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Funds Holding CHI

On this page, we present all of the funds holding CHI from our database of 13F filers, detailed in the table below. The first column indicates the name of each of the funds holding CHI, with a link to that fund's top holdings. The next columns indicate the amount of CHI stock held by each of the funds holding CHI, followed by the CHI position size held by the fund, and lastly the date of the quarterly filing period the data represents. In total, we count 117 funds holding CHI within the last two filing periods in our coverage universe of 13F filers, with the largest position size having been reported by UBS Group AG. For more details on the positions held by UBS Group AG (or by any of the other funds holding CHI), click the fund name in the "Holder" column of the funds-holding-CHI table below.

HolderAmountPosition Size
($ in 1000's)
 As of
UBS Group AG1,884,949$21,941 09/30/2024
     CHI1,884,949$21,941 09/30/2024
Wells Fargo & Company MN1,725,439$20,084 09/30/2024
     CHI1,725,439$20,084 09/30/2024
Morgan Stanley1,338,531$15,581 09/30/2024
     CHI1,338,531$15,581 09/30/2024
Bank of America Corp DE1,316,019$15,318 09/30/2024
     CHI1,316,019$15,318 09/30/2024
D.A. Davidson & CO.891,441$10,376 09/30/2024
     CHI891,441$10,376 09/30/2024
Guggenheim Capital LLC639,688$7,446 09/30/2024
     CHI639,688$7,446 09/30/2024
Commonwealth Equity Services LLC612,592$7,131 09/30/2024
     CHI612,592$7,131 09/30/2024
LPL Financial LLC520,708$6,061 09/30/2024
     CHI520,708$6,061 09/30/2024
Ameriprise Financial Inc.504,947$5,878 09/30/2024
     CHI504,947$5,878 09/30/2024
Baird Financial Group Inc.455,811$5,306 09/30/2024
     CHI455,811$5,306 09/30/2024
Avantax Advisory Services Inc.330,899$3,852 09/30/2024
     CHI330,899$3,852 09/30/2024
Lindbrook Capital LLC283,978$3,305 09/30/2024
     CHI283,978$3,305 09/30/2024
Apollon Wealth Management LLC245,418$2,857 09/30/2024
     CHI245,418$2,857 09/30/2024
Raymond James Financial Services Advisors Inc.205,974$2,398 09/30/2024
     CHI205,974$2,398 09/30/2024
Marathon Strategic Advisors LLC198,658$2,372 12/31/2024
     CHI198,658$2,372 12/31/2024
Royal Bank of Canada196,435$2,287 09/30/2024
     CHI196,435$2,287 09/30/2024
Harbour Investments Inc.185,711$2,162 09/30/2024
     CHI185,711$2,162 09/30/2024
Creekside Partners182,422$2,123 09/30/2024
     CHI182,422$2,123 09/30/2024
Oppenheimer & Co. Inc.162,293$1,889 09/30/2024
     CHI162,293$1,889 09/30/2024
Colony Group LLC146,612$1,707 09/30/2024
     CHI146,612$1,707 09/30/2024
Marks Group Wealth Management Inc146,444$1,705 09/30/2024
     CHI146,444$1,705 09/30/2024
Raymond James & Associates142,915$1,664 09/30/2024
     CHI142,915$1,664 09/30/2024
Everstar Asset Management LLC141,464$1,647 09/30/2024
     CHI141,464$1,647 09/30/2024
Advisor Group Holdings Inc.128,562$1,496 09/30/2024
     CHI128,562$1,496 09/30/2024
Rockefeller Capital Management L.P.126,171$1,469 09/30/2024
     CHI126,171$1,469 09/30/2024
Cambridge Investment Research Advisors Inc.105,696$1,230 09/30/2024
     CHI105,696$1,230 09/30/2024
Sanctuary Advisors LLC91,751$1,111 09/30/2024
     CHI91,751$1,111 09/30/2024
Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Co.91,965$1,070 09/30/2024
     CHI91,965$1,070 09/30/2024
Grange Capital LLC78,863$942 12/31/2024
     CHI78,863$942 12/31/2024
Cetera Investment Advisers74,728$870 09/30/2024
     CHI74,728$870 09/30/2024
Janney Montgomery Scott LLC65,655$784 12/31/2024
     CHI65,655$784 12/31/2024
Captrust Financial Advisors65,351$761 09/30/2024
     CHI65,351$761 09/30/2024
Patten Group Inc.58,078$676 09/30/2024
     CHI58,078$676 09/30/2024
L.M. Kohn & Company55,170$642 09/30/2024
     CHI55,170$642 09/30/2024
CENTRAL TRUST Co54,033$629 09/30/2024
     CHI54,033$629 09/30/2024
Sigma Planning Corp52,137$607 09/30/2024
     CHI52,137$607 09/30/2024
HighTower Advisors LLC51,790$602 09/30/2024
     CHI51,790$602 09/30/2024
Legacy Wealth Management LLC MS49,411$590 12/31/2024
     CHI49,411$590 12/31/2024
Samalin Investment Counsel LLC46,680$543 09/30/2024
     CHI46,680$543 09/30/2024
Institute for Wealth Management LLC.46,342$539 09/30/2024
     CHI46,342$539 09/30/2024
GWM Advisors LLC43,782$510 09/30/2024
     CHI43,782$510 09/30/2024
Advisors Asset Management Inc.43,407$505 09/30/2024
     CHI43,407$505 09/30/2024
Wealth Enhancement Advisory Services LLC42,550$495 12/31/2024
     CHI42,550$495 12/31/2024
SRS Capital Advisors Inc.40,858$476 09/30/2024
     CHI40,858$476 09/30/2024
IHT Wealth Management LLC38,780$451 09/30/2024
     CHI38,780$451 09/30/2024
Steward Partners Investment Advisory LLC38,437$447 09/30/2024
     CHI38,437$447 09/30/2024
Stephens Inc. AR36,562$426 09/30/2024
     CHI36,562$426 09/30/2024
E&G Advisors LP36,602$425 09/30/2024
     CHI36,602$425 09/30/2024
KFA Private Wealth Group LLC34,849$416 12/31/2024
     CHI34,849$416 12/31/2024
Gray Wealth Management Inc.35,661$415 09/30/2024
     CHI35,661$415 09/30/2024
Atria Wealth Solutions Inc.32,494$378 09/30/2024
     CHI32,494$378 09/30/2024
Dumont & Blake Investment Advisors LLC30,285$353 09/30/2024
     CHI30,285$353 09/30/2024
TFG Advisers LLC30,334$353 09/30/2024
     CHI30,334$353 09/30/2024
Semus Wealth Partners LLC29,580$344 09/30/2024
     CHI29,580$344 09/30/2024
SAM Advisors LLC29,504$343 09/30/2024
     CHI29,504$343 09/30/2024
DF Dent & Co. Inc.29,418$342 09/30/2024
     CHI29,418$342 09/30/2024
EP Wealth Advisors LLC29,335$341 09/30/2024
     CHI29,335$341 09/30/2024
Founders Financial Alliance LLC27,876$324 09/30/2024
     CHI27,876$324 09/30/2024
Private Advisor Group LLC26,407$307 09/30/2024
     CHI26,407$307 09/30/2024
Sonora Investment Management Group LLC26,350$307 09/30/2024
     CHI26,350$307 09/30/2024
Game Plan Financial Advisors LLC26,075$304 09/30/2024
     CHI26,075$304 09/30/2024
Capital CS Group LLC25,224$301 12/31/2024
     CHI25,224$301 12/31/2024
Stifel Financial Corp25,572$298 09/30/2024
     CHI25,572$298 09/30/2024
Financial Advocates Investment Management25,295$294 09/30/2024
     CHI25,295$294 09/30/2024
Hollencrest Capital Management24,293$283 09/30/2024
     CHI24,293$283 09/30/2024
The PNC Financial Services Group Inc.21,580$251 09/30/2024
     CHI21,580$251 09/30/2024
Mariner LLC21,231$247 09/30/2024
     CHI21,231$247 09/30/2024
Susquehanna International Group LLP21,199$247 09/30/2024
     CHI21,199$247 09/30/2024
PFG Investments LLC19,606$234 12/31/2024
     CHI19,606$234 12/31/2024
Wealth Effects LLC18,182$217 12/31/2024
     CHI18,182$217 12/31/2024
Calton & Associates Inc.18,359$214 09/30/2024
     CHI18,359$214 09/30/2024
Mission Wealth Management LP18,285$213 09/30/2024
     CHI18,285$213 09/30/2024
Pinnacle Associates Ltd.17,132$199 09/30/2024
     CHI17,132$199 09/30/2024
Wedbush Securities Inc.17,020$198 09/30/2024
     CHI17,020$198 09/30/2024
Kestra Advisory Services LLC16,453$192 09/30/2024
     CHI16,453$192 09/30/2024
Monetary Management Group Inc.15,000$173 09/30/2024
     CHI15,000$173 09/30/2024
CoreCap Advisors LLC14,867$173 09/30/2024
     CHI14,867$173 09/30/2024
Melfa Wealth Management LLC13,907$166 12/31/2024
     CHI13,907$166 12/31/2024
San Luis Wealth Advisors LLC13,555$162 12/31/2024
     CHI13,555$162 12/31/2024
MML Investors Services LLC13,853$161 09/30/2024
     CHI13,853$161 09/30/2024
International Assets Investment Management LLC12,827$151 12/31/2024
     CHI12,827$151 12/31/2024
Alpha Cubed Investments LLC12,300$147 12/31/2024
     CHI12,300$147 12/31/2024
Beacon Pointe Advisors LLC12,655$147 09/30/2024
     CHI12,655$147 09/30/2024
Cornerstone Advisors LLC12,300$143 09/30/2024
     CHI12,300$143 09/30/2024
Kestra Private Wealth Services LLC12,187$142 09/30/2024
     CHI12,187$142 09/30/2024
Palogic Value Management L.P.12,000$140 09/30/2024
     CHI12,000$140 09/30/2024
Kovack Advisors Inc.10,837$126 09/30/2024
     CHI10,837$126 09/30/2024
Perennial Investment Advisors LLC10,800$126 09/30/2024
     CHI10,800$126 09/30/2024
Beverly Hills Private Wealth LLC10,566$123 09/30/2024
     CHI10,566$123 09/30/2024
Citadel Advisors LLC10,255$119 09/30/2024
     CHI10,255$119 09/30/2024
Clearstead Advisors LLC10,058$117 09/30/2024
     CHI10,058$117 09/30/2024
Barrett & Company Inc.9,000$105 09/30/2024
     CHI9,000$105 09/30/2024
Comerica Bank6,290$73 09/30/2024
     CHI6,290$73 09/30/2024
Union Bancaire Privee UBP SA5,600$68 12/31/2024
     CHI5,600$68 12/31/2024
Allworth Financial LP5,300$62 09/30/2024
     CHI5,300$62 09/30/2024
Larson Financial Group LLC4,501$52 09/30/2024
     CHI4,501$52 09/30/2024
Global Retirement Partners LLC4,369$51 09/30/2024
     CHI4,369$51 09/30/2024
Geneos Wealth Management Inc.4,190$50 12/31/2024
     CHI4,190$50 12/31/2024
US Bancorp DE4,300$50 09/30/2024
     CHI4,300$50 09/30/2024
BRYN MAWR TRUST Co4,000$47 09/30/2024
     CHI4,000$47 09/30/2024
Proequities Inc.3,876$45 09/30/2024
     CHI3,876$45 09/30/2024
Gen Wealth Partners Inc3,564$41 09/30/2024
     CHI3,564$41 09/30/2024
Gilliland Jeter Wealth Management LLC3,400$40 09/30/2024
     CHI3,400$40 09/30/2024
Private Trust Co. NA3,000$35 09/30/2024
     CHI3,000$35 09/30/2024
ORG Partners LLC1,500$18 12/31/2024
     CHI1,500$18 12/31/2024
Tidemark LLC1,200$14 09/30/2024
     CHI1,200$14 09/30/2024
Thurston Springer Miller Herd & Titak Inc.1,000$12 12/31/2024
     CHI1,000$12 12/31/2024
McIlrath & Eck LLC811$9 09/30/2024
     CHI811$9 09/30/2024
HHM Wealth Advisors LLC725$8 09/30/2024
     CHI725$8 09/30/2024
Cape Investment Advisory Inc.402$5 09/30/2024
     CHI402$5 09/30/2024
Twin Lakes Capital Management LLC285$3 09/30/2024
     CHI285$3 09/30/2024
Key Financial Inc89$1 09/30/2024
     CHI89$1 09/30/2024
Farther Finance Advisors LLC95$1 09/30/2024
     CHI95$1 09/30/2024
NBC Securities Inc.4$0 12/31/2024
     CHI4$0 12/31/2024
Eastern Bank0$0 12/31/2024
     CHI0$0 12/31/2024
Winch Advisory Services LLC2$0 12/31/2024
     CHI2$0 12/31/2024
Huntington National Bank1$0 09/30/2024
     CHI1$0 09/30/2024
Creekmur Asset Management LLC22$0 09/30/2024
     CHI22$0 09/30/2024

See Summary: Institutional Holders of CHI
See Details: Top 10 Hedge Funds Holding CHI
Also See: CHI Insider Buying
Also See: CHI Holdings Changes

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