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Vista Investment Partners LLC AUM image

Vista Investment Partners LLC AUM

This page shows our 13F-filed Assets Under Management (AUM) history data for Vista Investment Partners LLC here at Holdings Channel, derived by processing the 13F filings that Vista Investment Partners LLC has filed with the SEC over time. This calculation will naturally leave off any Vista Investment Partners LLC AUM that is not covered under 13F filings and as such should be considered accordingly.

The most recent Vista Investment Partners LLC AUM that we have calculated is from the 12/24/2024 quarter-end filing, at which time our calculations show Vista Investment Partners LLC AUM of $320,228,000. Going further back in time, Vista Investment Partners LLC AUM data has been gathered here at Holdings Channel back to 12/23/2023, when Vista Investment Partners LLC AUM was $272,865,000. This represents an AUM growth over that time frame, of $47,363,000, for Vista Investment Partners LLC AUM.

Vista Investment Partners LLC AUM History

Below is our complete table of Vista Investment Partners LLC AUM history going back to 12/23/2023, which is the first date at which we processed AUM data from 13F filings for Vista Investment Partners LLC. Note that the Vista Investment Partners LLC AUM numbers in this table are shown in 1000's of dollars and are based on the market prices of stocks held at each of the quarter-end filing dates.

By reviewing the history of Vista Investment Partners LLC AUM over time, it is possible to observe growth/decline over time, which is driven both by flow of investor dollars in/out of Vista Investment Partners LLC (additions and withdrawls of money), as well as stock market movements impacting the value of Vista Investment Partners LLC holdings.

Filing DateVista Investment Partners LLC AUM

Click here to review the stock holdings that currently make up Vista Investment Partners LLC's assets under management (presently as of the most recent filing).

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