William & Co. IL350$60 09/30/2024
     FBT350$60 09/30/2024
Founders Financial Alliance LLC339$58 09/30/2024
     FBT339$58 09/30/2024
Dynamic Wealth Strategies LLC318$55 09/30/2024
     FBT318$55 09/30/2024
DHJJ Financial Advisors Ltd.289$50 09/30/2024
     FBT289$50 09/30/2024
Spire Wealth Management256$44 09/30/2024
     FBT256$44 09/30/2024
Cedar Mountain Advisors LLC242$42 09/30/2024
     FBT242$42 09/30/2024
Webster Bank N. A.238$41 09/30/2024
     FBT238$41 09/30/2024
Eukles Asset Management224$39 09/30/2024
     FBT224$39 09/30/2024
Nelson Van Denburg & Campbell Wealth Management Group LLC220$38 09/30/2024
     FBT220$38 09/30/2024
Sunbelt Securities Inc.196$34 09/30/2024
     FBT196$34 09/30/2024
Independence Bank of Kentucky200$34 09/30/2024
     FBT200$34 09/30/2024
Wagner Wealth Management LLC167$29 09/30/2024
     FBT167$29 09/30/2024
GAMMA Investing LLC159$26 12/31/2024
     FBT159$26 12/31/2024
Signaturefd LLC151$26 09/30/2024
     FBT151$26 09/30/2024
Sandy Spring Bank149$26 09/30/2024
     FBT149$26 09/30/2024
Financial Perspectives Inc148$25 09/30/2024
     FBT148$25 09/30/2024
Allworth Financial LP141$24 09/30/2024
     FBT141$24 09/30/2024
Continuum Advisory LLC135$23 09/30/2024
     FBT135$23 09/30/2024
Planning Capital Management Corp126$22 09/30/2024
     FBT126$22 09/30/2024
Ameritas Investment Partners Inc.125$21 09/30/2024
     FBT125$21 09/30/2024
Private Trust Co. NA120$21 09/30/2024
     FBT120$21 09/30/2024
MCF Advisors LLC120$21 09/30/2024
     FBT120$21 09/30/2024
Mechanics Financial Corp122$21 09/30/2024
     FBT122$21 09/30/2024
Whittier Trust Co. of Nevada Inc.105$18 09/30/2024
     FBT105$18 09/30/2024
Simplex Trading LLC108$18 09/30/2024
     FBT108$18 09/30/2024
Tidemark LLC105$18 09/30/2024
     FBT105$18 09/30/2024
Salem Investment Counselors Inc.100$17 12/31/2024
     FBT100$17 12/31/2024
Tsfg LLC101$17 12/31/2024
     FBT101$17 12/31/2024
Mascoma Wealth Management LLC98$17 09/30/2024
     FBT98$17 09/30/2024
Hexagon Capital Partners LLC100$17 09/30/2024
     FBT100$17 09/30/2024
New England Capital Financial Advisors LLC96$17 09/30/2024
     FBT96$17 09/30/2024
Farther Finance Advisors LLC100$17 09/30/2024
     FBT100$17 09/30/2024
Global Trust Asset Management LLC80$14 09/30/2024
     FBT80$14 09/30/2024
Beacon Capital Management LLC80$14 09/30/2024
     FBT80$14 09/30/2024
Smartleaf Asset Management LLC80$14 09/30/2024
     FBT80$14 09/30/2024
Atwood & Palmer Inc.75$13 09/30/2024
     FBT75$13 09/30/2024
C M Bidwell & Associates Ltd.75$13 09/30/2024
     FBT75$13 09/30/2024
North Star Investment Management Corp.75$13 09/30/2024
     FBT75$13 09/30/2024
Pacific Center for Financial Services52$9 09/30/2024
     FBT52$9 09/30/2024
Addison Advisors LLC41$7 09/30/2024
     FBT41$7 09/30/2024
Plante Moran Financial Advisors LLC37$6 09/30/2024
     FBT37$6 09/30/2024
Glen Eagle Advisors LLC30$5 09/30/2024
     FBT30$5 09/30/2024
Davis Capital Management22$4 09/30/2024
     FBT22$4 09/30/2024
US Bancorp DE20$3 09/30/2024
     FBT20$3 09/30/2024
Hoey Investments Inc.15$3 09/30/2024
     FBT15$3 09/30/2024
Global Financial Private Client LLC11$2 12/31/2024
     FBT11$2 12/31/2024
Venturi Wealth Management LLC10$2 09/30/2024
     FBT10$2 09/30/2024
Bristlecone Advisors LLC10$2 09/30/2024
     FBT10$2 09/30/2024
Parallel Advisors LLC13$2 09/30/2024
     FBT13$2 09/30/2024
Russell Investments Group Ltd.11$2 09/30/2024
     FBT11$2 09/30/2024
Archer Investment Corp13$2 09/30/2024
     FBT13$2 09/30/2024
Covestor Ltd13$2 09/30/2024
     FBT13$2 09/30/2024
Dunhill Financial LLC9$2 09/30/2024
     FBT9$2 09/30/2024
Proequities Inc.0$0 09/30/2024
     FBT0$0 09/30/2024
Tower Research Capital LLC TRC 1$0 09/30/2024
     FBT1$0 09/30/2024
Aptus Capital Advisors LLC2$0 09/30/2024
     FBT2$0 09/30/2024
Sound Income Strategies LLC1$0 09/30/2024
     FBT1$0 09/30/2024
Guardian Wealth Advisors LLC NC2$0 09/30/2024
     FBT2$0 09/30/2024

See Summary: Institutional Holders of FBT
See Details: Top 10 Hedge Funds Holding FBT
Also See: FBT Holdings Changes

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