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Funds Holding CHE

On this page, we present all of the funds holding CHE from our database of 13F filers, detailed in the table below. The first column indicates the name of each of the funds holding CHE, with a link to that fund's top holdings. The next columns indicate the amount of CHE stock held by each of the funds holding CHE, followed by the CHE position size held by the fund, and lastly the date of the quarterly filing period the data represents. In total, we count 521 funds holding CHE within the last two filing periods in our coverage universe of 13F filers, with the largest position size having been reported by Vanguard Group Inc.. For more details on the positions held by Vanguard Group Inc. (or by any of the other funds holding CHE), click the fund name in the "Holder" column of the funds-holding-CHE table below.

HolderAmountPosition Size
($ in 1000's)
 As of
Vanguard Group Inc.1,666,553$1,001,548 09/30/2024
     CHE1,666,553$1,001,548 09/30/2024
BlackRock Inc.1,421,167$854,079 09/30/2024
     CHE1,421,167$854,079 09/30/2024
Kayne Anderson Rudnick Investment Management LLC592,954$356,348 09/30/2024
     CHE592,954$356,348 09/30/2024
Neuberger Berman Group LLC495,753$297,929 09/30/2024
     CHE495,753$297,929 09/30/2024
William Blair Investment Management LLC485,782$291,940 09/30/2024
     CHE485,782$291,940 09/30/2024
State Street Corp464,354$279,063 09/30/2024
     CHE464,354$279,063 09/30/2024
Morgan Stanley420,518$252,721 09/30/2024
     CHE420,518$252,721 09/30/2024
Geode Capital Management LLC335,443$201,820 09/30/2024
     CHE335,443$201,820 09/30/2024
Impax Asset Management Group plc332,757$199,977 09/30/2024
     CHE332,757$199,977 09/30/2024
TD Asset Management Inc.292,660$175,315 09/30/2024
     CHE292,660$175,315 09/30/2024
JPMorgan Chase & Co.246,476$148,125 09/30/2024
     CHE246,476$148,125 09/30/2024
Epoch Investment Partners Inc.240,070$144,275 09/30/2024
     CHE240,070$144,275 09/30/2024
FMR LLC238,616$143,401 09/30/2024
     CHE238,616$143,401 09/30/2024
Ameriprise Financial Inc.235,105$141,291 09/30/2024
     CHE235,105$141,291 09/30/2024
Boston Trust Walden Corp220,067$132,254 09/30/2024
     CHE220,067$132,254 09/30/2024
Massachusetts Financial Services Co. MA200,686$120,606 09/30/2024
     CHE200,686$120,606 09/30/2024
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP180,670$108,576 09/30/2024
     CHE180,670$108,576 09/30/2024
Acadian Asset Management LLC178,101$107,010 09/30/2024
     CHE178,101$107,010 09/30/2024
Invesco Ltd.175,187$105,282 09/30/2024
     CHE175,187$105,282 09/30/2024
Northern Trust Corp174,825$105,065 09/30/2024
     CHE174,825$105,065 09/30/2024
TimesSquare Capital Management LLC167,135$100,443 09/30/2024
     CHE167,135$100,443 09/30/2024
DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale155,267$91,825 09/30/2024
     CHE155,267$91,825 09/30/2024
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans146,017$87,752 09/30/2024
     CHE146,017$87,752 09/30/2024
Wells Fargo & Company MN141,210$84,863 09/30/2024
     CHE141,210$84,863 09/30/2024
Bank of New York Mellon Corp137,417$82,583 09/30/2024
     CHE137,417$82,583 09/30/2024
Van Berkom & Associates Inc.135,683$81,541 09/30/2024
     CHE135,683$81,541 09/30/2024
Copeland Capital Management LLC129,789$77,999 09/30/2024
     CHE129,789$77,999 09/30/2024
EULAV Asset Management123,499$74,219 09/30/2024
     CHE123,499$74,219 09/30/2024
Charles Schwab Investment Management Inc.122,788$73,792 09/30/2024
     CHE122,788$73,792 09/30/2024
FIL Ltd118,600$71,275 09/30/2024
     CHE118,600$71,275 09/30/2024
Schwartz Investment Counsel Inc.117,990$70,908 09/30/2024
     CHE117,990$70,908 09/30/2024
Bank of America Corp DE97,759$58,750 09/30/2024
     CHE97,759$58,750 09/30/2024
Aristotle Capital Boston LLC87,431$52,544 09/30/2024
     CHE87,431$52,544 09/30/2024
Riverbridge Partners LLC84,873$51,006 09/30/2024
     CHE84,873$51,006 09/30/2024
Envestnet Asset Management Inc.77,836$46,777 09/30/2024
     CHE77,836$46,777 09/30/2024
Raymond James & Associates75,303$45,255 09/30/2024
     CHE75,303$45,255 09/30/2024
Goldman Sachs Group Inc.73,481$44,160 09/30/2024
     CHE73,481$44,160 09/30/2024
Bridges Investment Management Inc.72,229$43,407 09/30/2024
     CHE72,229$43,407 09/30/2024
California Public Employees Retirement System70,986$42,660 09/30/2024
     CHE70,986$42,660 09/30/2024
Qube Research & Technologies Ltd70,852$42,580 09/30/2024
     CHE70,852$42,580 09/30/2024
AQR Capital Management LLC68,365$40,910 09/30/2024
     CHE68,365$40,910 09/30/2024
ProShare Advisors LLC58,717$35,287 09/30/2024
     CHE58,717$35,287 09/30/2024
Jupiter Asset Management Ltd.58,188$34,969 09/30/2024
     CHE58,188$34,969 09/30/2024
Rhumbline Advisers57,953$34,828 09/30/2024
     CHE57,953$34,828 09/30/2024
Ranger Investment Management L.P.54,323$32,646 09/30/2024
     CHE54,323$32,646 09/30/2024
Millennium Management LLC53,459$32,127 09/30/2024
     CHE53,459$32,127 09/30/2024
Renaissance Group LLC49,970$30,030 09/30/2024
     CHE49,970$30,030 09/30/2024
Amundi49,130$28,858 09/30/2024
     CHE49,130$28,858 09/30/2024
Renaissance Technologies LLC47,754$28,699 09/30/2024
     CHE47,754$28,699 09/30/2024
UBS Asset Management Americas Inc.45,920$27,597 09/30/2024
     CHE45,920$27,597 09/30/2024
Fuller & Thaler Asset Management Inc.44,989$27,037 09/30/2024
     CHE44,989$27,037 09/30/2024
Schroder Investment Management Group44,828$26,854 09/30/2024
     CHE44,828$26,854 09/30/2024
Royal Bank of Canada43,566$26,182 09/30/2024
     CHE43,566$26,182 09/30/2024
Allspring Global Investments Holdings LLC42,267$25,401 09/30/2024
     CHE42,267$25,401 09/30/2024
Retirement Systems of Alabama42,082$25,290 09/30/2024
     CHE42,082$25,290 09/30/2024
Squarepoint Ops LLC42,018$25,252 09/30/2024
     CHE42,018$25,252 09/30/2024
Capital World Investors42,000$25,241 09/30/2024
     CHE42,000$25,241 09/30/2024
Rockefeller Capital Management L.P.40,849$24,552 09/30/2024
     CHE40,849$24,552 09/30/2024
Boone Capital Management LLC39,422$23,691 09/30/2024
     CHE39,422$23,691 09/30/2024
Pictet Asset Management Holding SA38,871$23,360 09/30/2024
     CHE38,871$23,360 09/30/2024
Sei Investments Co.38,868$23,355 09/30/2024
     CHE38,868$23,355 09/30/2024
Woodline Partners LP37,605$22,599 09/30/2024
     CHE37,605$22,599 09/30/2024
Legal & General Group Plc35,700$21,455 09/30/2024
     CHE35,700$21,455 09/30/2024
Deutsche Bank AG35,141$21,119 09/30/2024
     CHE35,141$21,119 09/30/2024
Principal Financial Group Inc.34,867$20,954 09/30/2024
     CHE34,867$20,954 09/30/2024
First Trust Advisors LP34,336$20,635 09/30/2024
     CHE34,336$20,635 09/30/2024
Moran Wealth Management LLC34,023$20,447 09/30/2024
     CHE34,023$20,447 09/30/2024
Nuveen Asset Management LLC33,446$20,100 09/30/2024
     CHE33,446$20,100 09/30/2024
Aptus Capital Advisors LLC33,368$20,053 09/30/2024
     CHE33,368$20,053 09/30/2024
Man Group plc32,778$19,699 09/30/2024
     CHE32,778$19,699 09/30/2024
Price T Rowe Associates Inc. MD32,584$19,583 09/30/2024
     CHE32,584$19,583 09/30/2024
Martingale Asset Management L P31,993$19,227 09/30/2024
     CHE31,993$19,227 09/30/2024
UBS Group AG31,237$18,773 09/30/2024
     CHE31,237$18,773 09/30/2024
Aureus Asset Management LLC29,939$17,993 09/30/2024
     CHE29,939$17,993 09/30/2024
Fort Washington Investment Advisors Inc. OH29,878$17,956 09/30/2024
     CHE29,878$17,956 09/30/2024
Loomis Sayles & Co. L P29,159$17,523 09/30/2024
     CHE29,159$17,523 09/30/2024
Swiss National Bank28,100$16,887 09/30/2024
     CHE28,100$16,887 09/30/2024
Alps Advisors Inc.28,072$16,870 09/30/2024
     CHE28,072$16,870 09/30/2024
Gabelli Funds LLC27,383$16,456 09/30/2024
     CHE27,383$16,456 09/30/2024
Fenimore Asset Management Inc.27,137$16,309 09/30/2024
     CHE27,137$16,309 09/30/2024
Stifel Financial Corp26,996$16,224 09/30/2024
     CHE26,996$16,224 09/30/2024
BNP Paribas Arbitrage SA26,381$15,854 09/30/2024
     CHE26,381$15,854 09/30/2024
Citadel Advisors LLC25,937$15,587 09/30/2024
     CHE25,937$15,587 09/30/2024
Kennedy Capital Management Inc.25,265$15,184 09/30/2024
     CHE25,265$15,184 09/30/2024
Algert Global LLC23,100$13,882 09/30/2024
     CHE23,100$13,882 09/30/2024
Cabot Wealth Management Inc.22,961$13,799 09/30/2024
     CHE22,961$13,799 09/30/2024
Formidable Asset Management LLC22,146$13,309 09/30/2024
     CHE22,146$13,309 09/30/2024
Gamco Investors INC. ET AL21,607$12,985 09/30/2024
     CHE21,607$12,985 09/30/2024
New York State Common Retirement Fund21,425$12,876 09/30/2024
     CHE21,425$12,876 09/30/2024
Alliancebernstein L.P.21,037$12,643 09/30/2024
     CHE21,037$12,643 09/30/2024
Bridgewater Associates LP20,556$12,354 09/30/2024
     CHE20,556$12,354 09/30/2024
State of Alaska Department of Revenue19,853$11,930 09/30/2024
     CHE19,853$11,930 09/30/2024
Synergy Financial Management LLC19,010$11,424 09/30/2024
     CHE19,010$11,424 09/30/2024
Gotham Asset Management LLC18,130$10,896 09/30/2024
     CHE18,130$10,896 09/30/2024
Teacher Retirement System of Texas18,067$10,858 09/30/2024
     CHE18,067$10,858 09/30/2024
Corebridge Financial Inc.17,814$10,706 09/30/2024
     CHE17,814$10,706 09/30/2024
Los Angeles Capital Management & Equity Research Inc.17,723$10,651 09/30/2024
     CHE17,723$10,651 09/30/2024
Bahl & Gaynor Inc.17,694$10,634 09/30/2024
     CHE17,694$10,634 09/30/2024
Victory Capital Management Inc.17,417$10,467 09/30/2024
     CHE17,417$10,467 09/30/2024
Smith Salley & Associates16,681$10,025 09/30/2024
     CHE16,681$10,025 09/30/2024
North Point Portfolio Managers Corp OH16,541$9,941 09/30/2024
     CHE16,541$9,941 09/30/2024
Lombard Odier Asset Management Europe Ltd16,126$9,691 09/30/2024
     CHE16,126$9,691 09/30/2024
Candriam Luxembourg S.C.A.16,011$9,622 09/30/2024
     CHE16,011$9,622 09/30/2024
New York State Teachers Retirement System15,104$9,077 09/30/2024
     CHE15,104$9,077 09/30/2024
Russell Investments Group Ltd.15,043$9,041 09/30/2024
     CHE15,043$9,041 09/30/2024
Evergreen Capital Management LLC14,717$8,844 09/30/2024
     CHE14,717$8,844 09/30/2024
Allianz Asset Management GmbH14,521$8,727 09/30/2024
     CHE14,521$8,727 09/30/2024
DZ BANK AG Deutsche Zentral Genossenschafts Bank Frankfurt am Main14,214$8,542 09/30/2024
     CHE14,214$8,542 09/30/2024
Cambridge Investment Research Advisors Inc.13,995$8,411 09/30/2024
     CHE13,995$8,411 09/30/2024
California State Teachers Retirement System13,706$8,237 09/30/2024
     CHE13,706$8,237 09/30/2024
Oppenheimer & Co. Inc.13,277$7,979 09/30/2024
     CHE13,277$7,979 09/30/2024
GW&K Investment Management LLC13,205$7,936 09/30/2024
     CHE13,205$7,936 09/30/2024
State Board of Administration of Florida Retirement System12,912$7,760 09/30/2024
     CHE12,912$7,760 09/30/2024
D. E. Shaw & Co. Inc.12,839$7,716 09/30/2024
     CHE12,839$7,716 09/30/2024
Janney Montgomery Scott LLC12,660$7,608 09/30/2024
     CHE12,660$7,608 09/30/2024
The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company 12,607$7,576 09/30/2024
     CHE12,607$7,576 09/30/2024
Great West Life Assurance Co. Can12,572$7,567 09/30/2024
     CHE12,572$7,567 09/30/2024
Nordea Investment Management AB13,639$7,242 12/31/2024
     CHE13,639$7,242 12/31/2024
Van ECK Associates Corp11,610$6,886 09/30/2024
     CHE11,610$6,886 09/30/2024
Hsbc Holdings PLC11,455$6,861 09/30/2024
     CHE11,455$6,861 09/30/2024
Boston Partners11,283$6,781 09/30/2024
     CHE11,283$6,781 09/30/2024
LPL Financial LLC10,667$6,410 09/30/2024
     CHE10,667$6,410 09/30/2024
Holocene Advisors LP10,470$6,292 09/30/2024
     CHE10,470$6,292 09/30/2024
Edgestream Partners L.P.10,411$6,257 09/30/2024
     CHE10,411$6,257 09/30/2024
Ensign Peak Advisors Inc10,299$6,189 09/30/2024
     CHE10,299$6,189 09/30/2024
Capital Insight Partners LLC10,094$6,066 09/30/2024
     CHE10,094$6,066 09/30/2024
Barclays PLC9,795$5,887 09/30/2024
     CHE9,795$5,887 09/30/2024
Keybank National Association OH9,629$5,787 09/30/2024
     CHE9,629$5,787 09/30/2024
Texas Yale Capital Corp.9,573$5,753 09/30/2024
     CHE9,573$5,753 09/30/2024
HRT Financial LP9,428$5,665 09/30/2024
     CHE9,428$5,665 09/30/2024
State of Wisconsin Investment Board9,190$5,523 09/30/2024
     CHE9,190$5,523 09/30/2024
Mariner LLC9,188$5,522 09/30/2024
     CHE9,188$5,522 09/30/2024
Commonwealth Equity Services LLC9,179$5,516 09/30/2024
     CHE9,179$5,516 09/30/2024
Raymond James Financial Services Advisors Inc.8,984$5,399 09/30/2024
     CHE8,984$5,399 09/30/2024
Johnson Investment Counsel Inc.8,893$5,344 09/30/2024
     CHE8,893$5,344 09/30/2024
Franklin Resources Inc.8,800$5,282 09/30/2024
     CHE8,800$5,282 09/30/2024
Polar Capital Holdings Plc8,658$5,203 09/30/2024
     CHE8,658$5,203 09/30/2024
Two Sigma Investments LP8,558$5,143 09/30/2024
     CHE8,558$5,143 09/30/2024
Mutual of America Capital Management LLC8,135$4,889 09/30/2024
     CHE8,135$4,889 09/30/2024
Truist Financial Corp8,122$4,881 09/30/2024
     CHE8,122$4,881 09/30/2024
Fisher Asset Management LLC7,996$4,805 09/30/2024
     CHE7,996$4,805 09/30/2024
MetLife Investment Management LLC7,845$4,715 09/30/2024
     CHE7,845$4,715 09/30/2024
Linden Thomas Advisory Services LLC7,572$4,551 09/30/2024
     CHE7,572$4,551 09/30/2024
William Allan LLC7,351$4,418 09/30/2024
     CHE7,351$4,418 09/30/2024
Amalgamated Bank7,185$4,318 09/30/2024
     CHE7,185$4,318 09/30/2024
Crawford Fund Management LLC7,150$4,297 09/30/2024
     CHE7,150$4,297 09/30/2024
Integrated Wealth Concepts LLC6,909$4,152 09/30/2024
     CHE6,909$4,152 09/30/2024
Comerica Bank6,882$4,136 09/30/2024
     CHE6,882$4,136 09/30/2024
Townsquare Capital LLC6,848$4,115 09/30/2024
     CHE6,848$4,115 09/30/2024
LRT Capital Management LLC6,710$4,033 09/30/2024
     CHE6,710$4,033 09/30/2024
Janus Henderson Group PLC6,701$4,031 09/30/2024
     CHE6,701$4,031 09/30/2024
Norden Group LLC6,708$4,031 09/30/2024
     CHE6,708$4,031 09/30/2024
Keeley Teton Advisors LLC6,620$3,978 09/30/2024
     CHE6,620$3,978 09/30/2024
Pinebridge Investments L.P.6,614$3,975 09/30/2024
     CHE6,614$3,975 09/30/2024
Eukles Asset Management6,557$3,941 09/30/2024
     CHE6,557$3,941 09/30/2024
Treasurer of the State of North Carolina6,486$3,898 09/30/2024
     CHE6,486$3,898 09/30/2024
Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank6,439$3,870 09/30/2024
     CHE6,439$3,870 09/30/2024
Connor Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd.6,382$3,835 09/30/2024
     CHE6,382$3,835 09/30/2024
Sugarloaf Wealth Management LLC7,150$3,788 12/31/2024
     CHE7,150$3,788 12/31/2024
Mackenzie Financial Corp6,209$3,731 09/30/2024
     CHE6,209$3,731 09/30/2024
Commerce Bank6,207$3,730 09/30/2024
     CHE6,207$3,730 09/30/2024
Nisa Investment Advisors LLC6,122$3,679 09/30/2024
     CHE6,122$3,679 09/30/2024
Covea Finance6,000$3,606 09/30/2024
     CHE6,000$3,606 09/30/2024
NewEdge Wealth LLC5,862$3,523 09/30/2024
     CHE5,862$3,523 09/30/2024
Vestmark Advisory Solutions Inc.5,835$3,507 09/30/2024
     CHE5,835$3,507 09/30/2024
Yousif Capital Management LLC5,826$3,501 09/30/2024
     CHE5,826$3,501 09/30/2024
Public Employees Retirement System of Ohio5,794$3,482 09/30/2024
     CHE5,794$3,482 09/30/2024
Prevail Innovative Wealth Advisors LLC5,557$3,340 09/30/2024
     CHE5,557$3,340 09/30/2024
Bank of Montreal Can5,473$3,279 09/30/2024
     CHE5,473$3,279 09/30/2024
CWM Advisors LLC5,409$3,251 09/30/2024
     CHE5,409$3,251 09/30/2024
Jane Street Group LLC5,245$3,152 09/30/2024
     CHE5,245$3,152 09/30/2024
AGF Management Ltd.5,182$3,114 09/30/2024
     CHE5,182$3,114 09/30/2024
Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund5,137$3,087 09/30/2024
     CHE5,137$3,087 09/30/2024
State of Tennessee Treasury Department5,101$3,066 09/30/2024
     CHE5,101$3,066 09/30/2024
Centaurus Financial Inc.5,071$3,048 09/30/2024
     CHE5,071$3,048 09/30/2024
Caisse DE Depot ET Placement DU Quebec4,912$2,952 09/30/2024
     CHE4,912$2,952 09/30/2024
Atria Investments LLC4,788$2,877 09/30/2024
     CHE4,788$2,877 09/30/2024
Teachers Retirement System of The State of Kentucky4,773$2,868 09/30/2024
     CHE4,773$2,868 09/30/2024
Laurus Investment Counsel Inc.4,760$2,861 09/30/2024
     CHE4,760$2,861 09/30/2024
Ameritas Investment Partners Inc.4,638$2,787 09/30/2024
     CHE4,638$2,787 09/30/2024
Second Line Capital LLC4,597$2,763 09/30/2024
     CHE4,597$2,763 09/30/2024
State of New Jersey Common Pension Fund D4,519$2,716 09/30/2024
     CHE4,519$2,716 09/30/2024
Fifth Third Bancorp4,403$2,646 09/30/2024
     CHE4,403$2,646 09/30/2024
Vestcor Inc4,351$2,615 09/30/2024
     CHE4,351$2,615 09/30/2024
Trust Point Inc.4,288$2,577 09/30/2024
     CHE4,288$2,577 09/30/2024
Louisiana State Employees Retirement System4,200$2,524 09/30/2024
     CHE4,200$2,524 09/30/2024
Arizona State Retirement System4,142$2,489 09/30/2024
     CHE4,142$2,489 09/30/2024
US Bancorp DE4,052$2,435 09/30/2024
     CHE4,052$2,435 09/30/2024
Citigroup Inc.3,982$2,393 09/30/2024
     CHE3,982$2,393 09/30/2024
American Century Companies Inc.3,923$2,358 09/30/2024
     CHE3,923$2,358 09/30/2024
MAI Capital Management3,916$2,354 09/30/2024
     CHE3,916$2,354 09/30/2024
ING Groep NV3,900$2,344 09/30/2024
     CHE3,900$2,344 09/30/2024
Canada Pension Plan Investment Board3,900$2,344 09/30/2024
     CHE3,900$2,344 09/30/2024
Handelsbanken Fonder AB3,872$2,327 09/30/2024
     CHE3,872$2,327 09/30/2024
Voloridge Investment Management LLC3,859$2,319 09/30/2024
     CHE3,859$2,319 09/30/2024
Assenagon Asset Management S.A.3,829$2,301 09/30/2024
     CHE3,829$2,301 09/30/2024
HighTower Advisors LLC3,730$2,246 09/30/2024
     CHE3,730$2,246 09/30/2024
Pathstone Holdings LLC3,694$2,220 09/30/2024
     CHE3,694$2,220 09/30/2024
State of Michigan Retirement System3,609$2,169 09/30/2024
     CHE3,609$2,169 09/30/2024
Consolidated Investment Group LLC3,600$2,163 09/30/2024
     CHE3,600$2,163 09/30/2024
Northwestern Mutual Investment Management Company LLC3,339$2,007 09/30/2024
     CHE3,339$2,007 09/30/2024
Advisors Asset Management Inc.3,328$2,000 09/30/2024
     CHE3,328$2,000 09/30/2024
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Public School Empls Retrmt SYS3,318$1,994 09/30/2024
     CHE3,318$1,994 09/30/2024
Advisor Group Holdings Inc.3,280$1,971 09/30/2024
     CHE3,280$1,971 09/30/2024
Wellington Management Group LLP3,242$1,948 09/30/2024
     CHE3,242$1,948 09/30/2024
Bank of Nova Scotia3,174$1,907 09/30/2024
     CHE3,174$1,907 09/30/2024
Guardian Wealth Advisors LLC NC3,165$1,902 09/30/2024
     CHE3,165$1,902 09/30/2024
Hanson & Doremus Investment Management3,134$1,883 09/30/2024
     CHE3,134$1,883 09/30/2024
Waratah Capital Advisors Ltd.3,111$1,870 09/30/2024
     CHE3,111$1,870 09/30/2024
Signal Advisors Wealth LLC3,109$1,868 09/30/2024
     CHE3,109$1,868 09/30/2024
Robertson Stephens Wealth Management LLC3,076$1,849 09/30/2024
     CHE3,076$1,849 09/30/2024
Brevan Howard Capital Management LP3,054$1,835 09/30/2024
     CHE3,054$1,835 09/30/2024
Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund3,031$1,822 09/30/2024
     CHE3,031$1,822 09/30/2024
New Mexico Educational Retirement Board3,000$1,803 09/30/2024
     CHE3,000$1,803 09/30/2024
West Coast Financial LLC2,998$1,802 09/30/2024
     CHE2,998$1,802 09/30/2024
Sanctuary Advisors LLC3,156$1,802 09/30/2024
     CHE3,156$1,802 09/30/2024
Prudential PLC2,993$1,799 09/30/2024
     CHE2,993$1,799 09/30/2024
Cetera Investment Advisers2,973$1,787 09/30/2024
     CHE2,973$1,787 09/30/2024
Atlantic Union Bankshares Corp2,960$1,779 09/30/2024
     CHE2,960$1,779 09/30/2024
Lazard Asset Management LLC2,943$1,767 09/30/2024
     CHE2,943$1,767 09/30/2024
Pacer Advisors Inc.2,895$1,740 09/30/2024
     CHE2,895$1,740 09/30/2024
TD Private Client Wealth LLC2,876$1,728 09/30/2024
     CHE2,876$1,728 09/30/2024
MIRAE ASSET GLOBAL ETFS HOLDINGS Ltd.2,876$1,728 09/30/2024
     CHE2,876$1,728 09/30/2024
XTX Topco Ltd2,843$1,709 09/30/2024
     CHE2,843$1,709 09/30/2024
Harbor Capital Advisors Inc.3,188$1,689 12/31/2024
     CHE3,188$1,689 12/31/2024
Captrust Financial Advisors2,809$1,688 09/30/2024
     CHE2,809$1,688 09/30/2024
CI Private Wealth LLC2,714$1,631 09/30/2024
     CHE2,714$1,631 09/30/2024
South Dakota Investment Council2,689$1,616 09/30/2024
     CHE2,689$1,616 09/30/2024
Voya Investment Management LLC2,647$1,591 09/30/2024
     CHE2,647$1,591 09/30/2024
Roundview Capital LLC2,613$1,570 09/30/2024
     CHE2,613$1,570 09/30/2024
Amica Mutual Insurance Co.2,571$1,545 09/30/2024
     CHE2,571$1,545 09/30/2024
Legacy Wealth Asset Management LLC2,558$1,537 09/30/2024
     CHE2,558$1,537 09/30/2024
Milestone Asset Management LLC2,518$1,514 09/30/2024
     CHE2,518$1,514 09/30/2024
Waterloo Capital L.P.2,515$1,511 09/30/2024
     CHE2,515$1,511 09/30/2024
Leavell Investment Management Inc.2,500$1,502 09/30/2024
     CHE2,500$1,502 09/30/2024
Alberta Investment Management Corp2,500$1,502 09/30/2024
     CHE2,500$1,502 09/30/2024
Utah Retirement Systems2,494$1,499 09/30/2024
     CHE2,494$1,499 09/30/2024
Zurcher Kantonalbank Zurich Cantonalbank 2,492$1,498 09/30/2024
     CHE2,492$1,498 09/30/2024
National Bank of Canada FI2,489$1,496 09/30/2024
     CHE2,489$1,496 09/30/2024
Blair William & Co. IL2,468$1,483 09/30/2024
     CHE2,468$1,483 09/30/2024
Quadrature Capital Ltd2,348$1,411 09/30/2024
     CHE2,348$1,411 09/30/2024
Bailard Inc.2,321$1,395 09/30/2024
     CHE2,321$1,395 09/30/2024
First Financial Bankshares Inc2,308$1,387 09/30/2024
     CHE2,308$1,387 09/30/2024
O Shaughnessy Asset Management LLC2,262$1,358 09/30/2024
     CHE2,262$1,358 09/30/2024
Independent Advisor Alliance2,254$1,355 09/30/2024
     CHE2,254$1,355 09/30/2024
Mercer Global Advisors Inc. ADV2,264$1,343 09/30/2024
     CHE2,264$1,343 09/30/2024
GPS Wealth Strategies Group LLC2,183$1,312 09/30/2024
     CHE2,183$1,312 09/30/2024
ExodusPoint Capital Management LP2,132$1,281 09/30/2024
     CHE2,132$1,281 09/30/2024
Catalyst Capital Advisors LLC2,009$1,207 09/30/2024
     CHE2,009$1,207 09/30/2024
MidWestOne Financial Group Inc.2,003$1,204 09/30/2024
     CHE2,003$1,204 09/30/2024
Chicago Capital LLC2,000$1,202 09/30/2024
     CHE2,000$1,202 09/30/2024
Legacy Capital Wealth Partners LLC1,979$1,189 09/30/2024
     CHE1,979$1,189 09/30/2024
Quest Partners LLC1,963$1,180 09/30/2024
     CHE1,963$1,180 09/30/2024
Creative Planning1,932$1,161 09/30/2024
     CHE1,932$1,161 09/30/2024
Wiley BROS. Aintree Capital LLC1,896$1,137 09/30/2024
     CHE1,896$1,137 09/30/2024
Ronald Blue Trust Inc.1,875$1,127 09/30/2024
     CHE1,875$1,127 09/30/2024
Xponance Inc.1,870$1,124 09/30/2024
     CHE1,870$1,124 09/30/2024
The PNC Financial Services Group Inc.1,842$1,107 09/30/2024
     CHE1,842$1,107 09/30/2024
Federated Hermes Inc.1,793$1,078 09/30/2024
     CHE1,793$1,078 09/30/2024
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corp1,759$1,057 09/30/2024
     CHE1,759$1,057 09/30/2024
New York Life Investment Management LLC1,703$1,023 09/30/2024
     CHE1,703$1,023 09/30/2024
Toroso Investments LLC1,702$1,023 09/30/2024
     CHE1,702$1,023 09/30/2024
Tower Research Capital LLC TRC 1,676$1,007 09/30/2024
     CHE1,676$1,007 09/30/2024
Cresset Asset Management LLC1,635$983 09/30/2024
     CHE1,635$983 09/30/2024
BOKF NA1,664$974 09/30/2024
     CHE1,664$974 09/30/2024
Quantinno Capital Management LP1,587$954 09/30/2024
     CHE1,587$954 09/30/2024
Quantbot Technologies LP1,581$950 09/30/2024
     CHE1,581$950 09/30/2024
Park Place Capital Corp1,564$940 09/30/2024
     CHE1,564$940 09/30/2024
Exchange Traded Concepts LLC1,537$924 09/30/2024
     CHE1,537$924 09/30/2024
Clarus Group Inc.1,506$905 09/30/2024
     CHE1,506$905 09/30/2024
Public Employees Retirement Association of Colorado1,495$898 09/30/2024
     CHE1,495$898 09/30/2024
Panagora Asset Management Inc.1,482$891 09/30/2024
     CHE1,482$891 09/30/2024
MML Investors Services LLC1,457$876 09/30/2024
     CHE1,457$876 09/30/2024
Kestra Advisory Services LLC1,450$872 09/30/2024
     CHE1,450$872 09/30/2024
QRG Capital Management Inc.1,368$822 09/30/2024
     CHE1,368$822 09/30/2024
EP Wealth Advisors LLC1,354$814 09/30/2024
     CHE1,354$814 09/30/2024
Avantax Advisory Services Inc.1,343$807 09/30/2024
     CHE1,343$807 09/30/2024
Envestnet Portfolio Solutions Inc.1,301$782 09/30/2024
     CHE1,301$782 09/30/2024
Prudential Financial Inc.1,282$771 09/30/2024
     CHE1,282$771 09/30/2024
Baird Financial Group Inc.1,274$766 09/30/2024
     CHE1,274$766 09/30/2024
Abbot Financial Management Inc.1,200$721 09/30/2024
     CHE1,200$721 09/30/2024
Securian Asset Management Inc1,171$704 09/30/2024
     CHE1,171$704 09/30/2024
JustInvest LLC1,157$695 09/30/2024
     CHE1,157$695 09/30/2024
Engineers Gate Manager LP1,150$691 09/30/2024
     CHE1,150$691 09/30/2024
One One Wealth Management LLC1,131$680 09/30/2024
     CHE1,131$680 09/30/2024
Aviva PLC1,116$671 09/30/2024
     CHE1,116$671 09/30/2024
Robeco Institutional Asset Management B.V.1,101$662 09/30/2024
     CHE1,101$662 09/30/2024
Systematic Alpha Investments LLC1,100$661 09/30/2024
     CHE1,100$661 09/30/2024
Ontario Teachers Pension Plan Board1,087$653 09/30/2024
     CHE1,087$653 09/30/2024
Mitchell & Pahl Private Wealth LLC1,084$651 09/30/2024
     CHE1,084$651 09/30/2024
Schechter Investment Advisors LLC1,072$644 09/30/2024
     CHE1,072$644 09/30/2024
Advisor OS LLC1,070$643 09/30/2024
     CHE1,070$643 09/30/2024
Parallel Advisors LLC1,066$641 09/30/2024
     CHE1,066$641 09/30/2024
LVW Advisors LLC1,040$625 09/30/2024
     CHE1,040$625 09/30/2024
Wealth Enhancement Advisory Services LLC1,175$623 12/31/2024
     CHE1,175$623 12/31/2024
Rockland Trust Co.1,000$601 09/30/2024
     CHE1,000$601 09/30/2024
Kestra Investment Management LLC998$600 09/30/2024
     CHE998$600 09/30/2024
Crossmark Global Holdings Inc.996$599 09/30/2024
     CHE996$599 09/30/2024
Coldstream Capital Management Inc.994$597 09/30/2024
     CHE994$597 09/30/2024
Verition Fund Management LLC976$587 09/30/2024
     CHE976$587 09/30/2024
Ausbil Investment Management Ltd964$579 09/30/2024
     CHE964$579 09/30/2024
Hengehold Capital Management LLC945$568 09/30/2024
     CHE945$568 09/30/2024
Snowden Capital Advisors LLC941$566 09/30/2024
     CHE941$566 09/30/2024
Advisors Preferred LLC940$557 09/30/2024
     CHE940$557 09/30/2024
Guggenheim Capital LLC903$543 09/30/2024
     CHE903$543 09/30/2024
Virtus Investment Advisers Inc.895$538 09/30/2024
     CHE895$538 09/30/2024
Veriti Management LLC887$533 09/30/2024
     CHE887$533 09/30/2024
Unique Wealth LLC1,000$530 12/31/2024
     CHE1,000$530 12/31/2024
Verus Capital Partners LLC863$519 09/30/2024
     CHE863$519 09/30/2024
Cerity Partners LLC849$510 09/30/2024
     CHE849$510 09/30/2024
Maryland State Retirement & Pension System848$510 09/30/2024
     CHE848$510 09/30/2024
M&T Bank Corp843$507 09/30/2024
     CHE843$507 09/30/2024
Private Advisor Group LLC830$499 09/30/2024
     CHE830$499 09/30/2024
Central Pacific Bank Trust Division880$466 12/31/2024
     CHE880$466 12/31/2024
Moloney Securities Asset Management LLC764$459 09/30/2024
     CHE764$459 09/30/2024
Golden State Equity Partners749$450 09/30/2024
     CHE749$450 09/30/2024
Alaska Permanent Fund Corp725$436 09/30/2024
     CHE725$436 09/30/2024
Bessemer Group Inc.716$430 09/30/2024
     CHE716$430 09/30/2024
Penobscot Investment Management Company Inc.715$430 09/30/2024
     CHE715$430 09/30/2024
Oppenheimer Asset Management Inc.714$429 09/30/2024
     CHE714$429 09/30/2024
Delta Capital Management LLC705$424 09/30/2024
     CHE705$424 09/30/2024
nVerses Capital LLC700$421 09/30/2024
     CHE700$421 09/30/2024
SpiderRock Advisors LLC690$415 09/30/2024
     CHE690$415 09/30/2024
Steward Partners Investment Advisory LLC689$414 09/30/2024
     CHE689$414 09/30/2024
Fox Run Management L.L.C.673$404 09/30/2024
     CHE673$404 09/30/2024
NBC Securities Inc.671$403 09/30/2024
     CHE671$403 09/30/2024
Susquehanna International Group LLP $402 09/30/2024
     Put3,600$2,163 09/30/2024
     Call3,500$2,103 09/30/2024
     CHE768$462 09/30/2024
Welch Group LLC660$397 09/30/2024
     CHE660$397 09/30/2024
Ballentine Partners LLC655$394 09/30/2024
     CHE655$394 09/30/2024
CAPROCK Group Inc.646$388 09/30/2024
     CHE646$388 09/30/2024
United Advisor Group LLC645$388 09/30/2024
     CHE645$388 09/30/2024
Aquatic Capital Management LLC640$385 09/30/2024
     CHE640$385 09/30/2024
Vident Advisory LLC631$379 09/30/2024
     CHE631$379 09/30/2024
Two Sigma Securities LLC624$375 09/30/2024
     CHE624$375 09/30/2024
Iowa State Bank700$371 12/31/2024
     CHE700$371 12/31/2024
Clearstead Advisors LLC617$371 09/30/2024
     CHE617$371 09/30/2024
Cynosure Management LLC616$370 09/30/2024
     CHE616$370 09/30/2024
Shelton Capital Management601$361 09/30/2024
     CHE601$361 09/30/2024
McAdam LLC596$358 09/30/2024
     CHE596$358 09/30/2024
OLD National Bancorp IN591$355 09/30/2024
     CHE591$355 09/30/2024
Wealth Alliance585$352 09/30/2024
     CHE585$352 09/30/2024
Prospera Financial Services Inc584$351 09/30/2024
     CHE584$351 09/30/2024
Honkamp Krueger Financial Services Inc.568$341 09/30/2024
     CHE568$341 09/30/2024
Eads & Heald Wealth Management566$340 09/30/2024
     CHE566$340 09/30/2024
Invesco LLC561$337 09/30/2024
     CHE561$337 09/30/2024
Personal CFO Solutions LLC556$334 09/30/2024
     CHE556$334 09/30/2024
Renasant Bank548$329 09/30/2024
     CHE548$329 09/30/2024
Macquarie Group Ltd.544$327 09/30/2024
     CHE544$327 09/30/2024
Everpar Advisors LLC542$326 09/30/2024
     CHE542$326 09/30/2024
Somerset Trust Co540$325 09/30/2024
     CHE540$325 09/30/2024
Sterling Capital Management LLC535$322 09/30/2024
     CHE535$322 09/30/2024
Independent Solutions Wealth Management LLC536$322 09/30/2024
     CHE536$322 09/30/2024
Occudo Quantitative Strategies LP526$316 09/30/2024
     CHE526$316 09/30/2024
Heritage Family Offices LLP523$314 09/30/2024
     CHE523$314 09/30/2024
EntryPoint Capital LLC520$313 09/30/2024
     CHE520$313 09/30/2024
Graham Capital Management L.P.519$312 09/30/2024
     CHE519$312 09/30/2024
B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co. Holding AG515$310 09/30/2024
     CHE515$310 09/30/2024
B. Metzler seel. Sohn & Co. AG515$310 09/30/2024
     CHE515$310 09/30/2024
QSV Equity Investors LLC509$306 09/30/2024
     CHE509$306 09/30/2024
First Heartland Consultants Inc.508$305 09/30/2024
     CHE508$305 09/30/2024
Stonebridge Capital Advisors LLC503$302 09/30/2024
     CHE503$302 09/30/2024
MCF Advisors LLC500$300 09/30/2024
     CHE500$300 09/30/2024
Summit Global Investments500$300 09/30/2024
     CHE500$300 09/30/2024
Aigen Investment Management LP500$300 09/30/2024
     CHE500$300 09/30/2024
SG Americas Securities LLC489$294 09/30/2024
     CHE489$294 09/30/2024
Hennion & Walsh Asset Management Inc.487$293 09/30/2024
     CHE487$293 09/30/2024
Glen Eagle Advisors LLC486$292 09/30/2024
     CHE486$292 09/30/2024
CI Investments Inc.484$291 09/30/2024
     CHE484$291 09/30/2024
CWM LLC485$291 09/30/2024
     CHE485$291 09/30/2024
Roman Butler Fullerton & Co.479$289 09/30/2024
     CHE479$289 09/30/2024
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.A.481$289 09/30/2024
     CHE481$289 09/30/2024
Whittier Trust Co. of Nevada Inc.480$288 09/30/2024
     CHE480$288 09/30/2024
Campbell & CO Investment Adviser LLC480$288 09/30/2024
     CHE480$288 09/30/2024
Fifth Third Wealth Advisors LLC475$285 09/30/2024
     CHE475$285 09/30/2024
Argonautica Private Wealth Management Inc.471$283 09/30/2024
     CHE471$283 09/30/2024
Parkside Financial Bank & Trust469$282 09/30/2024
     CHE469$282 09/30/2024
EverSource Wealth Advisors LLC465$280 09/30/2024
     CHE465$280 09/30/2024
Net Worth Advisory Group456$274 09/30/2024
     CHE456$274 09/30/2024
Bradley Foster & Sargent Inc. CT455$273 09/30/2024
     CHE455$273 09/30/2024
Cornerstone Investment Partners LLC454$273 09/30/2024
     CHE454$273 09/30/2024
Signaturefd LLC454$273 09/30/2024
     CHE454$273 09/30/2024
SNS Financial Group LLC455$273 09/30/2024
     CHE455$273 09/30/2024
Berger Financial Group Inc455$273 09/30/2024
     CHE455$273 09/30/2024
IHT Wealth Management LLC456$272 09/30/2024
     CHE456$272 09/30/2024
Schonfeld Strategic Advisors LLC447$269 09/30/2024
     CHE447$269 09/30/2024
KFG Wealth Management LLC437$263 09/30/2024
     CHE437$263 09/30/2024
Gallacher Capital Management LLC436$262 09/30/2024
     CHE436$262 09/30/2024
CIBC Asset Management Inc435$261 09/30/2024
     CHE435$261 09/30/2024
Park Avenue Securities LLC433$260 09/30/2024
     CHE433$260 09/30/2024
Advisory Services Network LLC426$256 09/30/2024
     CHE426$256 09/30/2024
Venturi Wealth Management LLC425$255 09/30/2024
     CHE425$255 09/30/2024
L2 Asset Management LLC425$255 09/30/2024
     CHE425$255 09/30/2024
ORG Partners LLC469$249 12/31/2024
     CHE469$249 12/31/2024
Profund Advisors LLC413$248 09/30/2024
     CHE413$248 09/30/2024
Farallon Capital Management LLC400$240 09/30/2024
     CHE400$240 09/30/2024
     CHE400$240 09/30/2024
Fort L.P.400$240 09/30/2024
     CHE400$240 09/30/2024
Brass Tax Wealth Management Inc.400$240 09/30/2024
     CHE400$240 09/30/2024
TrueWealth Advisors LLC396$238 09/30/2024
     CHE396$238 09/30/2024
Essex Financial Services Inc.394$234 09/30/2024
     CHE394$234 09/30/2024
Thrive Wealth Management LLC389$234 09/30/2024
     CHE389$234 09/30/2024
Dorsey & Whitney Trust CO LLC385$231 09/30/2024
     CHE385$231 09/30/2024
Axxcess Wealth Management LLC385$231 09/30/2024
     CHE385$231 09/30/2024
DAVENPORT & Co LLC378$227 09/30/2024
     CHE378$227 09/30/2024
KBC Group NV378$227 09/30/2024
     CHE378$227 09/30/2024
Meiji Yasuda Asset Management Co Ltd.370$222 09/30/2024
     CHE370$222 09/30/2024
CLARET ASSET MANAGEMENT Corp364$219 09/30/2024
     CHE364$219 09/30/2024
Dark Forest Capital Management LP363$218 09/30/2024
     CHE363$218 09/30/2024
Rafferty Asset Management LLC347$209 09/30/2024
     CHE347$209 09/30/2024
Park National Corp OH383$203 12/31/2024
     CHE383$203 12/31/2024
Farther Finance Advisors LLC338$203 09/30/2024
     CHE338$203 09/30/2024
Jefferies Financial Group Inc.334$201 09/30/2024
     CHE334$201 09/30/2024
Sound Income Strategies LLC334$201 09/30/2024
     CHE334$201 09/30/2024
Whittier Trust Co.332$200 09/30/2024
     CHE332$200 09/30/2024
State of Wyoming327$197 09/30/2024
     CHE327$197 09/30/2024
Tompkins Financial Corp310$186 09/30/2024
     CHE310$186 09/30/2024
Amica Retiree Medical Trust299$180 09/30/2024
     CHE299$180 09/30/2024
Shell Asset Management Co.279$168 09/30/2024
     CHE279$168 09/30/2024
Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Co.271$163 09/30/2024
     CHE271$163 09/30/2024
Bartlett & CO. Wealth Management LLC250$150 09/30/2024
     CHE250$150 09/30/2024
North Star Investment Management Corp.248$149 09/30/2024
     CHE248$149 09/30/2024
Covestor Ltd247$149 09/30/2024
     CHE247$149 09/30/2024
CGC Financial Services LLC241$145 09/30/2024
     CHE241$145 09/30/2024
LRI Investments LLC253$142 09/30/2024
     CHE253$142 09/30/2024
Householder Group Estate & Retirement Specialist LLC230$138 09/30/2024
     CHE230$138 09/30/2024
Global Retirement Partners LLC224$135 09/30/2024
     CHE224$135 09/30/2024
TD Waterhouse Canada Inc.215$128 09/30/2024
     CHE215$128 09/30/2024
PEAK6 Investments LLC $120 09/30/2024
     Call300$180 09/30/2024
     Put100$60 09/30/2024
Federation des caisses Desjardins du Quebec200$120 09/30/2024
     CHE200$120 09/30/2024
Quadrant Capital Group LLC198$119 09/30/2024
     CHE198$119 09/30/2024
Tsfg LLC200$106 12/31/2024
     CHE200$106 12/31/2024
First Horizon Advisors Inc.169$102 09/30/2024
     CHE169$102 09/30/2024
CIBC Private Wealth Group LLC163$98 09/30/2024
     CHE163$98 09/30/2024
Hollencrest Capital Management149$90 09/30/2024
     CHE149$90 09/30/2024
CoreCap Advisors LLC148$89 09/30/2024
     CHE148$89 09/30/2024
Mizuho Bank Ltd.140$84 09/30/2024
     CHE140$84 09/30/2024
GWM Advisors LLC137$82 09/30/2024
     CHE137$82 09/30/2024
GAMMA Investing LLC127$67 12/31/2024
     CHE127$67 12/31/2024
Zions Bancorporation N.A.110$66 09/30/2024
     CHE110$66 09/30/2024
Eagle Bay Advisors LLC119$63 12/31/2024
     CHE119$63 12/31/2024
Mather Group LLC.105$63 09/30/2024
     CHE105$63 09/30/2024
Wintrust Investments LLC104$62 09/30/2024
     CHE104$62 09/30/2024
American National Bank101$61 09/30/2024
     CHE101$61 09/30/2024
Twin Tree Management LP $60 09/30/2024
     Call100$60 09/30/2024
Catalyst Funds Management Pty Ltd100$60 09/30/2024
     CHE100$60 09/30/2024
SRS Capital Advisors Inc.97$58 09/30/2024
     CHE97$58 09/30/2024
Baldwin Brothers Inc. MA90$54 09/30/2024
     CHE90$54 09/30/2024
Jones Financial Companies Lllp84$50 09/30/2024
     CHE84$50 09/30/2024
Principal Securities Inc.75$45 09/30/2024
     CHE75$45 09/30/2024
Alpine Bank Wealth Management68$41 09/30/2024
     CHE68$41 09/30/2024
Blume Capital Management Inc.65$39 09/30/2024
     CHE65$39 09/30/2024
Proequities Inc. $35 09/30/2024
     CHE58$35 09/30/2024
     Put0$0 09/30/2024
     Call0$0 09/30/2024
GeoWealth Management LLC53$32 09/30/2024
     CHE53$32 09/30/2024
Natixis48$29 09/30/2024
     CHE48$29 09/30/2024
Tortoise Investment Management LLC44$26 09/30/2024
     CHE44$26 09/30/2024
Mitsubishi UFJ Kokusai Asset Management Co. Ltd.42$25 09/30/2024
     CHE42$25 09/30/2024
Massmutual Trust Co. FSB ADV38$23 09/30/2024
     CHE38$23 09/30/2024
Private Trust Co. NA39$23 09/30/2024
     CHE39$23 09/30/2024
Hemington Wealth Management36$22 09/30/2024
     CHE36$22 09/30/2024
Rise Advisors LLC40$21 12/31/2024
     CHE40$21 12/31/2024
Nomura Asset Management Co. Ltd.33$20 09/30/2024
     CHE33$20 09/30/2024
CBIZ Investment Advisory Services LLC34$20 09/30/2024
     CHE34$20 09/30/2024
Smartleaf Asset Management LLC32$19 09/30/2024
     CHE32$19 09/30/2024
Colonial Trust Advisors28$17 09/30/2024
     CHE28$17 09/30/2024
Centerpoint Advisors LLC29$17 09/30/2024
     CHE29$17 09/30/2024
Security National Bank25$15 09/30/2024
     CHE25$15 09/30/2024
Simplex Trading LLC24$14 09/30/2024
     CHE24$14 09/30/2024
Nelson Van Denburg & Campbell Wealth Management Group LLC24$14 09/30/2024
     CHE24$14 09/30/2024
LGT Financial Advisors LLC24$14 09/30/2024
     CHE24$14 09/30/2024
BRYN MAWR TRUST Co21$13 09/30/2024
     CHE21$13 09/30/2024
Geneos Wealth Management Inc.22$13 09/30/2024
     CHE22$13 09/30/2024
Quent Capital LLC21$13 09/30/2024
     CHE21$13 09/30/2024
Harbour Investments Inc.17$10 09/30/2024
     CHE17$10 09/30/2024
Jaffetilchin Investment Partners LLC16$10 09/30/2024
     CHE16$10 09/30/2024
Larson Financial Group LLC16$10 09/30/2024
     CHE16$10 09/30/2024
Lindbrook Capital LLC16$10 09/30/2024
     CHE16$10 09/30/2024
Global Financial Private Client LLC16$10 09/30/2024
     CHE16$10 09/30/2024
Assetmark Inc.15$9 09/30/2024
     CHE15$9 09/30/2024
UMB Bank N A MO13$8 09/30/2024
     CHE13$8 09/30/2024
Skopos Labs Inc.13$8 09/30/2024
     CHE13$8 09/30/2024
Versant Capital Management Inc14$7 12/31/2024
     CHE14$7 12/31/2024
Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.12$7 09/30/2024
     CHE12$7 09/30/2024
Carolinas Wealth Consulting LLC12$7 09/30/2024
     CHE12$7 09/30/2024
Capital Performance Advisors LLP11$7 09/30/2024
     CHE11$7 09/30/2024
True Wealth Design LLC11$7 09/30/2024
     CHE11$7 09/30/2024
CVA Family Office LLC12$6 12/31/2024
     CHE12$6 12/31/2024
JFS Wealth Advisors LLC10$6 09/30/2024
     CHE10$6 09/30/2024
Caitlin John LLC10$6 09/30/2024
     CHE10$6 09/30/2024
AdvisorNet Financial Inc9$5 12/31/2024
     CHE9$5 12/31/2024
CENTRAL TRUST Co8$5 09/30/2024
     CHE8$5 09/30/2024
Private Wealth Management Group LLC9$5 09/30/2024
     CHE9$5 09/30/2024
Fortitude Family Office LLC7$4 12/31/2024
     CHE7$4 12/31/2024
Farmers & Merchants Investments Inc.6$4 09/30/2024
     CHE6$4 09/30/2024
Allworth Financial LP7$4 09/30/2024
     CHE7$4 09/30/2024
ESL Trust Services LLC6$4 09/30/2024
     CHE6$4 09/30/2024
Spire Wealth Management7$4 09/30/2024
     CHE7$4 09/30/2024
Colonial Trust Co SC6$4 09/30/2024
     CHE6$4 09/30/2024
Huntington National Bank $3 09/30/2024
     CHE5$3 09/30/2024
     COMMON STOCK1$0 09/30/2024
Financial Management Professionals Inc.5$3 09/30/2024
     CHE5$3 09/30/2024
Reuter James Wealth Management LLC5$3 09/30/2024
     CHE5$3 09/30/2024
Red Tortoise LLC5$3 09/30/2024
     CHE5$3 09/30/2024
Kiely Wealth Advisory Group Inc.6$3 09/30/2024
     CHE6$3 09/30/2024
AlphaMark Advisors LLC3$2 09/30/2024
     CHE3$2 09/30/2024
Financial Gravity Companies Inc.3$2 09/30/2024
     CHE3$2 09/30/2024
MV Capital Management Inc.4$2 09/30/2024
     CHE4$2 09/30/2024
First Pacific Financial3$2 09/30/2024
     CHE3$2 09/30/2024
SJS Investment Consulting Inc.4$2 09/30/2024
     CHE4$2 09/30/2024
Valued Wealth Advisors LLC4$2 09/30/2024
     CHE4$2 09/30/2024
WealthCollab LLC4$2 09/30/2024
     CHE4$2 09/30/2024
Montag A & Associates Inc.2$1 09/30/2024
     CHE2$1 09/30/2024
Longfellow Investment Management Co. LLC2$1 09/30/2024
     CHE2$1 09/30/2024
Manchester Capital Management LLC2$1 09/30/2024
     CHE2$1 09/30/2024
Avion Wealth2$1 09/30/2024
     CHE2$1 09/30/2024
Rosenberg Matthew Hamilton2$1 09/30/2024
     CHE2$1 09/30/2024
Cornerstone Planning Group LLC2$1 09/30/2024
     CHE2$1 09/30/2024
TFC Financial Management1$1 09/30/2024
     CHE1$1 09/30/2024
Hexagon Capital Partners LLC2$1 09/30/2024
     CHE2$1 09/30/2024
Bell Investment Advisors Inc1$1 09/30/2024
     CHE1$1 09/30/2024
Claris Advisors LLC MO1$1 09/30/2024
     CHE1$1 09/30/2024
DiNuzzo Private Wealth Inc.1$1 09/30/2024
     CHE1$1 09/30/2024
Financial Network Wealth Advisors LLC2$1 09/30/2024
     CHE2$1 09/30/2024
Erste Asset Management GmbH0$0 09/30/2024
     CHE0$0 09/30/2024

See Summary: Institutional Holders of CHE
See Details: Top 10 Hedge Funds Holding CHE
Also See: CHE Insider Buying
Also See: CHE Holdings Changes

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